despinareviews's reviews
134 reviews

Tomorrow, Make Me Yours by Kaoruko Miyama

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4

A yaoi (boy's love) manga story about a shy boy and his popular classmate. When he is spoken to by the popular and confident Hayato, introverted Yuki is surprised and hopes to maintain this friendship. It soon turns into more and he feels like he has to back away before destroying their friendship with his emotions.

This is an 18+ manga so please only read accordingly (!)

This is a sweet little love story, full of small misunderstandings (which I normally don't like as a trope but I think worked quite well in this story) and strong mutual feelings which I really enjoy. It is short and a quick read. I will warn that in some parts one of the characters is a bit possessive/jealous, which wasn't my favourite trope, but that got resolved fairly quickly. If you're not a fan of insta-love or 'relationship moves really quickly' this may not be your favourite, but overall it was decent. The plot was nothing fully original but the art was pretty good and the characters did seem to care about each other.

Also a good point - never once was the fact they were both guys mentioned as a plot point - their relationship was as natural as any other, and I think that also left me with a good impression.

I received an complimentary ARC of this from 'TOKYOPOP, LOVE x LOVE' via NetGalley in exchange for an voluntary honest review.
Zombie Cherry Vol. 1 by Shoko Conami

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Miu befriends the most popular guy in school (who also happens to be her crush) Tohno over their mutual love of horror. After she ingests some 'cherry soup' her best friend gives her, her body begins regenerating. So when she is badly injured, she is turned into a zombie.

This was funny and also contained cute art. The plot is interesting and I like the characters and their inner thought process which we get a bit of during this first volume. Will continue with the story and see where it goes
Shattered Sacrifice by Emily Huffman

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This short novelette provides a really cool introduction into a world where a young girl, Glisenia, is sacrificed to the Kraken by the cult her family belong to. She awakens after her supposed sacrifice, with a new voice in her head and breath in her lungs ... neither of which she expected.

I really loved the writing style, the main character was compelling and it definitely got me excited for the upcoming trilogy. I felt her pain and honestly wasn't sure where the story would go exactly - this felt like a character introduction, an origin story, and one which I think was incredibly well executed. Very interested in the world-building, of which I think we have seen but a fraction.

It is in third person narration which ordinarily isn't my favourite but I think it was done really well and possibly an exemplar of what third person narration can achieve. Really quick and easy read with dark themes, which I would recommend.

I was provided with an ARC of this novelette in exchange for an honest review, which I provide voluntarily. Many thanks to the author!
Sakura's Dedication, Vol. 1 by Fuyu Yukimiya

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A sweet romance about a forward guy and reserved girl!

After breaking up with her cheating ex, Hanasaki is approached by her male classmate Sakura who asks her to be his girlfriend. After she rejects him due to him 'not being her usual type', Sakura persists until he secures a date with the girl he likes. Unused to compliments and being treated with such passion and love, this cute manga tackles a relationship between someone who is overly affectionate (Sakura) and his more reserved girlfriend (Hanasaki).

Their dynamic is really interesting and even within the few chapters contained in this volume, their relationship grows really beautifully. Without spoiling the plot, I will simply say I am a big fan of the young couple!

The art style is really nice and clean, though very occassionally it took a second to work out who the 'speech bubble' or 'thought bubble' was coming from.

Overall I would say this is a very strong start to a romance manga, which I plan to continue as more volumes are produced.

Thank you to Fuyu Yukimiya and Kodansha who provided a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review via NetGalley
No-Mod by Derek Porterfield

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This science fiction novel takes place in a world where human modifications via technology are standard (though expensive) and we follow Addeleigh (Addie). Addie worked cleaning 'suicide booths' as she lived in the Religious building, a religion focused on human enhancement when she suddenly becomes thrust into a complicated (and confusing) situation, having to run and not knowing who to trust.

This book was very quick to read and fast-paced, with likeable characters and action in just the right quantities. There were quite a few new characters introduced at once which took me a second to familiarise myself with and it did confuse me slightly, but the second I wrapped my head around the different characters I really felt the story moved so much quicker.

Scifi books often get too 'clunky' or overly explanative, but this book didn't do that at all (which made my reading experience a lot better). Though written in third-person, I didn't feel like the book was 'talking at me' which is also easy to fall into. It was really easy to read and I found I understood what was happening ... though I am still unsure what a mute-cat is !!

I was very glad to see the second book is already out because I am looking forward to delving back into the world and following Addie (and her friends) as things become explained - a lot of loose ends to take forward and I feel like the story lends itself really well to a series.

I received a complimentary ARC through Voracious Readers Only in exchange for an honest review, which I leave voluntarily.
The Tangleroot Palace by Marjorie Liu

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3.5 stars [this rating was going to be a solid 3 until I got to 'Tangleroot Palace', at which point I rated it higher. As I struggled to finish one of the stories I did round down though]

The Tangleroot Palace (and other short stories) is a collection of short stories with fantastical/magical elements to them. Based in different times/spaces, these stories all read quite differently and I find it challenging to summarise my thoughts without going into the specific feelings on each of the short stories included.

I particularly liked the stories 'Briar and the Rose' (
SpoilerWLW love story
), 'Where the Heart Lives' and the 'Tangleroot Palace' - the latter two both involving magical forests!

I personally DNF'ed the stories 'Light and the Fury' and 'After the Blood' - I just couldn't read past a certain number of pages and kept re-reading with little interest as to what happened. I am glad I didn't give up entirely though because the stories in between those two were worthwhile.

This was a mixed bag for me but I really did enjoy the three stories named above despite my difficulty with others.

I was provided with a complimentary ARC by Titan Books (via NetGalley) in exchange for an honest review.
Shattered Magic by Emily Huffman

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4.5 stars

This novella follows Rocco, a magic-user who aims to join the Academy (fighting his way through opponents successfully to achieve this) when he is approached by a stranger offering him a deal with the God of Magic, Helm. This novella goes alongside the Shattered trilogy (and though I have not read book 1 which is currently out, I have read the other novelette in the series 'Shattered Sacrifice' so I can't comment how exactly it ties into the rest of the story yet).

I really enjoy Emily Huffman's writing, and find her characters very approachable and likeable despite their flaws. The way characters think is logical even if you don't agree with their every thought, and I found myself immersed in the world which she has created. Very much looking forward to reading the full length novel but this was a very interesting character (and background) introduction which I have to assume ties into the rest of the universe. It is a very quick, fast-paced read which I really enjoyed.

Trigger warnings: fire & burns, injury, possible spoiler:
Spoilerself-immolation/lighting self on fire

I received an ARC of this novella by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Silk Fire by Zabé Ellor

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I am afraid this book was a DNF for me.

I couldn't understand what was happening. I re-read paragraphs to try to understand the context. The names were overly complicated for no reason and even that made it difficult to keep track of everything. It was a bit clunky and though the sentences made sense on their own, I couldn't quite get into the flow of the book. I had to check other people's reviews to see whether it was just me who struggled, but it seems this is a common issue. I was sad to see that the author had not taken well to such reviews, so I will simply say the above and leave it at that.

Also, if I read the word 'whore' one more time ... Jeez

I'm quite disappointed as the blurb for this book had really intrigued me, but I just couldn't get behind the writing itself, and seeing so many others struggle makes me not want to invest any more time trying to work it all out honestly.

I was offered a complimentary copy of this novel from Rebellion Publishing via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Taproot: A Story About A Gardener and A Ghost by Keezy Young

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This was beautiful. Hamal is a gardener who can see ghosts, and he forges a friendship with a guy called Blue. A lovely LGBT+ romance with stunning artwork. I really hope this book continues with Hamal's adventures, but this was a lovely self-contained story. Genuinely enjoyed every second - a strong 5 stars for me.

A spoiler but a point I really want to make:
SpoilerI have never been happier to see a happy ending in an LGBT+ story. It is so often filled with tragedy and I though that was going to be the case, but I am so happy it didn't go down that direction.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel from Oni Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.