ebonygreads's reviews
56 reviews

You're the One That I Want by Giovanna Fletcher

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This book is about three best friends… Maddie, Rob and Ben. These friends meet at primary school and the book follows their journey to adulthood, when two of the best friends get married. This book kept me on my toes 100%, I really enjoyed trying to guess who Maddie was going to pick, and felt every emotion the characters felt. This book was so well written. Although I was rooting for one character who I felt didn’t get his happy ending
The Whispering Room by Dean Koontz

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100% recommend the Jane Hawk series written by Dean Koontz. The plot is incredible and I really did fall in love with Jane Hawk herself. I loved her character development and that she was so dedicated to proving her husband innocent and protecting her son. It kept me on my toes and I really could not predict what happened next.
Walking on Sunshine by Giovanna Fletcher

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This is a book that you cannot judge by its cover. It was not what I expected when I started to read it as it covers an incredibly important topic; Grief. So please check trigger warnings before picking this up and that you are in a good mental place to do so
Twisted Love by Ana Huang

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This started started off with a bang, metaphorically and physically (if you’ve read the book then you know)
Three's A Crowd: The funniest romantic comedy you'll read this year! by Simon Booker

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I absolutely devoured this book. It was absolutely hilarious and definitely kept me on the edge of my seat waiting for Harriet to choose.

Harriet works as a barista who is an aspiring actress. She is a work in the cafe where she meets regular coming Tom and Richard who works as a DJ for a local radio station. Harriet fancies both men and decides to start dating them. Only to find out they are both related… father and son!
Once Upon a Broken Heart by Stephanie Garber

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I really enjoyed this book. It was full of magical creatures, spells and 3 cheeky kisses… This story follows Evangeline who fights for her happily ever after by making a deal with the Prince of Hearts (Jacks). Jacks is a fate who cannot be trusted, or can he? If you love a love story, with a little bit of fairy tale magic then this book is for you
Is this love? by R.S Pearce

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I gave this book a four stars out of five. I really didn't know what to expect when I first started to read this as a book on my phone. In the end I actually really enjoyed it, I'm currently reading an ARC of the second book in this series.

This story follows Rockstar Johnny Cox, who lives in Los Angeles and falls in love model Aurora Taylor. This is the first book that I have read that is fully from the perspective from the male point of view. This was really refreshing and interesting to see. I really liked Johnny and Rory's relationship development. As well as the insights into Johnny's bandmates. The vibe of the book really felt like you were getting backstage passes to the bands concerts and lives.

I think we can all agree that Kate was the worst. I was internally screaming every time this women came onto my screen, but kudos for making us hate the character. The ending of the book left me hanging off my seat so I am entirely grateful to have jumped into the second book of this series.

The spiciness is this book in on a whole other level... NOTHING is left to the imagination. I do always forget how young these characters are supposed to be, I always feel like they are at least mid-twenties.

If you love a spicy romance, with a rockstar 80's vibe then this book is definitely for you.
The Pumpkin Spice Café by Laurie Gilmore

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This was the perfect book to read for the autumn season. It really did get me in the mood to move to a small town somewhere, and it definitely gives off Gilmore Girl vibes.

I thought that the creation of the small town was so ideal and perfect. The characters felt so wholesome and real. FMC Jeanie moves to Dream Harbor to take over the cafe that her aunt has left her. She is thrown right into the deep end of owning a completely new business and living a small town life. This is where she meets handy Logan who is at her side when a new mystery takes over Jeanie's cafe. They hold a stakeout together full of lots of yummy snacks and well, spice! I would say it is a slow burn and I really wanted them to be together!

I loved the description of the settings and surrounding town. It was really refreshing to read. I also could appreciate Jeanie's anxiety and felt this was something very relatable for many people.
Behind the Net by Stephanie Archer

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First Impression

I love sports romances so I was eager to read this one fast. I feel like this trope in this book is going to be so good! Do you know when you read the first few chapters of a book and you know you are going to love it? This book did that for me.

Jamie and Pippa

Do you know when you read the first few chapters of a book and you know you are going to love it? This book did that for me. First impressions of Jamie; he takes a stray dog in, are you kidding? He knows his schedule is packed full but he takes her in regardless. It gave insight into his character already.

Jamie was such a raw character for me. He wasn’t your typical airhead hockey player. His morals and background shaped him into one of my favourite characters. Jamie’s issues with his mum felt so real and I appreciated the trigger warnings at the beginning of the book.

I adored Pippa. I could relate to her stresses and worries. I am so glad that she was able to overcome her fears of not getting up on stage or being able to write music. I was glad that she had Jamie to gently encourage her to sing and perform her own songs. On a side note, Zach was so awful! I am so happy that Pippa got the happy ending she deserved and that was her true revenge against him.

Romance/ Spice

The spice in this book was so delicious!!! I felt the romance aspect was beautifully written and felt easy to follow along. There was just enough of a slow burn before their relationship blossomed!

I really could not get enough of Pippa and Jamie, this book quickly became one of my favourites and I can’t wait to read the next book, which I gratefully received as an ARC.
The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

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I have had this book sitting on my tbr for literal years. I am not sure what kept me from reading it. I have an interest in history and feel that everyone should always have something to learn from past historical events.

The story is narrated by Death and is about a young girl Liesel and her journey to becoming a foster child during the Second World War. On Liesel’s journey to her new home, her younger brother dies on the train there. Shortly after the discovery of his death, Liesel is the separated from her mother - who she never sees again.

Liesel has a bad habit of stealing books, however she benefitted majorly from this by learning how to read properly. Her new step dad continues to hide the fact that he knows Liesel does steal these books and he is actually the one who helps Liesel how to read.

Liesel lives in a small town of Germany where most of the surrounding individuals, including who she is living with is poor. This book is based around the timings of the Second World War, but doesn’t have a heavy focus on Jews. Except Max.

Max is a Jew who Liesel and her family hid in their basement for many months. Liesel’s parents do not hate the Jews, but had an understanding of the risks they were taking to hide Max from the soldiers. Max and Liesel’s relationship developed slowly but eventually into a beautiful friendship. He even wrote her a short story about his journey and their friendship.

I did enjoy (and cry at this story) I felt connected to the characters, Hans, Liesel and Max especially. So glad I decided to finally read this book.