What is there to say? I loved the characters and I am so thankful Shallan finally had depth in this one. Kaladin... my favorite. Dalinar and Adolin, Renarin, I loved them all.
This book brings you close to a Native American girl working to keeping her community safe. After the losses of so many so close to here, she is given a special task to help make her community safer, but also so she can bring the truth of a family member to light. It take you in to the trauma of death in a small reservation where everyone is interconnected, and it's so eye-opening and raw, but it's still beautiful. It's one of the first books I've read where the guy DOESN'T get the girl and it was so refreshing!
Although this book is rated 3/5 stars, there are still so many parts that I resonate with. I am not one for poetry, but I still dove in and I'm glad I did. We go in and start the journey of Joy Harjo and her earlier years - marriages, children, and some times of drinking, and times of traveling to new places to call home. She articulates the need for social justice in native american communities, and she speaks about change and events that lead her to wanting to continue her love for poetry, no matter the obstacles in her way. Personally, I felt like it lacked a little bit of background for a few details and it left me very curious.
I remember reading this book in high school and never paying attention to it and never giving it a second thought, but now that I'm older I'm so stunned by the ending of the book. The holding of memories to shelter Jonas and Gabriel through the last step of their journey, and I can only HOPE they both were safe, but I will not know if that's the way it was intended to end. It was such a bizarre concept of a utopian society but the reason for if was was because of a dystopian Era of time in which they were able to create a sameness within communities. I don't really have words to explain it.
I'm so shocked with the ending of this book, and it's only because it's not the ending that I had thought would happen. This book is shocking, with a web of secrets and lies and deceitfulness. This book will frustrate you and anger you, but most of all, it will leave your mind racing with all the possible ways it could've ended, but when you finish, you'll know that not everything is perfect, but it's what you get.