cassthebookseller's reviews
274 reviews

A Forest Divided by Erin Hunter

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The plot was slow going but I think there was some very important character development in this one that was lacking in the previous books. It wasn’t as...awful, as the other ones. Truthfully, this prequel series is disappointing. There are some strong highlights, but overall it’s messy, not well thought out and confused.

I think the authors wanted so badly to give us a glimpse of why the clans are the way they are today, but it doesn’t come across as seamless as they hoped. I can’t say that I connect or appreciate the characters (other than Grey Wing) as much as I should. And quick deaths are leading me to be wary of who I want to invest my reading time in.

There’s just not much here to go off of. I will stand by what I said before, this shouldn’t have been a 6 part series. Drawing it out as much as we have does the integrity of the series a disservice.
The Blazing Star by Erin Hunter

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Ooooof this one missed the mark. After the last book I was finally starting to get into the series but this one was such a disappointment. While my OCD tendencies love the fact that each series is 6 books, this one seemed more like a filler than actual plot progression. They wrote it to make it book four. I don’t know, it didn’t seem natural.

My heart was broken for Grey Wing. I feel like I’m the minority on that opinion, but poor guy couldn’t catch a break. Thunder was awful to him, so was his group, and Clear Sky, Jagged Peak. These characters that promised to have so much depth turned into these melodramatic mean girls. If I was him I’d leave to find River Ripple immediately, or Slate and Wind Runner.

It wasn’t my favorite, but the world building was wonderful. And despite my hesitance I have to finish the rest of the series 🤷🏻‍♀️
Thunder Rising by Erin Hunter

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Ok so, I didn’t hate it. Yay, progress! With Thunder (is this a Thunderclan foreshadowing I’m witnessing rn?!) mixed into the thick of things I liked it so much better than the first. I think I’m just over the Hunterclan writing about long journeys- they seem so overly done and repetitive. Now that we’re here and settled in our setting, Thunder’s drama added another depth of character development all around though and I got really into it by the end.

Grey Wing is still a wonderful layered character, with well calculated flaws and strengths and so is Clear Sky (even though he’s still the worst). The rest of the cast is so one dimensional though, I hope to see more creativity in the books to come.

The Sun Trail by Erin Hunter

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I’ll start off with this: I definitely didn’t want to read this book.

You must be saying, “omg why Cassandra? Don’t you obsessively talk about this series to anyone who will listen?” And that answer is yes. HOWEVER. After the heart wrenching ending to Omen of the Stars, I went into this absurd Warriors boycott that had me convinced that I could no longer read these books if they didn’t have MY characters that I love in it.

I’ve always had a slight problem getting into each series of Warriors because of this. It’ll take me a big pout to get used to the next generation and then get over it. And then gush about it. I cling too hard, a character flaw.

The only reason I picked this up was because it was in my car. And because I didn’t have anything else in my current reading pile to read. (Hilariously I work in a bookstore but don’t ShAmE me for being who I am). God I hated it. Or wanted to hate it. I was so annoyed that it was once again taking place in the mountains with the Tribe. I had absolutely no connection to this new set of characters and I actually wanted to die.

Thankfully I took a chill pill and actually finished it. And it wasn’t half bad, you know? Grey Wing is the boy, he’s a solid character with so much potential. I found that I really didn’t mind getting into the lives of these new cats even if they weren’t kin of my bb Firestar. It wasn’t my favorite, not in the slightest! But it was far more interesting that I wanted to believe.

I found myself fangirling when this group of mountain cats described places that I knew from the first set of 6. I also kept sorting cats into which clans they might be in at the end of this. Who knew I actually cared about how the clans were formed now? I’m a dirty hypocrite.

Cloud Sky is the WORST. I didn’t like him before he left and by the end of this I certainly cannot for the life of me care about him or his stupid territory rules. It made me eyeroll. I questioned the decisions of Storm and Turtle Tail, of Grey Wings choice in women, and most of the decisions made by those the book followed.

Despite all of this, I will read. I hate myself but I will finish this series if it’s the last thing I do.
The Sleeper and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman

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Oh gosh this was good. When I saw that it was Neil Gaiman and...a fairy tale retelling?! I was all in. This is in fact, like 2-3 retellings rolled into one super original whimsical story. I have a type, don’t I?

The best way I could describe the writing (without reusing the word whimsical far too many times) is comparing it to a spoonful of honey. It’s like watching the honey drip off the spoon with intent. It was slow, deliberate, hanging onto the very last thread before spilling on the page, it was beautiful.

I’ll admit there were times that I got so caught up in the writing that I had to read over certain passages a few times to make sure I understood it. I also wish I knew more back story on the characters in this world he created. But, all in all I really did love this.

The book got better as the story moved along. The plot twist was so unexpected! I recommend this to first of all, literally everyone because as I said before Gaiman is a genius. But, secondly, to those who want an easy read that leaves you with a smile. It’s for those that like adventure, a bit of darkness, and just the right amount of delicate touches.

EDIT: I cannot believe I made absolutely no comment on the absolutely GORGEOUS art Chris Riddell did for us. It was perfect, and I love every collaboration this duo has given us. MORE OF IT PLEASE. It’s fresh, original, and positively stunning.
The Forgotten Warrior by Erin Hunter

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I don’t even care that this series was made for children, it continues to impress me with each book. So far Omen of the Stars has been the most interesting plot in the Warriors Saga, but the books have been either a hit or miss for me. This one, thankfully, really did it for me. I think, ultimately, Hollyleafs return was predictable. But I was so happy with the way they laid it out. Sol’a return was far more of a shock, though his intentions were not.

All of the subplots- Jayfeather being accused of murder, Cinderheart learning she was once Cinderpelt, Cinderheart & Lionblaze, Ivypool and the Dark forest, Dovewing and Bumblestripe...there was so much going on in the book that I was never bored.

I’ll be happy to finish this series with The Last Hope, and will continue reading future series, but I will be sad to leave Firestars kin and Thunderclan’s Journey when I start Dawn of the Clans.
The Last Hope by Erin Hunter

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This was the perfect ending, though my heart was ripped out of my chest.

That is all.
Sign of the Moon by Erin Hunter

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This one was not my favorite- hence how long it took me to read it. I didn’t care about Jayfeather going to the tribe, though I understand the intentions Erin Hunter had by doing it. It was a nice way to tie up loose ends there and explain a lot about the prophecy, to finally allow the reader to understand a bit more about it. Since they’ve been holding it over our heads for 10 books now. 🙄

The Dark Forest intrigues me but the plot is moving so slow there... something better happen in this next book or I won’t give a whisker about it anymore. Ivypool has never been my favorite character but the introduction of Blossomfall in the mix really helped me get into Ivypool’s “sacrifice” for the clan.

Not to say the book was bad. The writing, characters and everything stayed consistent. Which is why I continue to read them in the first place. And, towards the end it picked up rather nicely. I enjoyed watching Jayfeather once again become “Jays Wing”- his subplot with Half Moon was also great to read.

I’m sorry for my scatterbrained thoughts, maybe it’s time for me to go to sleep? I’m looking forward to the next book, as always!
Naturally Tan by Tan France

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I thoroughly enjoy Tan France. I have incredible love and respect for him and the rest of the Queer Eye cast. After reading Karamo’s memoir, I was happily expecting the rest of the cast to push out books and was not disappointed. This ARC was provided by St. Martin’s Press to Barnes & Noble- and I was lucky enough to snag this copy from there.

Tan has always been about being open and authentic, which was super refreshing to read. He isn’t afraid to say what’s on his mind, and never apologizes for having an opinion. I don’t agree with everything he says...for example crocs are my favorite things to wear at home and out in public, and there are a few of his style taboos that I break on a regular basis with no remorse.

All in all I enjoyed the read. It has a very conversational tone that is hard to get used to at first, but I learned to enjoy and respect it as I read. If you’re entranced with the show, I highly recommend this look into this man’s life.