cheraquili's reviews
74 reviews

Sadie by Courtney Summers

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dark emotional mysterious sad medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character


"It was a terrible thing, sure, but we live in a world that has no shortage of terrible things. You can’t stop for all of them."

4.75 stars

WARNING: There is both drug and sexual abuse!

What a beautifully emotional novel!
I listened to this via the audiobook, which is with a full cast, and I honestly could not be more glad that I did. The audiobook made the book feel as if it was an actual podcast with a real crime case. In fact, the characters felt so real, which is the reason why I think that ending was so emotional for me.

"I can hear a lie a mile away. It’s not some superhero perk from stuttering, being in tune to other people’s emotional bullshit. It’s just what happens after a lifetime of listening to liars."

I must admit that about halfway through the novel, I started to get slightly bored; I did not feel that I was fully enjoying Sadie's perspective. Indeed, I initially thought that my final rating for Sadie would be either 2 or 3 stars.

"Ever since Mattie died, it’s been like this, this surfacing of ugly things, forcing me to witness them because living through it all wasn’t enough."

Fortunately, the emotional ending made me love this novel as much as I was in the beginning! As previously mentioned, I was not aware of how much I was connected with the characters until the end. This was conveyed to me since it had me sobbing , and it has been quite a while since I cried because of a book. Additionally, right after I finished this novel, the first thing I wanted to do was to go up to my mother and talk to her about Sadie.

"For some people, the future ahead is opportunity. For others, it’s only time you haven’t met and where I lived, it was only time. You don’t waste your breath trying to protect it. You just try to survive it until one day, you don’t."

All in all, I just have to say this novel is definitely a MUST read, especially via audiobook. Apart from the fact that it is extremely emotional , which I have repeated several times throughout my review, it is also very intriguing and deals with heavy subjects in a special way.

Undoubtedly, I would recommend this novel to anyone who is not afraid to shed a tear! 

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The Mother-In-Law by Sally Hepworth

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"Who are we after we’re gone? I wonder. It’s a good question to ponder. Most people can’t come up with an answer right away...We’re our children, of course. Our grandchildren. Our great-grandchildren. We’re all the people who will go on to live because we lived."

3.75/5 stars

Surprisingly, I really liked this novel!

The characters were interesting enough for me to be intrigued throughout the entire book. Additionally, I was also surprised by the plot twist!!
(view spoiler)

To my mother-in-law, Anne, who I would never dream of murdering.
And for my father-in-law, Peter, who, on the odd occasion, I have.

I have to say that I REALLY enjoyed the relationship between the protagonist and her mother-in-law! Despite the fact that at first glance it appeared that they despised each other, in reality, I feel like the mother-in-law was closer to her daughter-in-law than her own children.

However, towards the end, I started to get slightly distracted, but I do not think that it was the book's fault. Thus, I ended up rounding the rating of The Mother-in-Law to 4 stars.

People underestimate the role fate plays in our lives. Silly them.

All in all, I would say that this was definitely an enjoyable read, and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to read a quick-paced thriller.

I set the shower running and strip off my clothes and I stand under the stream of water and cry. I cry until I don’t know which is water and which is tears. I cry until I’m dry.
Unteachable by Elliot Wake

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"And I felt something I’ve never felt before.
You can call it love, or you can call it freefall. They’re pretty much the same thing."

4.5/5 stars

This is probably one of my favourite romances of all time!!!

I mainly love this novel so much because I ADORE the writing! It is extremely lyrical in a metaphorical way, which I love. In fact, I honestly feel that I would not have loved this novel as much as I did if it were not for the incredible writing.

"I’m not going to do the whole rollercoaster/falling in love metaphor. I didn’t fall in love with him up there. Maybe I fell in love with the idea of love, but I’m a teenage girl. This morning I fell in love with raspberry jam and a puppy in a tiny raincoat. I’m not exactly Earth’s top authority on the subject."

On the other hand, although it started great, like other romances I have read, I felt that this was too much of an insta-love story; I wanted them to contemplate their decision regarding their relationship more, giving that there was so much at stake. Additionally, I usually read romances exceedingly fast, whereas with Unteachable, I did not feel inclined to pick this up. Indeed, I spent 6 whole days reading this.

That’s another thing about lies: if you convince yourself they’re true, they become true. A lie is a discrepancy of belief, not fact.

Something which I think could have been improved upon is if there had been a dual perspective. With this writing style, readers would have been able to know both of the main character's points of view. However, the ending of the novel was PERFECT, which explains why I ended up giving this 4.5 stars.

Having said all that, I surely want to re-read this book because I read it over a month ago. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes brilliant, lyrical romances!

Other quotes I liked:

I smiled at no one, sauntering past stalls stuffed with popcorn and pretzels and corndogs, flavor ice and cotton candy. The air was drugged with sugar and salt. It made my head spin.

I stood in the rain, watching his car go. A string tied to it looped around my heart and pulled tighter and tighter until it sheared clean through.

Somewhere in the universe, two hearts reached out and connected.

It’s amazing how much you can communicate without words.

I was walking between classes on the first floor when we spotted each other in the hall. We both stopped. It was as if the lights dimmed on the river of bodies streaming around us, and we were the only two people left in full color.

“I love your mom,” I said as I followed him upstairs.
“That’s because you don’t know her yet.”
I plucked that word out of the air and clutched it to my chest. Yet.

He was built like a bear, more hair on his hands than his scalp. He nodded at me silently. Hired muscle.

Siobhan smiled at me. But as we turned back to the carnival, her eyes held mine, and I knew that she knew. Everything.

No kiss. No bombastic love ballad swelling from hidden speakers. Just a simple declaration in a dark room that was beginning to lighten.

The brain is an incredible multitasker. At the same time that it’s piercing itself with superheated needles of anguish, it’s ruthlessly making plans, contingencies, plotting out a future, giving zero fucks whether it’ll ever see it. On the day I die, it’ll be calculating what to have for dinner as it bombards itself with pain signals from my amputated legs or my clocked-out heart. And so, when I stopped crying, I wiped the snot off my upper lip and took out my phone. 
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne

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“Danny Fletcher has a clichéd evening in store for you. Italian restaurant, checkered tablecloth. Probably a candle. He’ll push the last meatball to you with his nose. Second date, right?”

2/5 stars

This book is immensely overrated in my opinion. I thought it was very boring, cliched and nowhere as near as being an enemies-to-lovers romance. Since I had very high expectations, which, unfortunately, ended up in disappointment, my review is going to be a complete rant.

I’ve never seen anyone so desperate to be invited inside. His head pokes in farther. His hands are hanging on to the doorframe like he’s about to fall in.

Firstly, if I remember correctly, the female protagonist's password was something like "I hate Joshua Templeman", which in my opinion, is incredibly stupid and childish. 🤦🏻‍♀️ As I already mentioned previously, I do not understand how some people actually consider this to be an enemies-to-lover romance; both protagonists CLEARLY liked each other from the very beginning. In fact, it seems that they wanted solely to be petty since they were constantly flirting with each other. I also detested the paintball scene, which is disappointing, since so many other people enjoyed it. Moreover, I really disliked the audiobook, mainly due to the narrator's mouth-spitting noises. Having said that, mid-way through the book I started enjoying it way more, but around 65%, I began finding it boring again.

“You’re welcome,” he tells me and angles me higher. I have no idea how he’s not tired. I will write a thank-you card to his personal trainer. If my hand can ever grip a pen again. I bite my lip. I can’t let this end. I tell him so.

On a more positive note, I have to say that The Hating Game had some cute and laughable moments. There was also a lot of sexual tension between the protagonists, which I really enjoyed; one of my favourite scenes was when Joshua was taking care of Lucy! 💖 Apart from that, I must say that I am extremely excited about the upcoming movie since I ADORE Lucy Hale.

Thus, although this was not one of my favourite romances I have ever read, I would still recommend it since so many others have enjoyed it. 
Slammed by Colleen Hoover

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"It pisses me off—the way he’s being so attentive, focused on everything except me. His ability to make me feel like this huge invisible void pisses me off. The way he pauses to chew on the tip of his pen pisses me off."

4.5/5 stars

This is most probably one of my favourite romances of all time.

Although I have finished this novel exactly a month ago, I still remember distinctly how much I loved the poetic slams! Personally, the audiobook narrator also made me love that aspect even more; it was very emotional and I remember enjoying it a lot. Additionally, Colleen Hoover's writing is exceptional!

I cut right to the chase. “Are you dying?”
“Aren’t we all?” she replies.

I honestly cannot remember anything I disliked about this novel, which is definitely a good thing! Although this was only the second book I read by Colleen Hoover, it will definitely not be my last; I'm really looking forward to checking more books by her.

Other quotes I liked:

My mother has always had an ability to deliver an entire lecture with a single glance. I get the glance.

I don’t know how I am expected to sit through an entire hour in this classroom. The walls won’t stop dancing when I try to focus, so I close my eyes.

I googled “Can a person cry too much?” Apparently, everyone eventually falls asleep and stops crying for their bodies to process normal periods of rest. So no, you can’t cry too much.

I SOMEHOW FELL asleep in Will’s bed again. I know this because when I open my eyes, I’m no longer crying. See? People can’t cry forever. Everyone eventually falls asleep.

But now—it’s like God has it out for us. Why both of them? Wasn’t my dad enough? It’s like death came and punched us square in the face.”
Eddie turns her gaze away from Will and looks at me.
“It wasn’t death that punched you, Layken. It was life. Life happens. Shit happens. And it happens a lot. To a lot of people.”

I place the clip under my bedroom pillow and I go back to my mother’s room. I slide into the bed beside her and wrap my arms around her. She finds my hand and we interlock fingers as we talk without saying a single word. 
Credence by Penelope Douglas

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"People may live different realities, but the truth is always the same."

2/5 stars

Unfortunately, I deleted my notes regarding this book by accident, and since I have read this nearly a month ago, I do not remember it as distinctively as I did before. However, I do remember that I was initially really enjoying it, mainly due to the fact that I LOVE this author's writing.

Contrastingly, it started becoming too intense for me and I honestly needed some serious cleansing after reading this bombshell. Additionally, I really disliked who the protagonist ended up with, and the stereotype that she should "cook breakfast" simply because she is a female. Apart from that, I also figured out that I DETEST bully-romance, and I seriously cannot figure out how some people can romanticize it.

All in all, it seems that out of the three books I have read by Penelope Douglas, I have only ADORED Birthday Girl. 
Confessions by Kanae Minato

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Weak people find even weaker people to be their victims. And the victimized often feel that they have only two choices: put up with the pain or end their suffering in death.

3/5 stars

This was definitely a disappointing read because I thought that I would enjoy it way more than I did. In fact, in my opinion, it was slightly overhyped on Booktube and Bookstagram. Additionally, I thought it was very predictable, and I could have easily finished this in a day if it was not for the fact that I felt that it was dragged out.

And quiet. Always quiet, because if he doesn’t have to address any problems, then they don’t exist.

Contrastingly, I really enjoyed the fact that this was written by a Japanese author, especially since I love diversity. I am also looking forward to seeing the movie, to be able to figure out if I like the book or movie better.

Having said that, I will surely look into more books by this author!

Other quotes I liked:

I know this is probably a creepy way to start an eighth grader’s will, but happiness is as fragile and fleeting as a bubble of soap.
The one person I loved in the whole world died, and then that night when I got in the bath there was no more shampoo. Life is pretty much like that. But when I put a little water in the empty bottle and shook it, it filled up with these tiny bubbles.

No form of revenge could have made me hate you any less. If I had cut the two of you to shreds with a knife, I think I would have hated the little pieces of you just the same. I realized that revenge was never going to wash away what had happened, never going to make me stop hating you with every ounce of my being. 
Verity by Colleen Hoover

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"It was like my family existed in a snow globe. Inside, everything was cozy and perfect, but I wasn’t a part of them; I was just an outsider looking in."

5/5 stars

This is the BEST book I have read, so far, this year!

Verity is the first novel I have read by Colleen Hoover, but it surely won't be my last!
I also have to thank Mo from the channel The Roomies Digest on Youtube because I do not think I would have read this if it was not for her recommendations.

"It was like my family existed in a snow globe. Inside, everything was cozy and perfect, but I wasn’t a part of them; I was just an outsider looking in."

The writing is superb and the plotline is extremely interesting. Thus, it will surely keep you on your toes! Books do not usually scare me, but the scene where (view spoiler)

I was good at spewing bullshit. It’s why I became a writer.

Thanks to this book, I also figured out that I ADORE suspense-romance novels!

Thus, I have nothing to complain about since this was an enjoyable read throughout the entire 300+ pages. As previously mentioned, I will undoubtedly read more books by Colleen Hoover, and will surely recommend this to everyone!

Other quotes I liked:
I grip the sink and stare at my reflection. Two tired, empty eyes stare back at me. The horror of what they’ve just witnessed have darkened the hazel to a murky brown. I rub my cheeks with the heels of my hands to inspire color, to no avail. I look like death.

Here, I’m invisible. Unimportant. Manhattan is too crowded to give a shit about me, and I love her for it. 

The Lost Sisters by Holly Black

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"What she didn’t understand was that there was nothing in the human world for us, not even our own names."

3.5/5 stars

The cover of this novella is STUNNING! I also surprisingly enjoyed reading this, even though I detest how submissive Taryn is.

I have no other words, other than I will definitely continue with the series! 
The Cruel Prince by Holly Black

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"Nicasia’s wrong about me. I don’t desire to do as well in the tournament as one of the fey. I want to win. I do not yearn to be their equal.
In my heart, I yearn to best them."

3.75/5 stars

It has been quite a while since I read this book, but I remember that surprisingly, I really enjoyed this novel! Cardan is also a cutie, even though his personality sucks imo. However, I admit that I liked the first 75% of this book way better than the last quarter bit.

I am a killer and a liar and a spy.
I get why he chose her. I just wish she had chosen me.

Having said that, I will surely continue reading this series!

Other quotes I liked:

And Cardan watching me from across the room, standing beside the king, laughing at my pretension.
Laughing like he knows this is a fantasy that won’t ever be real.

Cardan’s gaze catches mine, and I can’t help the evil smile that pulls up the corners of my mouth. His eyes are bright as coals, his hatred a living thing, shimmering in the air between us like the air above black rocks on a blazing summer day.

He leans against the fountain, letting a slow, lazy smile grow on his mouth. “It’s funny, that’s all.”
“Funny?” I echo, furious. “You think that was funny?”
He shakes his head, still smiling. “No. It’s funny how you get under his skin.”

“My name is Jude Duarte. I was born on November thirteenth, 2001. My favorite color is green. I like fog and sad ballads and chocolate-covered raisins. I can’t swim. Now tell me, which part was the lie? Did I lie at all? Because what’s so great about lying is the not knowing.”

I think of Valerian’s words when he tried to glamour me into jumping out of the tower. Being born mortal is like being born already dead.

“You can’t save our mother, you know. She’s already dead.”
I feel as though she has slapped me.

“I know,” I say. And I do. I have wished for many things over the years, but the first wish of my heart was that none of this was real.

“Do not reveal your mastery over glamour. Do not reveal all that you can do. Show your power by appearing powerless. That is what I need from you.”

“I curse you. Three times, I curse you. As you’ve murdered me, may your hands always be stained with blood. May death be your only companion. May you—”

I think of the future I thought I was going to have and the one yawning in front of me like a chasm.