mxbookmoth's reviews
156 reviews

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: No Future for You, Part 2 by Richard Starkings, Georges Jeanty, Brian K. Vaughan, Joss Whedon, Dave Stewart, Andy Owens

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Faith's storyline continues-& It's good, but I want to see some more of Willow & her Magic! Need to get her Comics...
Also, I want to get Volume 2 asap-As I've only 4 more Comics left to read in this one & I'm really into it now!
Betrayed by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

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I started this Book off really enthusiastically after having finished Book 1 & really enjoyed it. Then I went through a reading slump, stopped reading this & picked up other Books, before *finally* getting back into this one again!
I really enjoyed it-It was nice to go back into this world, with these characters again, there was a lot going on in this story & there were some surprising twists & turns...
As far as YA Vampire based Book series go, this one is as original as it can be-Whilst still being a YA Book about Vampires! ;) But it has certain elements {Pardon the pun!} to it that I've never read in that genre before.
I'm moving onto Book 3, Chosen, asap-I'm intrigued to see where things will go from here. :)
Chosen by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

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This was a dramatic, action packed Book in this series.
There were times when I started getting annoyed at the actions of certain characters-But then, I could see why the writers went there & somethings would end completely differently than how I imagined they would...
Going to move straight onto the next Book in the series.
Untamed by P.C. Cast, Kristin Cast

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Another strong, dramatic instalment in this series. Lots more magic & action-& not just centred around Zoey's love/Sex life! XD
I haven't got the next Book in the series yet, but I definitely will asap! :)
Twilight: The Graphic Novel, Vol. 1 by Young Kim

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I just read this in one sitting & I loved it! :D
The artwork's gorgeous, the adaptation of the descriptions & words fit in really well & I already enjoyed all of the Books & Films-So I knew I'd be into this too. But this is more like what I imagined the story to be when I read the Books & has more of a magical, sweet & innocent {To a certain extent!} feel to it than anything else.
I've had this for ages & yet never read it until now-Now I really want vol 2 asap!
Vampires: From Dracula to Twilight: The Complete Guide to Vampire Mythology by Charlotte Montague

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I've had this Book for ages-Yet I've only just read it...I loved it!
I've always found Vampire mythology interesting, so I already knew that I'd definitely enjoy reading more about it.
This Book goes through Vampire history, changes throughout the ages, myths & legends, horrific historical figures & Vampires depicted in T.V & Film.
The author's clearly educated on all of the above & I learnt quite a bit from it-Especially the historical aspects.
The only thing that annoyed me slightly, was how Paganism {Constantly written with a lower case p} was referred to as something in the past, when actually, it does still exist in the present! :P
But aside from that, it's a great Book for Vampire fans! ;)