imaginejolls's reviews
91 reviews

The Dragon's Bride by Katee Robert

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hopeful lighthearted fast-paced


A quick, fun read. Mx. Robert loves writing stories within the same constraints (time limits, falling in love despite xyz), but it's because they know their strengths and what works well.
Asking for It by Lilah Pace

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challenging emotional reflective


Well-written, and handles the sensitive topic of sexual assault with care. 

The dynamic between the leads sparks hot and pulls you in, and the sex scenes are incredibly well crafted. But the constant waffling of the main character about whether or not she gets to enjoy the romance, while extremely understandable, becomes grating by halfway through the book. Even more tedious is her constantly wondering whether the man she's attracted to is secretly a reprehensible criminal just because he has the same kink she does. 
Yours, Insatiably by Aveda Vice

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the first time i read this book, i devoured it within 24 hours. i am taking more time with it on a re-read, to really savour it, and it still hits just as hard. the characters come to life on the page, and their dynamic immediately pulls you in. it's not often that all parties involved in the romance are monsters, which makes it exciting all on its own, but Vice still manages to sneak in a touch of forbidden romance through the office setting. no fraternization policy! 
i've said it before, but Vice really is a master at writing tension, and the sex scenes will leave you very, very hot and bothered. 
Yours, Insatiably (and the Fangs with Benefits universe at large) is an excellent read for all monster lovers and erotica connaisseurs such as myself. i can't recommend this author enough
Blood of Hercules by Jasmine Mas

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 One must simply approach this book as though it was a parody of the genre. 

Look, I understand this is a debut novel, but... it is SO unserious. I'm not going to get into all the things that are wrong with this book, because we'd be here for a very long time, though I would have some choice words for its editor - if it even had one - because they are very bad at their job. As always, an editor makes or breaks a story, and this story would be leagues better if it had a capable editor. Alas, it did not, so here we are. 

The reason why this reads as a parody of dark romance books is the comically overexaggerated behaviour of everyone ever. The way everyone speaks and behaves in this book is so far outside of the realm of reality that it is actually delightful. When you approach the story as a parody, you end up having a lot of fun reading this book! If I were to take it seriously though, I'd DNF in the first chapter. 

The further I get into the book, the more convinced I am convinced it is in fact a parody. It's giving me My Immortal vibes. And between all the overly dramatic antics, it actually manages to be hilarious, so I think I have to bump my rating from the intended 2.75 stars up to 3! I am a big fan of funny books. 

As a parody, this book is great. If the author intended me to take it seriously, it's a major failure.

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The Ritual by Shantel Tessier

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 19%.
i can't take this book seriously. essentially it just boils down to "patriarchal misogynist cult of power keeps women as sex slaves and thinks abuse is hot"
Get In My Swamp by G.M. Fairy

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short and silly, but too heavy on the instalove / instalust trope for my tastes
Willing Prey by Allie Oleander

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funny fast-paced


the pefect palate cleanser after a disaster of a book i've read previously. this story is short, funny, and sinfully hot. simply delicious. enjoyed every single word i read, and i highly recommend this novella
The Book of Azrael by Amber V. Nicole

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the biggest problem this book has is that it didn't have an editor. props to the author for self-publishing a book in her 20s, that is an accomplishment for sure! but the truth is, the book is bad. it could have been much better if it had another set (or three) of eyes to go over it and help it achieve its full potential. then i would even rate it in the 3 to 4 star range. alas. let's get into it.

the most common and annoying issue is the tense switching. the whole book is in past tense, but littered throughout are lone sentences and even whole paragraphs in present tense. the missing punctuation was less disruptive, that happens with most books. liam's monologuing to deliver exposition when we first get his POV was cumbersome, and all of the dream/memory inserts were lot more bearable when the whole thing wasn't in cursive.

during a fight sequence in the first third of the book, the author forgets she sets the underground library ablaze, and thus our heroine doesn't remember to worry about things like: smoke obscuring her enemy, or running out of oxygen. the beginning of chapter 22 is an absolute mess and my buddy read friends had to reassure themselves that they were not having a stroke. 

over all this book reads like something one would encounter on Wattpad. our leading lady is insufferable a lot, which makes it hard to root for her (or the romance) in any way, shape, or form. personally i couldn't stand when she was needlessly reactive as an excuse for our two romantic leads to get into an argument. it was cheap. 

if you're thinking of reading this book, don't. it's not worth your time. i have no idea what warranted it having over 800 pages.