meganwintrip's reviews
114 reviews

Horowitz Horror by Anthony Horowitz

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This book contains 17 scary stories which are very creepy and twisted. I love books like this and I highly recommend it.

From a ghost in a computer which predicts things, to a bone idol boy who gets trapped in an video game and a demon in a camera.. these unusual stories will get you thinking and make you think twice about things. I particularly liked the short story at the end!

I thoroughly enjoyed the stories in the book, they were well written and all based in parts of the UK which is really nice as the other stories I have read in different books were in the US.

If you like spooky stories you may like this.. so get your creep on and read it.
Eight Ghosts: The English Heritage Book of New Ghost Stories by Stuart Evers, Andrew Martin, Mark Haddon, Andrew Michael Hurley, Rowan Routh, Kamila Shamsie, Max Porter, Kate Clanchy, Jeanette Winterson, Sarah Perry

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This book contains strange and unusual stories from different authors such as Mark Haddon, Max Porter, Sarah Perry and Andrew Michael Hurley. This book is also an English Heritage book, within the book the stories contain castles and Abbeys based around the UK, for example Carlisle Castle and Minster Lovell Hall.

I thoroughly liked the stories, they were different from the other spooky stories I have read. These are more ghostly and paranormal, some of them are the type that make the hairs on your neck stand up and check to see if anyone is watching you even though their isn't.. which I do like that in a book.

I just wish they were a little more scary (but this is a personal preference). Overall it's a great book.

I like that it is based around Castle and Halls in the UK I think that is something different and I would love to read more like this.
Misery by Stephen King

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The King of horror (no pun intended) hit the jackpot with this book. Such a fantastic, thrilling, terrifying, gripping and heart palpitating read!

First of all, the thought that has went into this book is phenomenal. He has wrote a book that contains him writing another book. Two books in one. This novel Misery, and in this book it contains another book or "manuscript" as Paul Sheldon like to call it, named "Misery's Return".

I love the added disclaimer about "Novril" at the beginning of the book too!

Annie Wilkes what can I say, other than Bat...S***... Crazy?

I've literally been hooked on this book from start to finish. I kept telling myself just one more chapter. The suspense was crazy, especially the part where he gets out the room for the first time! I couldn't keep up with my reading I was so on edge, it was fantastic!

It is much, much darker than the movie. I mean the rat blood licking? Eww... Not to mention the axe and and the little fire to "rinse" the foot amputation. Amongst other things i.e. lawnmowers!!!

This book was exceptionally written, I wouldn't expect less from Mr King.

Highly Highly Highly Recommend this

I rate this 5 Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman

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A toddlers parents and older sister get murdered by "The man Jack". He tends to kill the toddler but he nowhere to be seen. The small toddler wanders up the hill to a graveyard and the ghosts and spirits of the graveyard wonder what to do with him. Suddenly the locked gates to the graveyard start to rattle; it's the man Jack. He has come for the toddler. Suddenly the spirit of a woman turns up and begs the ghosts to look after her son and protect him. The ghosts realise who the toddler needs protection from and Mistress Owens' motherly instincts come out and asks Mr Owens if he will be the boy's father. He agrees and they keep the boy safe. That night there was a meeting to keep the boy safe in the graveyard. It was agreed that he will have "Freedom of the Graveyard". The Owens' name him Nobody "Bod" Owens.

Bod has a guardian called Silas; Silas leaves to go and do some research that he cannot do at the graveyard. This upsets Bod very much. Silas organises a teacher called Miss Lupescu to come and teach him things he need to know about the dead. Alongside Miss Lupescu, Bod has many other teachers who teach him normal things like history, reading and writing, but also things for the dead such as fading, dreamwalking and many other ways of the dead.

Later on Bod befriends Liza who is a witch and was drowned and burned to death. Liza helps Bod when he gets in trouble and helps keep him safe and gets help when she cannot protect him.

When Bod is 14 Silas sits him down and shares the story of where Bod came from, how his family were murdered and how the Owenses took him in as his own. He find out about The Man Jack. Shortly after Silas leaves again for a while to do more research. While Silas is gone The Man Jack and his other friends also called Jack track down Bod to end his life. All of the years of learning the ways of the dead help to defeat the Jack's and their order "The Jack of all Trades".

Such a fantastic book, Neil Gaiman hit it out if the park yet again! A fabulous 5 stars from me!
Along Came a Spider: by James Patterson

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Detective/Doctor Alex Cross and his partner Sampson are on the hunt for a man who has killed Black Families in the Projects, but they get told to stop it and come and help a kidnapping investigation. The kidnapping of Maggie Rose Dunne and Michael Goldberg two children from famous families. The kids were abducted from their school in broad daylight by their teacher Gary Soneji. Soneji is obsessed with the Lindbergh kidnapping case that happened in the 30s and uses his obsession to commit a celebrity crime.

He wants to be remembered, he wants to be famous and he wants to be noticed. Cross and Sampson aren't happy to be taken off their homicide case and put onto the kidnapping case. They eventually come around and help out, only to later find out Gary Soneji who's real name is Gary Murphy (he has a wife and daughter) is also the killer of the black families in the projects.

Gary Soneji/Murphy claims to have a split personality and doesn't know what he has done.. is this true? Can Alex see right through him?

Someone decides to cash in on the kidnapping and kidnap the girl who Gary took. But the culprits are found out by the FBI and Alex. The culprits are not who you think they would be.

Gary isn't happy he's been upstaged, he wanted to be the celebrity, he wanted to be the one who everyone talked about. Will he get revenge?

This is such a gripping story and I love the twists. I love Alex's character and I love the psychology he uses when talking to people, whether they are victims, convicts, friends or even a lover. There are such loveable characters in this book I love it so much.
Kiss the Girls by James Patterson

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The second installment if the Alex Cross series. Detective Cross's niece Naomi has went missing which is not like Naomi at all. Alex and Sampson decided to head down to North Carolina where Naomi was studying Law at. Alex knew something was wrong as the police only just got in contact with them to say she has been missing for FOUR days!

Alex finds out she's a a victim of a guy who calls himself "Casanova". He takes him victims and keeps them with him to "love him", but sometimes they "disobey" him and "break the rules" so they get killed for this. Casanova has lots of girls with him, all in separate rooms.

Casanova also has been stalking other victims and takes another called Kate but she's lucky and after a while escapes and manages to be saved. After she wakes up in hospital she helps Alex with his investigation. The investigation sends Alex to realise there are two separate killers Casanova and The Gentleman Caller the two have been friends since college times and they have come together to become one big monster.

After weeks of taunting and false leads Alex tracks down the missing girls with his partner Sampson and together they rescue the girls but only get one of killers. Casanova is still on the loose and Alex tries to piece together what he knows and how he can try to find him. Alex has an idea who it may be but then figures it's not who he thinks. Later Casanova comes after him and Kate, one because Kate got away and two because Alex killed his best friend "The Gentleman Caller". Casanova decides to not hide who he is and all hell breaks loose. Alex couldn't believe his eyes when he seen him, he knew how he got away with it for so long but now he wouldn't get away with it anymore.

I loved this book so so much. The storyz the writing and the flow of the book is fantastic. Lots of twists and turns and an amazing plot. I highly recommend this brilliant thriller.
Over the Top: A Raw Journey to Self-Love by Jonathan Van Ness

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I really enjoyed this book. The honesty, the pureness and the love.

It's been fascinating reading about JVN's life And learning about what he has been though. How he coped during life, how he turned into the amazing person he is today.

I love that he wasn't afraid to show his struggles, his weaknesses, his love for life and most importantly his love for helping others.

The book is also a bit of a self help book and had some resources if websites and numbers in the back to help you if you need any assistance with mental health, drugs and alcoholism etc which is amazing! The book also has some great things to remember and to make you feel better within yourself. My favourite was when you open the book it says "Imperfection is beautiful, To anyone who has ever felt broken beyond repair, this is for you. If you've ever been excluded, or told you were not enough, know that you are enough, and beautifully complete."

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I know I will be reading it again and again and again.
Fear: 13 Stories of Suspense and Horror by

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I loved this book so much, R L Stine has worked alongside other authors such as: Heather Graham, Meg Cabot, James Rollins and many others to create this wonderful book of short spooky stories. Perfect for spooky season
The Skylight by Louise Candlish

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Simone and her boyfriend Jake live in a two story flat above Alina and Gus. Alina and Gus are.the typical good looking, lots of money, we are better than you type of couple. Gus works away sometimes and while he's away Alina has been sleeping with Jake!

Simone notices this through the skylight that Alina and Gus have had installed, the only thing is she can see them but they can't see her due to Simone's bathroom window not being able to be seen though.

Simone decides to get revenge and poison comes to mind. Well... For Simone the act of poison is far too familiar, as she has poisoned once before when she was a little girl. She poisoned her dad's girlfriend that he left her mother for.

Simone's plan to poison Alina goes wrong and the wrong person ends up hurt.... In fact they end up dead.

I absolutely loved this quickreads book! Such a great storyline, it's intense and I could stop reading it!

I highly recommend you to get this short story!
Stop judging and Overcome Your Fear of being judged: A Guide on how to stop judging others, conquer our fears of judgment and live our best lives by Sophia Kaankuka

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I can relate to many parts of this book, especially the part about having children. My husband and I got married almost 4 years ago and when we came back from our honeymoon which was just 4 days after we got married we were asked "when are you having children". This really hurt because I was mentally ill quite badly at the time and my physical health wasn't great, I didn't want to bring a baby into the world when I wasn't well enough to look after them. We waited for the right time and nobody would listen to why we didn't have a baby yet, they just assumed and judged us saying "maybe they can't have kids", "she probably can't get pregnant", "if they don't have one now they never will". People can be cruel they don't want to hear the reasoning they just judge from the outside not knowing the inside.

The book tells us to stop being critical to others, to stop being perfect, to stop noting down your flaws or other individual's flaws, to stop seeking approval, to stop jealousy as jealousy is really unhealthy and can be bitter. The book tells us to start showing empathy towards others, the start listening, to start accepting who you are, who other people are and to allow yourself to heal. We all have imperfections every one of us do, but some of us choose not to show them so we seem perfect. Nobody is perfect. I think this book is very enlightening and people will enjoy it as you can tell Sophia really wants to help everyone become a better person and give you a psychological insight into judgment.

The book also shows you reasons why people judge and you may not realise you are judging someone by what you are saying. We all talk about educating ourselfs about sexuality, pronouns people want to be referred to etc but maybe it's time we all educated ourselves about judgment as it can really hurt someone, believe me I know this. I've been judged for not working, I've been judged for not having a baby straight after getting married.

Overall I think everyone should read this book and become more educated on the situations that we go through.