moomoo_reads's reviews
132 reviews

BJ Alex by Mingwa

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I loved this story so much! I had such a hard time stopping. I would've stayed up all night reading it if I didn't have school the next day :( I still stayed up much longer than I should have each night... whoops? Albeit being super tired and having a hard time getting up in the morning, it was SO worth it! I am VERY tempted to reread it already...

I love these two so much! Jiwon/Alex was such a dick at first, but I still loved him regardless. And DG! What a precious lil bean šŸ„ŗšŸ˜. But oh my god! CHANWOO!? I fucking love him so much! He's my absolute favourite! I loved each and every chapter with him, ESPECIALLY the specials! I would love for there to be a whole manhwa just about him and MD and learn more about them. That would be AMAZING!

Chanwoo has my heart.
That is all.
Let's Play, Vol. 3 by Leeanne M. Krecic (Mongie)

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Fuck, why do I always have to wait so long between seasons, it kills me. This is why I hate reading on-going series cuz I can't just binge the whole thing in one sitting. But man do I love this webtoon. I literally can't wait to see how the story continues to unfold. There's more and more things coming to the surface each season that have us on the edge of our seat waiting for explanations and to see what happens and each resolution just brings more questions. I JUST WANNA KNOW HOW THIS SERIES ENDS AND EVERYTHING THAT'S GOING ON. šŸ˜­ WHAT DOES SAM SAY TO CHARLES!? WHAT IS GONNA HAPPEN WITH THE P.P.P.P.P.!? I NEED ANSWERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
Super Secret by eon

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 This webtoon is soooooo wholesome! Ryan and Emma are adorable. I wished there was more. The ending was so cute. I'd love a story about Jasmine and Johan. He's so sweet I wanna know what happened to them. I also want to see more Hunter. I love him. And OMG Kat and "Mister's" relationship! So sweet in the end! God, I just love them all. I don't want their stories to end. I could keep reading on and on until they're old and die, although I don't want them to die... ever... so maybe until I die then. Yeah, that's better. I want their stories to continue until the day I die.
Did I bawl my eyes out when Ryan tried to break up with Emma? Yes, yes I did. Was I about to chuck my phone across the room if they had broken up? Yes, yes I would have. Good thing Emma pelted him with Snowballs and snapped him back to reality. Did I cry when Johan erased Jasmine's memories of him? You betcha. That shit hurted.
I just want them all to live happily ever after.
Thank you.
That is all. 
Freaking Romance Season 2 by Snailords

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 Holy Fucking Shit! The author is just pure evil! That cliffhanger is THE actual worst and evilest thing the author could do! I feel hella bad for anyone who was reading it as it was coming out. I have no clue how long you had to wait for the next season, but I know anything that's longer than clicking the next chapter arrow, is far too long. I am SO glad I can continue right away.

Anyway, this season was so fucking good! The story got even better. I didn't think it could, but it did. It just keeps getting better and better and I'm obsessed. There's no way I'm not finishing this tonight.
The author is honestly SO goddamn good at writing. He's amazing at switching between comical and serious and deep. I went into this thinking it was just another cutesy little romance, but it's so much more. I mean he's got me shipping Zylith with both Verose and Zelan simultaneously, maybe she even ends up with both of them. I don't even care if she ends up with one over the other because I love them both so much and am happy seeing her with either one. They're both amazing.
On top of that, I love the twists and how it isn't predictable. I literally have no clue how it's actually gonna end and who she ends up with, if she even ends up with someone. Sure, the obvious choice would probably be Zelan, but with this author, I'm not really sure. I can see him set it up to make us think that and then she ends up with Verose or with neither.

On to the next season! Let's goooooooooooo! 
Freaking Romance Season 1 by Snailords

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 I am loving this webtoon so much more than I was expecting to. I am IN LOVE with Verose, but come on, who isn't at this point? I literally just got out of my Ruby Rose phase and she is going to put me right back in, I'm calling it now.
I love Zylith and Zelan too. I love their characters and can't wait to see how their relationship evolves and what's in store for these two.

I can't stand her dad. Just wanna reach into the screen and slap the shit out of him. I really wanted Zelan to fuck him up, not gonna lie.

But, I'm excited to see what happens next! 
Devil Number 4 by Jangjin, woombeee

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 I absolutely LOVED this manhwa! Their relationship is the absolute cutest thing from beginning to end! I was pleasantly surprised to find out it wasn't just a romance manhwa and that there was a lot of conflict between the Angels and Devils and a whole plot point in itself. I love any sort of mythology or stories to do with Angels and Devils and stuff, so I enjoyed that part a lot.

There were some things I didn't like, like the time skips for example and the memory loss, especially at the end. I felt it was unnecessary. I also didn't like how it ended, if I'm being honest. It left so many things unanswered, especially in terms of god and what's happening next. If it weren't for the "spin-off" episodes at the end, I would've given it a 4 stars. The spin-off didn't answer all my questions, but it left me feeling more satisfied than the original ending.

I would not be opposed to a sequel. I get that Hanna and Number 4's story has come to an end, but there's still a lot more to be explored in terms of the whole conflict with Angels and Devils. I'd love to follow Mika and Number 313, or Peace and Number 3. Maybe even fill us in on what went down while Number 3 was out. I would really love more of this story, characters, and universe. 
A Good Day To Be A Dog Volume 6 by Lee Hey

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I have been crying, no, full on sobbing for the past hour while reading this. I fucking canā€™t with this webtoon. Itā€™s too much for my heart to takeā€¦ I- fucking hell.
I seriously thought that Hana would get to tell him before his bitch ass bully does. I was fucking fuming. The entire volume I was so god damn anxious. I hate that guy so god damn much. He doesnā€™t deserve to have a dog that cute.

I will admit that seeing Seon tell that son of a bitch off and shove him was pretty fucking satisfying. Like go off Seon! Yet I still sobbed throughout the whole thingā€¦

And OH. MY. GOD. Yul!? When he was protecting Hana! And making sure that Seon wasnā€™t gonna hurt her by holding him back! Like