hawaiirican808's reviews
295 reviews

Rucked by Heidi Stark

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 This was my first book by Heidi and I was really looking forward to diving head first into a rugby why choose sports romance, almost salivating at the chance of it being a phenomenal read! But I felt that it was missing the mark on some things.

The concept for the storyline was great (I ATE IT UPPPP). I felt like she may have jumped around a lot in the writing process, and that caused the plot to fall through in parts of the novel itself. I felt very confused throughout. Will also touch on the grammar issues. I'm okay with a grammar issue here or there, but it was consistent throughout the entire book. I felt that it going through an editor once again before publishing it, could have changed the whole vibe of the book. I was a bit sad because the potential for this book to be a 4/5 star read for me was there, but the basic foundations and grammar issues brought it down to a 3 for me. I loved Dylan as the FMC, her charisma, her interactions with these rugby boys and everything she brought to the storyline. Even though it wasn't a 4/5 star read for me, I would read another book by Heidi. She has great potential to really rock my socks off and I would love to give another story by her a shot! 
A Dusk of Stars by Lyra Forger, Lyra Forger

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This review is way overdue, but let me say that Lyla wrote by far my favorite fantasy book of the year! She had me at Harry Potter vibes & it was a FULL send into the rabbit hole that is "A Dusk of Stars". 

The amount of different parts that are made up of the story itself is insane. It takes part in a magical academy with every fantasy/magical being that you could think of. I'm not a huge fan of magic academia settings (Legacies ruined it for me), but Lyla made a HUGE FAN. Everything went well together, the suspense, mythology, different magical beings, spice, and amazing characters. Helloooo librarian! She has a beautiful way with entwining so many things into her novels and writing a storyline that will keep you captivated from the beginning, keeping you on your toes with the plot twists she sprinkles throughout. The only thing I hated was THAT CLIFFHANGER?! Cue the emotional damage, holy crapppp! I can not wait to see where Lyla takes this series! 
Inky Water by Heather Grey

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Inky Water was one of my reads this month that wasn't what I expected it to be. I went into it a bit blind and loved that the cover added a bit of suspense to what the story would be like. 

I love contemporary romances, and this one had a great suspense aspect that is not normally a part of rom-com stories. Heather did a great job with her debut novel! It was on a spice diet (1 chili pepper), but the storyline with all of its twists & turns and Lillian and Jackson really made up for it! It just made more sense for their genuine connection to be the focal point of the storyline. Jackson gave me golden retriever vibes and I liked how he brought this innocent vibe to the story. The story was well-balanced between clean romance and suspense. This was a perfect contemporary romance and I can't wait to see what Heather writes next. 
Shh, Purely Poetry by M. J. Mallon

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I love finding new poetry books to read and was so excited when I saw MJ's "Shh Purely Poetry book".

It was a really great collection of poems touching on different sides of romance, a lot of a sensual nature, but written beautifully in the details and very vivid imagery. The only thing I would say I didn't like was that it was a quick read for me. I easily could have gone through another 200+ pages of MJ's beautiful writing and poems. There wasn't a poem that I didn't like at all. I can only hope she continues to write more poetry books in the future because I loved it!

Unforgettable by H.R. Penrose

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H.R Penrose is going on my list of authors to watch out for when new books come out. I was a little worried going into this read when I saw it was 500 pages, but she really wrote one of the most detailed books I’ve read this month, a true masterpiece in its own right. 

She intricately weaved plot twists, with the essence of suspense throughout the book, keeping her readers guessing, never knowing what twist she has coming next, while still being meticulous in the little details that only added to her story, giving a greater depth into the emotions and characters themselves. Her writing style was one that I easily fell in love with, and loved that she really kept me constantly guessing, I couldn’t tell where she was going with Cheska, Mateo and Nico, or how this was gonna end. That reason alone is why this was a 5 star read. I love when an author not only maintains their writing style, but truly puts their heart and soul into their work, not missing out on the little details. You can tell she really took her time with this entire duet.

The storyline was something I DEVOURED. I love the idea of two half brothers fighting over the same girl on a surface level, but knowing why there’s that heated rivalry between these two that was deeper under the surface. I still don’t know how she was going to choose between them or could imagine how this whole duet unfolded the way it did. My mind is still blown. It wasn’t your typical romance. This one was something raw and real, showing how imperfect main characters can work through their trauma, abuse and flaws to get their own version of a happy ending, even through all the pain, anger and heartbreaking sadness. This book really was a wild ride from beginning to end. One I wish I could relive for the first time forever and will be a duet that sits on my personal trophy shelf. H.R, thank you for one of my top reads this year, I am obsessed with you. And thank you Love Notes PR, for recommending them in your newsletter! 🫶🏽
Eager House Wife by Evie Rose

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Miss Evie Rose has done it again. 
“Eager Housewife” was another AMAZING steamy mafia romance novella with lots of great spicy scenes/moments from beginning to end! Evie knows her niche and literally gives you a BANG of  read all wrapped in a perfect novella. 

This storyline was different and unique. Blythe’s relationship with Duncan changes when Ainsley (her best friend) goes on a solo trip around Europe for a year, leaving the opportunity for them to really explore and learn more about each other. This was probably her spiciest one yet!?! This was the read I needed to get out of a really bad reading slump!
A song of Crimson and gold by Jessica Ash

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Book 2 of the Hunted By the Crimson Queen series. 

I did enjoy it and liked how Jessica did a unique take on a fantasy romance with a twist on classic stories. This one was a relatively quick read (finished it in one setting) and I liked the pacing of it, it wasn't too slow and held my attention from beginning to end. Ana and Grim made the story very different and intriguing for me. Both complete opposites, but made a perfect pairing to each other. Grim was a likable MMC for me, and I liked how he had a change of heart with Ana, one that I didn't see coming. I liked the plot twists in the storyline and seeing Ana figure out who she wanted to be and where she wanted her life to go. The only thing I didn't like was the cliffhanger, but I will continue the series and enjoyed this retelling! 
Someone Beside Me by N. Slater

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Someone Beside Me was a read that I went into blind by Nic. 

I love reverse harem, why choose romances and Nic did not disappoint with this one! I will say, RH books is definitely Nic's niche and she does not disappoint with her dark romance books with this specific troupe at all! I loved the suspense aspect with the dead bodies popping up and the dynamic with Mia and her guys! The spice in this was a 4/5, Nic knows how to write some of the best spicy scenes I've read in a RH troupe book. There was a scene for EVERYBODY and she writes them extremely well! I enjoyed the plot twists, it added a lot of suspense and thrills to the read. Well rounded with emotions, overcoming trauma, love, and so much more. If you want a read that will keep you on your toes and have some great spicy scenes, this is it! 
Watch her Burn by Emily Klepp

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Emily Klepp has done it again. 

I will always be in awe of the way she writes her stories, even if they are seriously heartbreaking and traumatic. Watch Her Burn was another incredible angst and trauma filled read. Her way of portraying raw emotions with her characters is absolutely insane. I resonated a lot with Josie and how she has coped with her trauma, not letting it define her, eventually overcoming it. I’ve really enjoyed this series and can’t wait to read more by Em.
Keeping You Captive by Kathleen Haley

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First, thank you Kathleen for an amazing read! 

"Keeping You Captive" was the PERFECT read I needed to escape from moving my house. 
I really enjoyed Kathleen's way of writing a well-rounded dark romance. There were a few chapters that gave background history so that the reader can understand what has happened and why our MMC Caleb is the way he is/ getting revenge for the wrongs made to his family. I enjoyed his dynamic with Dayna and how even though they were complete opposites, she brought out a different side to him, a side that shows he's not all dark and has some "light" qualities. I loved their storyline, the action scenes throughout that kept me on the edge of my couch and the plot twists that only added to the thrill that this read truly was. The spice in this was top-notch. Not straight smut, and not vanilla either, just a perfect amount to add to their chemistry and storyline. This will not be the last book I've read by Kathleen. Her writing style, characters, and overall connections I made with this book have made me a forever fan. I'll be diving down her backlist once I'm done with my move!