chthonic_child's reviews
135 reviews

Bride by Ali Hazelwood

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I love Ali Hazelwood and I love omegaverse and I'm not ashamed to admit it, so when I found out that Ali was publishing a werewolf/vampire, marriage of convenience omegaverse book I couldn't not get it. Obviously... and boy it did not disappoint :D (edit after finishing, I notice I've rambled so much but I legit enjoyed this book so fucking much I see no faults 🤷‍♀️)

So, Bride is about Misery, the daughter of a Vampyre councilman. When she was a child she was send to the Human side as Collateral, a trade between Vampyres and Humans as a show of goodwill and the fragile truces between the two races. In her time there, she was paired up with Serena who became her best friend and sister. When it was time for the new Collateral and for Misery to come home, she moved to the Human side in hiding together with Serena. For four years, it all went well until all of a sudden Serena vanished. It was Misery's mission to find her. The one clue led to a Moreland. And who just happened to be a Moreland? - The Were Alpha she needed to marry for a truce between Were and Vampyre. Misery agrees to the marriage for one reason only, she'll have a year to find her best friend or die trying. How bad could Lowe Moreland be?

I loved everything about this book and could have read a 100 more pages. The tension? The longing? Lets be honest, the knot?! It's absolutely a slowburn and it was torture to not be able to yell at the characters while they were figuring stuff out. And for me too there were some plotpoints it took me a whiiile to realise as well, but that only meant I was as stunned as the characters which is kind of fun xD. The tension between them from a _certain_ point was palpable and so, so hot, with how they work some things out. The chapterheadings were from Lowe's POV and they were all so good. The way he thinks/feels about her?! The touch-my-wife-and-you-die?! Consent King! It was a load of typicals but in such a well-done way that it didn't feel overly used/cliche'd. 

Misery is such a badass. I'd have liked a little more of her hackerstuff here and there maybe? But it was fun to read her having absolutely zero filter xD I feel like in her way of talking you could fairly well notice the fact she mostly grew up with Humans but she's still a Vampyre yk? and LOWE?! Ma'am, as someone who was heavily team Jacob back in the day, I was down bad for this man. His lil smiles with Ava? The grump but not really grump? His caution, care and badassery? ALSO THAT ENDING!?!??! Are we getting a book two? PLEASE????? Just for a cRUMB of Misery x Lowe? I'll take anything miss ma'am Ali! 

Caution spoiler?? but also it's Ali so not really? But the whole Mate thing?! I was l i v i n gggggg...It felt soo good that Misery finally felt a place of belonging with Lowe and the way it all developed was well paced and described. It's not really, enemies to lovers but also not per sé friends to lovers. 
Wildfire by Hannah Grace

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Remember how much I cringed and struggled through Icebreaker? Wildfire fully redeemed Hannah Grace. I enjoyed this soooooooo much more! 
During Wildfire we follow soft, introverted Russ an loud, wild Aurora. They meet during the farewell party from all the graduating hockeyplayers and Russ is instantly head over heels for Aurora, who he deems fully out of his league. They get it on though, during drunk Jenga and have a /very/ fun evening. When Russ is in the bathroom for a while, Aurora knows he wants her gone, from experience with her other hookups and leaves. Not knowing that both of them applied for councelors at the same summercamp. 

My annoyances with Icebreaker were that there were some really good opportunities to touch on heavier subject but everything was glossed over and the only good thing was the smut... Wildfire has it all! I didnt yeet my book once because of cringing. Aurora is amazing! The self-discovery and character development is really well done and understandable. I could relate to the dad not being a dad and having been in a no-contact situation myself, I'm glad the book didn't take the turn I was kind of scared it was going to take.  

Russ? Deserves the whole entire world? The smut? My mans knew what he was doing lemme tell ya xD. I'm glad this book was more than just smut. It had plot, commnication and character growth. Some parts still felt a bit rushed and I would've liked the situation with Clay to have escalated a little, maybe? But generally an upgrade and I'm actually looking forward to Henry's story!!

In These Hallowed Halls by Marie O'Regan, Paul Kane

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This was a collection of 12 short stories by 12 authors. I won't be going in depth for all authors because that's too much but it was very interesting to see the different approach to the 'Dark Academia' concept of these people. Every story was unique in it's own way though I didn't vibe as much with all of them as I did with others, which is fair, as it's 12 hecking stories xD The primary reason for getting this was that M.L. Rio has a story in here, which amongst others was one of my favourites? :) Generally fun to do, we read one story a day and that was very doable! Most of them are quite dark though, so if you're interested, keep in mind they will have triggers you need to look out for. 
Heavy Crown by Sophie Lark

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The final book in the Brutal Birthright series! We follow the youngest Gallo brother - Sebastian and daughter of the Russian mob boss, Yelena. From the moment they've met Seb is head over heels for his Valkyrie and Yelena also falls more and more in love with him. Having always been locked in the house as a tool for her father until she got tasked to lure out the Gallos, she knows what it's like to be a woman in mafia and the difference with which she and men get treated. Seb, in all his good boi-ness shows her how it can go... until her father unleases his inner monster by breaking a blood contract. 

I'm kind of torn between three or four stars? This one was absolutely the most mafia of all. I loved Seb in the other books but in this one it was very much ups and downs? Seb was the consent-king until certain part where he, sort of still was but also wasn't [without spoiling too much xd] and that kind of changed my view on him. I'm also kind of sad that everyone kind of went their own way? The main storyline is an italian mafia family- but we kind of lose out on all the family interactions and time together I'd expect in this case? Everyone is somewhere else now basically... Also the fact that oothey can call and text but as soon as they're   away for a day that entire option disappears and nothing can ever be discussed or strategized over the phone? But that's with more of these kinds of books ig xD. 

This book had sooooo much action tho! It felt super mafia compared to the others which was kind of what I had been waiting for. I loooved seeing Mikolaj again. There were some really good comments and fjdisa;jfka Nero <3 Apparently there are 6 more books about all the children going to this elite 'sanctuary' school for mafia kids but I'm not entirely sure if I'm going to pick those up as well. We'll see :) 
Broken Vow by Sophie Lark

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This one was definitely my favourite of the Brutal Birthright series so far. This one is about Riona Griffin, a bad Bish lawyer of the Griffin family. She's Callum's younger sister. Throughout the series I thought I wasn't going to like her because she seemed like kind of the Stuck up, workaholic and unemotional but Dante's book brought her out more and I actually started liking her. In this book, we learn her reasons for being a perfectionist+++ and why she's so hard on everyone/herself. When there's a murder attempt on her, Dante's old sniperbuddy Raylan comes in to be het bodyguard until the suspect is found. Raylan is originally a rancher from Tennessee and he never lost his southern charm, not in the army nor in his mercenary group. Riona can't stand him and the way he makes her feel like she has no control. She's no weak little housewife who needs protecting from a man. But, maybe being protected isn't equal to being weak, and maybe letting someone else take the lead isn't the worst thing after all. 

I really, really enjoyed this one! I loveeed seeing more of the family interactions, especially Dante coming back a bit more. Riona and Raylan felt very fleshed out. Raylan his history with his parents was something I could relate to so it was nice and interesting to read about it this way. I do think this was probably the least mafia one so far. Riona is not one on the offence and it was mostly Cal and Dante in the background doing the gruntwork. Raylan is 🤤🤤 aND HE RIDES HORSES?!?!? pls <3 though some of it was a lil cringe x). Riona was a bad bitch through and through and I love how she grew into her love for Raylan in the end! Bless. I'm suuuuper curious for the next book with Sebastian, since we haven't see much of him yet. 
Bloody Heart by Sophie Lark

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In this one we follow big brother Dante Gallo and find out about his lovestory with Simone. Lemme start off by saying that I once again lOVED Aida in this one, her relationship with her brothers is so good and i find it so funny how she gets her way xD. Dante was describes as a huge man every 2 sentences so I figure he's as broad and tall as a skyscraper by now lol. Simone got on my nerves, a lot, this book. Though basically anything from Dante's pov and the storyline itself I really enjoyed. It was the most mafia one out of all of them i think, and had some really intense moments. Also... some, very hmhmhmhmmh moments that I don't want to mention because of spoilers but if you have heavy annoyances or TW's i'd recommend checking those as it will most likely be in there xD. I feel like the writing itself got a lot better and the book felt way more fleshed out. Maybe because it was kind of in two parts, first the whole beginning and then the 2nd chance side of it. 

Dante would get all the chances imo tho, this man deserves the entire world after what he's been through. Babes Nero also got some spotlight again and I really hope we're going to see more family stuff again in the next book. I love the interactions they have all together. Dante is probably my new favourite in the series, with the book of Camille and Nero being my fav couple so far :D 
Savage Lover by Sophie Lark

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Aaaaaahh T-T Nero is my favourite so far! During this book you really felt his emotions and it's so sweet! Ok so, we follow Nero Gallo, the reckless, crazy, violent and unpredictable brother of Aida. His only love is for fights and his cars. Then we have Camille Rivera, neighbourhood mechanic who's broke and is drowning in financial responsibilities. When her younger brother gets caught with Molly, she takes the blame and turns into an informant for (gross) cop Schultz. Nero wants to set up a new building project for the family but needs more capital so he plans a heist to get what he needs.

This one had quite a lot of plotpoints I would have loved to see more worked out, like Vic's father, more about Camille's situation and maybe the emotional side of Alex falling ill as well as her ordeal with her being an informant. I feel like we mostly really got Nero's feelings about Camille and his falling in love and what it did to him? Compared to with Camille. It was also quite the slowburn and it wasn't until over halfway that we got some solid, more interactions between the two, but the first part was all a good setup. Nero and Camille growing into their feelings was really really sweet. This was more of a friends to lovers id say and tbh a nice break from the fighting and hate of the first two books. Wholesome mafia romance can be done apparently :p 
Stolen Heir by Sophie Lark

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Book two in the Brutal Birthright series and I started out a little sceptical from book 1, but this one was soo much better!? This one is about Nessa, Callums youngest sister, and the Polish Mafia boss Mikolaj (Miko). Because of Dante's actions in book 1, Miko wants to take revenge on the Griffins and Gallo's by kidnapping Nessa intending to break the families apart and take over Chicago. Until his heart softens for Nessa and she falls for the beast in return :). 

Obviously, a Beauty and the Beast retelling! Nessa suffers severely from Stockholm's syndrome so if that makes you uncomfortable this is not a recommendation. What I liked much more was that this one felt like way more character development? There's a significant difference in Ness and Miko from the begin and end of the book in how they've changed and I love the way Miko caught his feelings xD. This book also had more... depth? I feel like? I love Aida from book one and callum was cool but their anger and resentment came from nothing other than them being in rival families.. Miko legit had "good reason" to want revenge? His growth and depth and realisations made sense and weren't just, boo they're the Italians i hate them? 

Very curious for book 3, kind of excited to continue the series :) they still read super easily :) 
Crossed by Emily McIntire

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 Bruh, ya'll sheesh, Cade?! Daddy?! Man this man jumbled my whole list of faves from Emily xD.
This book was so so good (I mean it's Emily obviously it's good) but I instantly fell in love with Amaya (Esmeralda) a young woman left behind by her mom with her autistic brother. She started stripping in order to afford living under heavy scorn from the village.

Cade is a priest called to Festivalé to get the church in order. He has a monster inside him that snuffs out the sinners, until he walks into his sin incarnate basically - Amaya. He's obsessed and stuff just- goes from there.
The amount of times I've bLUSHED MAN?! There's something about a man ready to kneel for you instead of god :D
and the smUT?! Speechless, so hot? ufnfnfnfnf

As always, check the TW's but ;ll never not recommend Emily her Never After series <3 
Brutal Prince by Sophie Lark

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So, this book was neither amazing nor horrible xD. Objectively it wasn't the best and the writing was predictable here and there, but it was entertaining, really easy to get through and I enjoyed reading it nevertheless. I wanted to know how it was gonna end the whole time :).
We have Aida Gallo and Callum Griffin from opposing mafia groups in the same town. Aida accidentally sets the library of the Griffin's on fire which leads to their father's arranging a marriage in order to grow their alliance instead. The two detest each other for no other reason than their families being rivals. They don't know each other until the marriage and that's when the book kicks off. 

Callum is disrespectful, hateful and objectifies women. He sees them as nothing other than a piece to have on his arms during important events. Aida is... Everything but that. Her italian temper and having grown up with three big brothers made her feisty and Callum doesn't know how to handle that at first. There's some attraction though. I felt like the first spice scene came, quite out of nowhere? And I was missing some chemisty. Later that got a bit better tho :). Some events were skipped quite quickly, and I wish we could have some more of the Mafia part of a mafia romance. I guess world building? All in all, entertaining. I'm looking forward to the others. Maybe those will help build everything more together! At least they read super easily so they're nice to read next to something heavier 😊