doesemilyread's reviews
163 reviews

Lady Chatterley's Lover by D.H. Lawrence

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boring. I’d recommend watching the film instead x
On the Road by Jack Kerouac

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boring. If Sal caught a flight across country instead, this book could be 20 pages long and 100% better.
Just Kids by Patti Smith

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I always find it hard to rate memoirs, I feel like giving a low rating is somehow rating the authors life poorly. That isn’t what I’m doing here. This book just wasn’t good. It had some nice moments here and there, but that’s it.

I picked this up after seeing it quite a lot in various places and I wanted to love it. I love NYC as a backdrop for books, and I loved the fact it was titled as a love story. That wasn’t what this felt like for me. It was, in some parts beautifully written, but most of the time I was bored and a little confused. The writing felt very ‘chippy choppy’ and disjointed.

All that I am taking away from this book is that Patti Smith is very pretentious, knows lots of people (likes to brag about it) and likes lobster, couscous and steak - so much so she keeps it in her pockets sometimes.

My thoughts in emoji:
If Beale Street Could Talk by James Baldwin

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DNF at around 60 pages. This is book is not for me. The story sounds so intriguing and definitely important, but I can not stand the writing style. It’s hard to follow and I haven’t enjoyed any of the book that I have read. Life’s too short to read books you don’t enjoy.

I feel so bad an I might give other Baldwin books a chance in the future, but this has put me off :(
The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead

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I really really wanted to enjoy this book, but it just didn’t do it for me unfortunately. The premise is so intriguing and so important, and the first 70ish pages I did feel invested in the story, but after that it just became quite hard to read and I didn’t want to pick it up. I didn’t feel particularly connected to the characters, which really was a shame! I found the writing style to be a bit odd, and there where secondary characters introduced that just didn’t seem to fit, and then were never mentioned again. I also didn’t really care for the ending, it all felt rushed to me! 210 pages aren’t many so I felt it could have been a bit longer too. (Maybe this is just my love for longer books coming through though?)

Overall, I appreciated this book and the story it was telling, but I just didn’t enjoy it very much. I wanted to feel more connected to the characters and that just didn’t happen.☹️I would still recommend this book though, as I’ve seen so many great reviews and I wish I could feel that way about it too!

The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank

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(not a review)

well, after 20 years of life I have finally read The Diary Of A Young Girl. I didn't enjoy this book, I don't know how anyone can claim that they did, but I was enthralled and fought between not wanting to put it down and needing to have a break after some parts. the letter format meant it was a fairly quick read and Anne's light heartedness made it easier to read than I anticipated.

not really much else to say except that I totally think this should be required reading for everyone. it definitely opened my eyes, and made me seriously take into consideration how lucky I am everyday. I go through my life with less optimism and happiness in my life than Anne did, which is shocking to realise.
Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

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“ I waited for him to ask Jaja and me to take a sip, as he always did. A love sip, he called it, because you shared the little things you loved with the people you loved”

This book was honestly amazing! I felt so connected to Kambili and her brother, and very invested in their futures! The way Kambili comes out of her she’ll was just amazing to read, although there definitely some emotional parts
Mr Salary by Sally Rooney

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Sally Rooney is incredible. I didn’t want this book to end! 33 pages was NOT enough!!!
Educated by Tara Westover

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Wow. What a book. During some particularly unpleasant parts, I had to remind myself that this was Non-Fiction.

I don’t know what to say other than I enjoyed it, but at the same time I didn’t. It was beautifully written and I couldn’t put it down.
The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary

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I loved every page of this book!! I had a stupid smile on my face for most of it, and I couldn’t put it down! Such a heartwarming and easy read!

Tiff and Leon are some of the loveliest characters I’ve read about! I loved the premise of this book, and how it wasn’t full of clichés like lots of romance books are! Some of the topics explored are quite tough, but they were written so well.