k_fitzy's reviews
208 reviews

Ruthless Vows by Rebecca Ross

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sooo much better than book 1 oml. 

i’m actually glad i read it tho if i hadn’t have bought it before i finished book 1 i wouldn’t have.

everything was much less irritating, the writing was pretty, the pacing was good and i fucking love some good angst. actually there wasn’t enough angst if anything. 

most of the book was 4 starts actually 
HOWEVER the last few chapters were kinda disappointing like it all ended and was wrapped up so damn quickly it seems a little lacklustre since the whole two books had been building up to this. dropped it down a half star. 

 i still don’t care that much for the romance, it was cute sure but only slightly above meh. i just wish i was more invested, and had more to root for instead of being so meh about them. the only time i got what i needed from them properly was in ‘twelve past eleven’ romans speech to dacre. if only they had somehow transferred those emotions across the book the hype might have been justified. 

overall…it was an okay duology. i don’t feel like i’ve wasted my time reading it and i’m happy to keep my copies and stick them on my self but will i ever reread it? not likely. in fact i’ll probably forget all about it and completely move on in like twenty minutes. 
Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

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I was told by everyone and their nan this book was a devastating beautiful romance. Like a heart wrenching love story and that typa book is sooooo my shit that i got hyped and i ruined it SO i’m here to let you know if you’ve been told this also you ain’t getting that so lower your expectations and try again. 

the romance, yeah it’s okay. cute ig. literally nothing special though. it had potential don’t get me wrong but it just fell flat, there was like no tension, no build up, i wanted so much more and it didn’t deliver. 
the book really needed to be longer (vary rare for me to say this so you know it’s something). i wanted more world building, more backstory, more relationship development, MORE ANYTHING PLS OML but it was just very surface level meh. half of the book was MISSING istg.  

not to mention how much Ms. Iris pissed me off in the ending. like is this bitch frl? she’s so meek, girl just lays down and does what she’s told dosent she. no anger no passion no emotion nothing. 

Spoiler time. I hate that they got married, it felt so rushed and like WHERE WAS THE DEVELOPMENT!!! bro where was the build up of this relationship. i genuinely felt like chunks of the book were ripped out, there was so many times where i was like i’ve got to be missing something here, i’ve got to because if i haven’t and this is the romance yall hyped up i’m going to lob this book across the fucking street. Also can we just discuss her dick brother. LIKE BRO man said ‘yeah i didn’t have time to save you both’ while roman was following her the whole time. actually that bitch boy went out of his way, SPENDING MORE TIME THAN IF HE JUST SAVED THEM BOTH, to like keep them apart. It was literally more effort and energy and time to not save him than to save him and forrest dick over here was like i’m gonna fucking go out of my way to fuck over my sister. AND THEN HIS SISTER, little ms walk all over me pls, was like yeah bro no worries you just basically killed my hubby and left my friends to die but me and you we still cool. LET ME COOK YOU DINNER FORREST. LET ME BANDAGE YOUR WOUNDS. LET ME GIVE YOU HUGS. ofc i’ll follow you back home with no fight and make no complaints. i’ll go a step further i’ll promise not to leave you even tho you’re on the WRONG SIDE OF THE WAR.

anyway…had to get that out. 
overall reading this book is reminiscent of having an interaction with the male species. i’m left feeling fucking irritated and disappointed. 

writing was pretty though and i’m a sucker for pretty shit so…saved it. BARELY. 
Heartless by Elsie Silver

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Might be biased cos i’m ginger but i actually enjoyed this mushy bullshit. 

Did it’s palate cleaning job and tho the tropes aren’t my favourite (i acc hate the tropes ngl) the characters made up for it. 
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes by Suzanne Collins

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right…time to re-enter my hunger games obsession era  
The Blood We Crave: Part Two by Monty Jay

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thatch needed smacking upside the head for the first bit ngl. but once we stopped going in circles (THATS WHAT PT.1 WAS FOR WE GET IT MOVE ON) it was good. in a wtf why typa way but still counts.
The Blood We Crave: Part One by Monty Jay

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well i did not expect to enjoy this as much as i did but damn this puts books 1 and 2 to shame. 
there are no other characters but thatch and lyra. none. zero.  
The Truths We Burn by Monty Jay

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what the fuck olympics tbh 

rook and sage were much better of a pairing than book 1 let’s all be honest and even though the plots still all over the place i was entertained. wack ass pacing tho 
The Lies We Steal by Monty Jay

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ahahahaha what the fuck 

Okay actual review. I didn’t care about Briar all that much and i didn’t care about Alistair at all. However….you pair dark academia, crime and hot ass men and i’m down. the vibes and the vibes only are keeping me 
Flawless by Elsie Silver

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If you’re looking for a cute, mediocre, low stakes romance then it’s perfect. Apparently I just don’t like being happy? 
A Million Kisses in Your Lifetime by Monica Murphy

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 56%.
waste of a tree