icedpinecones's reviews
193 reviews

The Ones We're Meant to Find by Joan He

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Hey! You may be thinking

"Hey Jess, you've rated this but there's no review? whats the deal?"

well, my sweet summer child, I am not good with tech and this is actually a new GoodReads page. All my old reviews ended up being wiped to the point there was no use keeping the old account. Through the year of 2022 I'll be making my way through to reread a lot of the books I love to give you all a review again! I can't promise it wont take a while, but I would love to reread this book and explain why I adored it!

Stay tuned~

@Icedpinecones on IG/Pinterest/Twitter
A Veil of Truth and Trickery by Analeigh Ford

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This book is bad because you can see so clearly how it could have been good. This book objectively is not bad, but with the rampant advertising all over booktok and bookstagram of a book that this is clearly not it's easy to see why the reviews for this book are so low.

The author online promises a very spicy reverse harem, with morally grey characters, a strong main character and dark romance aspects. This wasn't delivered upon, and it's a shame because this book doesn't suck but it's just not what is advertised so everyone reading it doesn't enjoy it.

The spice was 2 or 3 lewd thoughts, 1 actual sex scene and maybe 2 or 3 tension scenes. These 'scenes' and 'thoughts' usually span a few paragraphs at most. Furthermore, the MC only has romantic intent towards one of them, and one only reciprocates directly so it isn't really a harem. The characters aren't morally grey, they're barely characters altogether. The men of this book are bland with barely a personality between them, and maybe have about two sentences vaguely describing how they look so there isn't even space to imagine what they look like. Finally, the main character didn't feel developed, she had strong aspects but it was made flimsy by the sudden shoehorning in of lewd thoughts with no build-up and it makes her feel very one dimensional.

The story has promise. This could have been a pretty decent book had more time been put into developing the world and magic system, unfortunately, I know barely anything about the magic system and maybe three locations of which are too vaguely described to imagine. It was supposed to be an immersive world, however, I found myself dragging myself through the 300 pages of this book, only really having a solid reading binge for maybe the last 30 or so pages.

I really feel for this author, because this book isn't terrible. I'd maybe put it on par with the cruel prince, the false advertising of a book that doesn't exist lets it down because we all came for one thing and that wasn't delivered.
House of Flame and Shadow by Sarah J. Maas

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 73%.
After everything that happened in CC2, with all the setup that book was for this massive endgame, I'm absolutely buzzing and TERRIFIED for what this book is gonna bring

I hope its a damn good ending!
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke by Eric LaRocca

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Ok well that was HORRIFIC. I don't get what the characters being LGBT had to do with the plot and for that I've taken a star off because it felt a little yucky BUT this book was horrifying, depraved, disgusting and grotty and I read it in one sitting like the disgusting little gremlin I am thanks to the book being a recollection of events through chat logs and emails.
Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop

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3.5 rounded!

These books aren't world changing, sobbing at twists and brutal character deaths BUT I appriciate the coziness of a good urban fantasy! Bishop has the characters be a more scary (and logical) alteration of vampires or shifters etc! I enjoy how different it is to other series and I'm blasting through the 400ish pages of each book without feeling like it is 400!
Below Zero by Ali Hazelwood

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I see a lot of negative reviews for this novella, and it's the first I've read so maybe they will be formulaic and a bit tiring. But this was fun! It's exactly what I expected to be delivered in 130 pages! Of course you're not going to have groundbreaking characters and development, yeah it was cheesy at times and they feel underdeveloped but for 100 pages? Pretty damn good job!

I did see a comment too about someone saying "why was my mans comparing her tits to hills on mars" babes u just read a whole novella about two people who REALLY love mars and space stuff, like, dedicate entire lives and careers too it. If someone poetically compared an insecurity of mine to somewhere I find to be the most beautiful? Hot.

It was fun, quick, wholesome, cheesy and exactly what I expected it to be!