meghapatel's reviews
188 reviews

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

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"In the end everything matters"

Everyone needs to read this book. The message is so powerful yet tragic. The story telling is so beautiful and heart wrenching, it's told in such a unique and wonderful way. Once I picked this book up I could not put it down. I literally finished it in one sitting.

I know there are many mixed opinion on this book but I can’t help but love it. I also know that it’s not the best book out there on such heavy topic but it was still pretty good. It was so interesting to see how suicide impacts to those around you. I always knew that suicide is not a singular action but this book really helps you see that.

"Everything...affects everything"

Some might say Hannah’s reasons for suicide were not “good enough” but that’s not the point. What I see is how she thought her life could have been if all those horrible rumors hadn’t taken place to begin with. It drove her to the point of wanting to quit and finding for a reason to do so. It is like a domino effect, one rumor set every action in motion.

This book will definitely make you reevaluate your life. Take a step back and look at the bigger picture. See how your actions, small or big, makes a difference in your life and others.

I highly recommend everyone to read this book, but be prepared to get your heart broken into tiny pieces. I definitely won’t be able to stop thinking about this story anytime soon.

Now I’m off to binge watch the show!

"Put me underneath God’s sky and
know me
don’t just see me with your eyes
Take away
this mask of flesh and bone and
see me
for my soul
Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell

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This is my very first Rainbow Rowell read and honsetly I expected a lot more from it. No worries I'm still gonna read her other novels. Super confused on how to rate this. There is a part of me that loved it and there is also a part that was annoyed. After taking some time to think I'm settling with 3 stars.

The plot and story itself are interesting. It certainly is retailabe with the new college student and the whole fandom vibe. I had major flashback to being a new college student, living alone, and not knowing anyone. The struggle of Cath adapting to new environment and leaving everything familiar behind was shown excellently. It was definitely slow to ease in but I can deal with that. My problem (mainly) were the characters.

Cath is super introvert and does not like change. I get that, it's not everyone's cup of tea. I don't like change either but she goes to extreme measures to avoid people and confrontation. Like she would not ask anyone where the cafeteria was, like girl are you gonna starve to death? Just get up and ask someone. And then the part with the boy interest. She is just so closed up that she's keeps pushing/denying her feelings. I get that she has anxiety and a lot of issues to work on but some of her choices/ideas kept bothering me. The thing I loved about her was how caring she was and obviously her fangirling. She is so passionate about Simon and Baz. I mean let's be honest, this whole community on goodreads is a fandom. As for Cath and her fan-fiction, I don't think she should just focus on that. She is so into her fan-fiction that she'd rather fail a class. I mean yeah it's her passion but you have to focus on real world too. It's even worse because many times Cath, herself, mentions that writing a fan-fiction is not gonna help her earn money cause it's illegal to sell it so she should have some sense to focus on school to secure her future.

Wren is frustrating. Yeah you have to cope with some issues too but don't just forget about your twin and dad. She is careless and stupid. I see why Cath is the way she is because someone has to worry and that puts Cath in a difficult situation.

I instantly liked Levi. With him smiling and being nice had me loving him. He is the best character in this book. Reagan was another character that I did like too. She was fun, honest, and just say-it/do-it type of girl. I think she really did help Cath cope with her situation better.

Rowell does have a very quirky, honest, flowing writing style. I enjoyed the world she created but the characters did not do it for me. Don't get me wrong, I do understand the important issues pointed out in the book but it was just a bit dry because of the characters. It was still a fun read but not the best.
City of Fallen Angels by Cassandra Clare

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More like a 3.5 but rounding it to 4

Definitely agree that it should have ended at City of Glass. It would have been a perfect ending. Though this book wasn't bad some parts got boring. But I still enjoyed quite a lot.

Main reason I enjoyed was because we got to follow around Simon and not only just Clary. Simon is a very sweet character. We definitely see his struggle or rather his loneliness in this book. He is always feeling isolated and that hurts my heart. I just wanna reach into the book and give him a hug. But his love life was annoying! Not cool what you did there. Not cool at all. He'll come around though.

Clary is...well still Clary. Don't like her much, never did.

Jace. That boy needs help. Poor guy keeps so much in him. He needs to let his feelings out.

Magnus and Alec. I live for them!! Malec for days.

Overall, I did enjoy the book specially the last half. I'm just reading the last 2 books to finish the series and move on to Infernal Devices and then Dark Artifices. Here's to hoping the next book remains consistent.
Obsidian by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Just as wonderful as the first time.

I am completly and totally in love with this series. The story is gripping and interesting. It's super easy to read and follow. Jennifer's writing is amazing and flows really well. I also love the world and the concept. It's totally unique and new. I mean come on, aliens made of light...awesomeness.

I really love Kate's character. She is not the typical "go with the flow and be ordered around" type of girl. She likes to be valued and heard. She has her own opinions and makes sure noone gives her crap for it. Also she is a book lover and has a blog. Enough said.

And if all that isn't enough to rate this 5 stars...insert Daemon Black. He is perfection. I have not loved a character more than him. How could you not love uber-hot, funny, sarcastic, sexy, loving yet a jerk, beautiful, hot, hot, & super HOOOTTT character like him. I plaster a big geeky smile and drool everytime he is mentioned (which is the whole book but I am not complaining). I would kill to get a Daemon in my life. He is EVERYTHING!! 😍
A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

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Wow wow wow wow wow

No matter how many times I've read this book, I am always gonna be in awe. It is a total work of art. Every page, every sentence, every word leaves me wanting more, more, and more.

Each and every member of Inner Circle will forever live in my heart. I love them so very much. Mor with her sensitive and lovely chatter. Amren with her wicked and moody self. Azriel with his silent and observing swagger. Cassian with his sarcastic and deadly mixture. Rhysand. No words for him. How can anyone be so perfect? I can't, I just can't. Peace out while I go find myself a Rhysand. Lastly, Feyre she grew so much as a person. After the torment she went through and being shut out by that piece of shit Tamlin, she had to come to terms with a lot. Her journey was portrayed beautifully.

"But a real laugh, perhaps edged by hysteria—and profound relief."

I literally had tears of joy when Feyre laughed the first time after a task. It was pure and raw. That was the part where we finally see her coping and healing after all the suffering.

Oh and Lucien? He better get his damn head sorted out. ASAP

I know there a lot of people who don't like Sarah's writing style or the story but I ain't here to judge. I adore it and can't get enough.


I have no words

This book is so so beautiful. Everything about it is utterly perfect. I feel in love with all the characters and specially Rhys. He is so swoon worthy and just perfection. Feyre's character development was phenomenal in this book. From the beginning to the end you can see how she tries to cope with everything that happened. Sarah J Maas portrayed Ferye's journey so well, it's brilliant. Like I said I have no words... This is definitely one of the best book of 2016 for me.

Just hand me the next book NOW!
When Dimple Met Rishi by Sandhya Menon

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My little Indian heart is content!

When Dimple Met Rishi is such a fun, light, heartwarming contemporary novel. I truly loved every single thing in the book. No complaints and no demands (it's a Bollywood movie dialogue...sorry I couldn't help it).

I've always wanted to read a book with Indian main characters and this one did not disappoint. It was utterly perfect. All the Hindi phrases and Bollywood references had me smiling like a geek. It literally had me laughing out loud at times. Like I said my Indian heart is happy.

Dimple Shah and Rishi Patel. First of all shoutout to my Patel boy!! #Represent #PatelPride (again so sorry for that). Both the characters were very relatable and portrayed really well. Following their journey felt like I was there with them experiencing everything they went through. Dimple is sort of stubborn, determined, and wants to do her own thing. While Rishi is optimistic, gentle, and truly respects his culture and values. The scene where they first meet is literally

I'd also like to take this moment and say: Rishi, Tujhme rab dikhta hai 😍

Sandhya Menon created a great world. She represented the Indian aspects so well and I couldn't be happier. She broke the stereotypes associated with forced arranged marriage and strict Indian parents and showed the other side of spectrum. Bless her 👐

I think it was kismet that showed me this book existed. I promise you go read this book and it will not disappoint. It is super delightful and fast read.

Oh oh and Sandhya Menon mentionts pani puri in 'about the author section.' So brb while I go be best friends with her.
I Am Invited To A Party by Mo Willems

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Everything and so much more!

I truly, absolutely adored every second of this book and movie! I had no expectations from this movie whatsoever. But it grasped me as soon as it started and left me wanting more. Since I jumped on the Harry Potter bandwagon just last year, I honestly didn't think I would get to experience the waiting & anticipation for the next story to come out within the Wizarding world. It just feels like now I can truly embrace this magical world as I get to wait with eveyone for the next story to unfold.

Reading this book was like re-watching the movie. It just left a larger effect on me as I got to read and absorb every single detail. I love the plot, characters, and ofcourse New York in 20's. What is not to love?!?!

Newt is absolutely adorable and I instantly feel in love with him! He is so kind, sweet, caring, and passoniate. The way he cares for his creatures melts my heart. He is literally the ideal Hufflepuff.

Queenie also became one of my favorite character instantly. She has a deeper understanding for everyone and is also very kind and sweet. I totally felt some Luna vibes from her. Is that just me?

Jacob and Tina are also great characters and I adore them both too! Jacob is quirky and funny and the perfect sidekick. Tina seems more reserved and composed.

Oh and the scene when they go in Newt's case! I was smiling like a goofball throughout that scene. It was perfect! Also, I can't wait to see more of Dumbledore and Grindelwald's story.

This screenplay was perfection and so was the movie. Now I have a demand that all movies should have a screenplay to go along.

J. K. Rowling has done it again. I'm telling y'all she is a real wizard. Writing wizard. Everything she touches probably turns to gold. She has magic in her. She is literally queen.

P.S. Now imma go watch this movie again and again and again. Probably till I memorize every single dialogue. RIP life
"My philosophy is that worrying means you suffer twice"
Onyx by Jennifer L. Armentrout

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Reading this series again is reminding me just how much I love Daemon. He is definitely #1 on my book boyfriend list. No competition there.

Daemon: "You'll have admitted that you’re madly, deeply, irrevocably, and irresistibly in love with me.”
Me: Oh boy, you have no idea!

Onyx is a great sequel to Obsidian. It explores more into the world of aliens, you start to see that there are bigger schemes and plots coming up. The book is full of suspense, action, heartbreak, and swoon worthy romance. While the first half of the book had me laughing, the second half was just as intense and had me on the edge of my seat.

Jennifer's writing grips you and you just can't put the book down. I find the dialogues so funny that I keep laughing and people around me start judging real hard. One of the funniest think is Daemon calling Blake different names. Ben, Biblo, Bob, Bart, Brad, I literally die everytime. It's just too funny.