natalierogers's reviews
329 reviews

Painted Scars by Neva Altaj

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I love this series. Roman and Nina were literally so cute.
Roman is insecure about his injury but Nina does not care about it and loves him anyway.

Even though she is blackmailed into the marriage she makes the most of it. The banter is really funny throughout the book. Nina has a traumatic past and Roman is injured from an attack on his life. They help each other deal with everything and move on.

I have read it so out of order because I never intended to read the whole thing but I keep coming back to read them all. This book was really cute and funny. Of course fast paced due to how short the book is so if you like the slow burn this probably isn't the one. This hasn't been my favorite book of the series but it is still a good one. I am convinced to read the rest of them.
Before the Storm by Montana Fyre

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I liked it but there were things that got on my nerves about it.
** slight spoilers maybe

Ayvah was very insecure through the whole book and it is constantly talked about. Her family would degrade her and make her feel like she wasn’t good enough. Storm worked with her to make her more confident and stop talking bad about herself.

Now when he was sending her away and decided that the best way to do it was to tear her down over every insecurity she had… yeah I honestly would have had a hard time forgiving that. ESPECIALLY when he barely apologized for it then when she’s saying like leave I can’t do this he’s all “can’t she see I love her? Can’t she see I did this for her? But like can’t he see he did exactly what her family did to her for her entire life…

There were phrases that were said in the book way too many times. I was started to get irritated because I felt like I was reading the same thing over and over again. I still enjoyed the story I just wish that instead of using the same phrases it was switched up.
Broken Rules by I.A. Dice

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Dante and Layla/Star are kind of frustrating lol

The banter is good but honestly sometimes Star got on my nerves but probably because I am the same way. The twist close to the end with the flashback was actually really insane and I did not see that coming. This is probably my favorite read of the year so far.

Dante is older and absolutely obsessed with Layla (Star). Her dad and Dante are rivals and are on opposite sides of Chicago. Layla runs into Dante at his club on her 19th birthday and they hit it off. They start seeing each other and develop feelings. There is a big twist that I honestly should have seen coming from a mile away just based on everything.
Broken Promises by I.A. Dice

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Stressed. That’s the best way to describe how I felt through the whole book. There was so much happening and with the two POVs with both characters doing different things in different places it was intense. The plot twists actually make me sick to my stomach with how much is happening. It was a good book.

The missing finger never gets mentioned which is weird to me… her aunt who is so against the mafia and all that doesn’t say anything about her very fresh open wound?

Why did Dante never say anything to Layla about Grace kissing him (while he was piss drink) she should have got her ass beat for that tbh.

I wish we could have had a longer or I guess more in the future epilogue. Not just a rush wedding where he cousin and Ant are now living in Chicago with no further mention of anything.
Mafia And Angel by Isa Oliver

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Lorenzo was an asshole to an I literally the whole book up to the last 10%

Instead of apologizing when he realized he was wrong about an I betraying him he forced her to watch a video he secretly took of them fucking and then fucked he’d. he was gone the next morning when she woke up. He had taken her phone and laptop and everything away from her and wouldn’t let her leave the property.

When he finally apologizes for everything it’s a half assed apology and the whole time he’s in his head going “what more does she want I said sorry and that I trust her. I even called myself an asshole” like sir you literally treated her like shit you could do more than say “sorry” for fucks sake.

Anni is immature honestly. She did good with the kids but she literally dressed up like a cat and went to cat con.

Also wtf was the point in making such a big deal about her wanting to get a college degree if once h said okay to it the topic was never brought up again…. She helped him solve two big issues in his business but it never went anywhere. Seemed irrelevant to even mention at all.

Overall I did not like this book I only finished it because I wanted to see him grovel and earn her love and he never did.
Because I Need You by Claire Contreras

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after the last two books i read this was such a good book.

Gio and Isabel were very cute.

Giovanni was a player who never really dated anyone before. Isabel is a school teacher who doesn’t really have any family after her dad dies. After finding out their fathers secretly married them they meet each other and things start to get interesting. I do wish we could have seen an actual wedding in the epilogue though. i think that would have been cute. Also i wish there would have been a scene where they played out his fantasy
Psycho Beasts by Jasmine Mas

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I reread the book and changed my rating from 5 starts to 3 stars because I realized how many plot holes there were… potentially. I’m not sure if they will make sense after the next few books but considering those follow “Aran” idk. Don’t get me wrong the books are great the ending just doesn’t exist.

I love this book because of the banter but wtf. I wish we had more about the war and the training with the high court or even another book to focus solely on that. Again I don’t know if it ties into the rest of the series or not but it’s just frustrating that we were left with nothing more than a tid bit at the end. Like dick shows up as a hologram? Also once they are mated we don’t even get any interaction outside of the final scene in the book??? Weird if you ask me considering the build up was fucking 3 books to get there. I really wish we could have seen more interaction within the pack after they were mated. Did they realize they were fated mates? What do they do for the mafia? Also if they can grow teeth why can’t she grow a new finger? And the girls…. They all have a secret power? What’s up with Jinx? Like LOVED her but like… what’s with the banshee power, not sleeping and insane perception?

Also, I hated the whole “two hours earlier” reading the same chapter just from another characters POV. Drove me nuts.

Also, also, we literally didn’t get to see them use their shifted forms one fucking time in this book. Besides the two “accidental” shifts in the house. That was depressing. I bet she has blood power but like… she’s also a fucking saber tooth tiger.

The book is too long to end with such a fucking dead end. Especially after reading two other books before this.
Caught Up by Liz Tomforde

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Miller Kai and Max are literally the cutest.

This book was so cute it made me cry so much.
When She Loves by Gabrielle Sands

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2.5 stars - Rafe was confusing as fuck fr. Cleo at least knew she hated him and then knew she wanted him.


Rafe knew that her family and his own tore her down with their words yet that’s exactly what he did to her RIGHT AFTER she was kidnapped and drugged by her OWN FUCKING FATHER. He comforted her for all of 10 seconds then threw her off saying he wasn’t “that guy.” Get fucked buddy. Then he comes to Italy to apologize and he thinks getting on his knees and saying please was enough.

She didnt want to be married to him but then started to develop feelings for him. The whole time he is obsessed with her and wants her so bad. Then she finally lets him in and he shuts her out. No emotional connection just sex. I get he had trauma but he switched up so fast from being all into her to not being into her outside of sex….

The whole kissing her to stop her from talking about important shit. Yeah that really started to bug the shit out of me.