logarithms's reviews
167 reviews

The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: California by Gerard Way, Shaun Simon

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the art was so gooood wow
story line is kinda all over the place but i still had time to get attached to the characters so it worked out well. you gotta fill in the blanks on your own with a lot of the plot but im ok with that.
ive been listening to danger days on loop lately ahahaha what does this say about my psyche...
together with the album and the music videos this forms a pretty immersive world
Mending Matters: Stitch, Patch, and Repair Your Favorite Denim & More by Katrina Rodabaugh

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neat. reads like a collection of blog posts.
as a concept great as a book ehhh
severe over representation of the amount of jeans that need mending and a severe under representation of the amount of socks. every day i mend socks. they never stop
ive been mending for years and i still learned some things! ahaha. all this time ive been blanket stitching the edges of patches so they dont fray when i couldve been tucking the edge under...
Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire

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this has left me confused but i think i may just be rapidly losing braincells since summer started. it was an interesting read nonetheless! pacing was off, imo. kinda short considering all the plotlines going on (full on murder mystery! i already knew it was [redacted] after murder 1 and i feel like it shouldve been built slower...needs more suspense and odd clues.
hmm....i liked kade and jack. best characters. whenever jack appears im like. thats my dream girl wow. the bit where her arm's bleeding and her tie's undone? hot...

i like that in the end nancy was
Spoilerready to accept her future at the school, but then she read the letter and was like. screw it. this is my life, and i dont have to settle if its not what i truly want and opened her door again
. pretty cool turnaround
oh yea also ace nancy! that was so good....seeing my own feelings on published paper....feels nice man

i liked the writing sometimes (there were some cool bits (noted in blue notebook)) but i found the dialogue lacking (esp at the beginning)

the author seems like a cool ass person...i wanna meet her

now the real fun part: imagining what ur door would be. my favourite path of main cast is probably jacks? but i would prefer physics based mad science...human bodies freaking suck bro. electricity. exploding things. thats where its at
BUT my door would be set in space, but in like a nautical wayfaring type of way, and its like dex hamilton but whimsical and instead of bugs the crew studies space sea creatures (space is the sea) and im a pilot/scientist. my love interest is a space pirate who is also my nemesis

i think i liked it but im struggling to have thoughts right now so we'll leave this here.
The Wicker King by K. Ancrum

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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 4.5?
***may return to edit this more****

i really liked the book. it was so gripping i stayed up to finish it and read it in one sitting...
i liked the short chapters, sort of like catching a moment while driving by...a really neat style

i expected it to be more mindf*ck-y(are we allowed to swear on goodreads? are the cops coming for me?) based on what i'd heard ahaha at first i thought august would turn out to be a hallucination or something but the plot was actually really straightforward? and not confusing at all? even for a dumb 2 brain cell reader like me :O
but anyway let's file:
"Are you seeing things now?" "Yes." "What?" "You."
together with 'i think i dreamt you' and 'you are a pipe dream'
edit: one thing my 2 brain cells arent comprehending: was the bismuth a coincidence or was it hinting at the possibly that hallucinations are actually a way to see things that others cant? like was the bismuth meant to imply that theres a truth to what jack is seeing???? or really just a coincidence that you're not meant to read into?????

i can't speak to whether it was an accurate or sensitive portrayal of the subject matter since i've never experienced any of it firsthand... but the author seemed really sincere in the end note and it was well researched so im gonna assume it was done well?

the relationship between the main characters was really interesting to read and pretty different to the usual (a nice little shake up). i wish there was more at the end showing their progress towards a healthy relationship because august still seemed wayy to unstable at the end...but im gonna assume this is a 'up to the audience to fill things in' situation i guess

female characters were...hm :'( not too good. seeing as the author is a woman i dont wanna talk too much trash tho...she knows what shes doing
im glad alex was there tho as a female character with no romantic interest in either of the mains

The River chapter has officially F*cked Me Up. like....bro....

im kinda sad i read the ebook cause i think its meant to be ~immersive~ with the hatching getting darker? or something? ehhh its ok i still enjoyed the handwritten notes and stuff. the photos tho....were so cheesy.....whose edgy pinterest board is this...
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab

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4.5....it feels like filler but very entertaining filler
the book was good i am just having a breakdown in life in general so. maybe not so good that i just consumed this as a distraction

the games were like ???? lila and kell both desperately wanted to enter but did they get anything out of it??? unclear.
i do not.....like lila and kell as a ship......gay lila is the hill i die on. she saw the pirate lady (kosta?) and kasimyr and was like hot DAMN. alucard introduce me. i simply think...if there was a rival pirate captain, and she and lila have beef, and get a juicy enemies to lovers plot....that would be neat. also it would make 'im not like other girls' make more better since itd be like 'OH its because i LIKE other girls'....internalized homophobia that manifests as misogyny bro
kell still has no personality i truly dont get it (how do i find him likeable with no personality? well)
black london lila theory stans (me) stay strong for book 3
lila and alucard are truly the only characters i care about. alucard pick ur head up king ur pirate hat (just one of many from ur massive hat collection) is falling
stasion is hilarious to me. i hope hes kind of a shitty magician (who thought he'd flop on round one) and comes back and is all angry but then the public is all like 'wow stasion! that magician who made it to the semifinals wow so cool' and he just rolls with it like. 'yea, that was all me' and he gets the semifinal prize money and leaves
NO ONE BOUGHT UP THE MURDER OF ONE OF THE COMPETITORS I TOTALLY FORGOT. i thought that was foreshadowing to like...veskan/arnesian war and lila facing the consequences of her actions...
another thing that never came up. the spooky mirror salesman. "oh my god how did he know my name" that's just his party trick. he didnt mean anything by it. alternatively all of alucards crew wears nametags like theyre in retail. or lanyards.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life by Mark Manson

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Some interesting points.
An easy read.
Good for reflecting
great as an audiobook! casual register/tone makes it feel more like a conversation, and it eases a lot of the strain that comes from trying to listen to audiobooks with complex language/grammatical structures.
I didn't have to pay for this book but I definitely would be upset if I had paid for this book though, lol

He talked a lot about entitlement for an entitled straight white guy...without even acknowledging the fact...please sir see the irony in your statements
Points seem backed by little evidence. At one point he cited the Stanford Prison Experiment - which has been thoroughly debunked - which makes me wonder how well researched any of the other evidence is.
I don't think it delved deep enough to make truly good points on any of the topics. Was very repetitive.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

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It was pretty nice. A smooth, easy read.

I enjoyed the ideas and messages the book was pushing, but I found it too reliant on exposition, and was veeery repetitive of the key ideas being presented. Also, I can't say I agree with the main message! If you want something, the universe won't conspire to help you get there. You have to put in the effort to achieve what you want, and things definitely won't always go your way. Which is what was happening to the main character, but oddly enough the message didn't change? The themes felt like they conflicted with what was actually happening. It wasn't the universe conspiring to help achieve his goal, it was his active decisions to continue his journey and put in the effort to reach his goal. (Unless I've severely misinterpreted the message. As I always do. In which case...oops.)

This book reads more like a fable rather than a novel, since it isn't focused on characters or plot really, just the message that is being conveyed.

I was kinda sad about the way female characters were written. Men were free to pursue their personal legends, but all women need is love and hope for their lives to be fulfilling? Idk.

Despite all the quotable lines, I think what struck me most was, "I'm beginning what I could've started 10 years ago, but I'm happy at least that I didn't wait 20 years". It's relevant to where I am right now in life, and hearing it was v reassuring.

I listened to the audiobook of this, and I liked the way it was read, though I had to physically cringe at the voices that the guy reading put on for the desert/wind/sun entities. It was such a corny accent I just couldn't handle it. Sorry xP
Frankenstein: The 1818 Text by Mary Shelley

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Enjoyed it. The plot was a lot slower than I expected (I guess it's typical of the era but the slow read took me ages since I would get bored).
It was interesting to see how the story actually read, compared to retellings for modern audiences. It's hard to believe that the original invoked genuine horror. I felt that the incompetence and wishy-washy personality of Frankenstein made me side with the monster far more often. The monster ended up being the character I sympathized with, so I couldn't really read into any of the horror in the story. Whenever someone got killed, it was like, 'Oh come on Frankenstein. Can you hurry up and deal with the consequences of your actions? It's been like 3 years...'
The Chrysalids by John Wyndham

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Interesting book, and neatly written (not my favourite writing style...super too the point and factual, like a recount instead of a novel but you know, still nice and neat)
The constant pages long monologues were pretty dull....like was there no other way to relay the characters views besides pages of block dialogue?
Why choose to call them thought-shapes and think-togethers it just sounds so clunky...i get that they came up with it as kids but still
Hilarious how this is written from Davids POV when he does literally nothing. Rosalind and Sophie are out here killing people and David just sits there. i love Rosalind and Sophie but they miserably fell into the clutches of male author syndrome and we couldnt get by without overly detailed descriptions of their looks and having them be pitted against each other over a man.....le sigh...wyndam i trusted u....u only had 50 pages left to not screw up...

here's a quote i tabbed because im a fan of the extinctions concept:
"Sometime there will come a day when we ourselves shall have to give place to a new thing. Very certainly we shall struggle against the inevitable just as these remnants of the Old People do. We shall try with all our strength to grind it back into the earth from which it is emerging, for treachery to one's own species must always seem a crime. We shall force it to prove itself, and when it does, we shall go; as, by the same process, these are going. In loyalty to their kind they cannot tolerate our rise; in loyalty to our kind, we cannot tolerate their obstruction."
"The essential quality of life is living; the essential quality of living is change; change is evolution: and we are a part of it." (these quotes are both punctuation nightmares)

it seriously confused me and muddied all the themes of the first half of the book when their sealand saviour society was shown to have a greater superiority complex/disregard for others than the people they left behind. killing people cause theyre (/their species) gonna die anyway/their 'inferior lives' are not worth living....yea that doesnt sit right. like great the telepaths couldnt live in their group because of their differences but now they found a new group that will not care for anyone different from them but its ok now cause they fit in to the 'superior' group that 'deserves to live'...
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me by Mariko Tamaki

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i think my standards were too high....i didnt really like the characters and the dialogue was ,,,off? art was epic tho. i love how freddies hair was shaded...so flowy

yea idk i just thought the characters were lacking depth..