ghoststories's reviews
198 reviews

We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal

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This book definitely falls victim to the YA fantasy problem of "everything feels like it's happening while nothing is also happening."

That said, I still really enjoyed it and plan to read the second one.
The Maidens by Alex Michaelides

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If you give this contrived shit anything other than a two, I don't trust you or your taste.

The final reveal is just gross and shocking in a bad trying to hard way.
The Death of Jane Lawrence by Caitlin Starling

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Concept good, execution not so much. Really, every time this should have been over a new plot point was introduced!
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern

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I finally figured out what this book reminds me of. You know when people recount their brush with Scientology members trying to convert them and the person just talks about how the members talk circles around them for hours? Yea... that's this. I know I could have DNF'ed this at any point, but this is legitimately the first time I have ever felt like a book has held me hostage.

While it is absolutely gorgeous prose and writing and so rich it lacks so much depth and progression that writing like this needs. I didn't have any attachment to ANY character by the end, even with the LGBT+ aspects. (Other than the cat?) I just... am flabbergasted at how such a cool premise was wasted and I blame that mostly on the non-linear and confusing layout of the story itself. I think text isn't the best format for this type of storytelling. Don't even get me started on the insta-love.

To say I hated this is an understatement, but I WILL be giving The Night Circus a fair shake just to make sure that it's not just Erin Morgenstern's writing that isn't for me.

Also, why do I feel like the people who really love this book and think it's the best thing ever are going to bully others for not liking it? "You just didn't get it."
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk

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I am crazy, but I am free.

No, in all seriousness... this book was extremely cathartic for me and made me cry several times. I highly recommend this to those looking to better understand their own trauma or friends and loved ones around them who may be dealing with it as well.

My only gripe is some of the phrasing of things but I don't believe it's bad enough to take away from the over all message of the book.
The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

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So... Yea, it's hard to ignore the comparisons between this and Knives Out... however, everything that makes Knives Out a fun and charming movie is missing from this book, in my opinion. The romance aspect in this just really took me out of it. It's a perfectly ok read, but I don't think I'll necessarily pick up the sequel.