natanacreativepineapple's reviews
39 reviews

The Exhibitionist's Christmas by D.L. Howe, D.L. Howe

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I received an ARC of this novella and this is my honest review.

This is my first read from D.L. Howe. I enjoyed their writing and I would be happy to read another of their works. I stayed invested in the story from start to finish, the steam is HOT and fast-paced with a bit in almost every chapter.

Bennett speaks up asking for a divorce at the ODDEST time - It is a short story so it makes sense to get things jump-started. He is confident and secure in his own business, he wants a modest lifestyle with lots of affection.

Asher is so oblivious to Bennett’s feelings in the beginning, I wanted to cry. Although oblivious to what his actions are doing, his heart and intentions are in the right place.

The two seriously need to learn some reflective listening and communication, which of course will come in time if they work on it. There was one part I really didn’t enjoy, however, I understand why it is there to move the plot along. Seeing these two evolve together is a smidge angsty at times, and heart-warming with romantic gestures.

Won't You Be My Master? by Jacqueline Grey

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This was my first read by this author and I’m happy to have picked it - currently working through books I added to my TBR during the retreat this year. Jacqueline did a fantastic job describing beginner D/S dynamic negotiation, feelings, and a healthy way to learn more; representing the community well. I got real soft dom vibes, even from the blurb about Harold, and that was totally confirmed as the story went on haha. Taylor has a well-practiced pouty face, typical bratty sub, that gets him out of some trouble into… better trouble *insert smirky face here*
Run with the emotions of the characters in this story, although an age gap, both MCs are in a similar life stage of limbo that I think most can relate too. A sassy, slow-burn, where the spicy and the sweetness combine and leave you wanting more.
MArry Christmas Nanny by Alexa Woods

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I truthfully picked up this book because it was one of the first wlw holiday romances I could find (if you can rec me some, please leave them in the comments!).

Marlin is an experienced, professional live-in nanny who is literally the most PATIENT person. The way she listens and makes others feel special is a true talent. If I had ever needed a nanny as a child or needed to hire one for kids now, Marlin is who I want. What will Marlin do when she starts to be attracted to her boss?

Arizona is a workaholic doctor trying to balance home and work life. I relate to this so hard. Every week I am trying to juggle running a small business, managing a household with lots of pets and people, and working a full-time job. She handles things with grace and attempts to live life through lists because that’s how she can manage. Can she let loose when this chaotic young woman comes into her life?

This story is a ride. Let’s see - a puppet show about a potato, bringing home a dog on the first day of a new job, and flu that hits right before Christmas. I was engrossed with Marlin’s imagination to keep the kids entertained, she is a one of a kind nanny and my heart grew when the kids begged for her to stay. The universe through lemons and she made delicious lemonade. Arizona let others decide a majority of her goals and beliefs from a young age; to watch her eyes open to new perspectives and see a different way that life could be like, filled with joy and quality time, was beautiful. I would love to read this story again or pick up a sequel if there was one.
Jingle My Bells by Morgan Lysand

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I received an ARC of this novel and this is my honest review.

This was my second read by this author and I enjoyed it as much as the first. Morgan ties in believable issues for plot development and lots of spice between the couples.

The way most people think about Santa is someone that will provide for kids, right? Oh you’re too old to believe in Santa, no more sitting on Santa’s lap.

Well this Santa provides to the Naughty and Nice adults. So an elf in need of a toy tester, and then his sexy toy tester loses their home? Of course he’s going to invite him into his only bed. Santa has his hands in all of it. And you have to read it to find out how.

This is a great holiday novella with spice, tender emotions, and a happily ever after for all
The Demon's in the Details by Meghan Maslow

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The world built, like how the city is set up, gave me Hunger Game vibes, but without making people fight each other. The city is owned by several different high class characters, each setting up their own rules in the territory under their ruling. Even when it’s a little angsty, the characters use humor to get through it and I adore that. I will be reading the second book as soon as I can!

Oh Poe, Poe, Poe. How much are you willing to give for the people you care about? A bird that shouts at the top of his lungs about being free, when every decision he makes appears to help others instead of himself.

Tommy is charming, mysterious, and to the point. You’re probably asking how someone can be mysterious and to the point, but you’ll have to read to get what I mean or tell me what you think instead.

There are too many parts of this story that I enjoyed to pick favorites - strong loyal friendships, sassy remarks, and a city to save - are a few.
Christmas Bubble by Ana Ashley

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This was one of the first novels I found when searching for holiday romance, cause it was the season ha. I did pick it up faster when I saw a fellow reviewer post about it - with zero regrets.

Bubble is the cheerful friend that hides their sadness in their smile. He is precious and I want him as my own personal chef.

Coach is stubborn and divorced, keeping life simple. Oblivious to why Bubble keeps giving him food and other gifts.

I would like to say this is one of the best opposites attract romances I’ve read. It made complete sense how the two meet, end up in their situation and reach their happy ending. Holiday cheer, delicious bonding meals, and communication may be all these two need
My Dark Knight by K.A. Merikan

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I am working my way through this five-book series, if you choose to read it then I suggest to go in order. This story starts dark and weird, then when you didn’t think it could get darker, SOMEONE LITERALLY IS FORCED TO POKE THEIR OWN EYE OUT. Please read your triggers, cause this one has a few.

Elliot is a self-conscious, and self-centered asshole. It may lessen through the story, but it doesn’t stop. It’s just who he is.

Knight is a cocky player who believes he has the right to do so many things without conscious thought of how it could hurt someone else in the process.

I truly don’t think these two characters were meant to be favorites, although they might be for some. They help develop the arching storyline and you get a happy ending for a couple within the world. I had to take several breaks through reading this due to the graphic descriptions of violence or character decisions I didn’t agree with. A strong 3.5-star read for me, rounded up to a 4.
A Beauty for Kinkmas by R.A. Frick

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Frick does a fantastic job when listing trigger warnings and other things like that. This has a meaningful and deep connection between characters with lots and lots of s*x when the opportunities are available.

Lance is at peace with where he’s ended up, almost to the point of reaching his firefighter dream. His intimate relationships are lacking but after other men have baulked at his scars; I would be scared to open up too.

Danny is a tender daddy who is just stepping into the world of figuring out what that means.

These two run into each other as a surprise, many times and the author wove these coincidences together nicely. It’s believable, with both characters having legit reasons to be in places and such. Personally, I am not a fan when other books have it too conquencidental. This is a stand-alone novella that intertwines with R.A. Frick’s X Club series. I enjoy their variety of gender and sexual identities the most. I plan to continue picking up more of their writing soon.
On Your Knees, Prospect by K.A. Merikan

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This is the third novel in a series that I am reading by K.A. Merikan - Kings of Hell MC. I adore this couple. I have wanted to see Jake get his happily ever after since book one. And this is exactly what he needed.

Trigger warnings for this story are not necessarily listed, however, it should be read in order of the series and it is less dark than the second book in the series. Mention of domestic violence, violence, blood/gore, and crude language are a few to give you an idea if you find this review before the others.

Jake appears to be such a goody goody, follow directions but OH BOY is there an attitude hiding in that brain. The passion inside him. To follow orders. To do good. Is only ignited for the people who earn it.

Vars is experienced. This guy takes over the room when he walks in from his presence and size. I definitely wanted to jump in that book and jump on this biker myself, I don’t even know why Jake would resist - Mostly kidding, cause the guy is secretive and cocky, who is about to get his patch at the same freaking time as Jake and Jake has waited years!
If you enjoy Dark MM Romance with d/s dynamics, I SHOUT for you to go read this novel. You may be able to piece together the gist of the background stuff without reading the other two first, if you don’t mind missing like in moment details.