nathaniacalaee's reviews
219 reviews

Beartown by Fredrik Backman

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 18%.
Excuse Me While I Ugly Cry by Joya Goffney

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This is so cute like squealing cute! Carter Bennett ladies and gents! 👏🏾👏🏾
The Starter Ex by Mia Sosa

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Why is this book actually so good… GO READ IT!! 
Me: 😋🥰😍🤪😜🥹🫣🤭🤤🙄😤😳🥵🤩
(^^ and this is an AUDIOBOOK!) so yeah… read it. 
fast by Millie Belizaire

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“In life, there are certain things that you just need. I needed food to eat. I needed air to breathe. I needed water to drink. And I needed Caprice.”
SHAUNN 😋 (but then he would flip a switch and act SO weird…) I honestly don’t know what to rate this book because 
  1. I enjoyed every single second 
  2. When I wasn’t reading it, I wanted to be 
  3. It was repetitive 
  4. There was trauma (don’t be fooled I like this in books) 
  5. Shaun! 
So this is TECHNICALLY more good than bad in the book, but I’m still conflicted on what to rate it. Just know that I enjoyed every second, but it was repetitive! I will probably try out another of this authors books 😍😍

Caught Up by Liz Tomforde

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
So this is my quickest dnf ever… the way the teammates talked about Miller was just annoying and I had to skip past everything because I was getting a headache! You know it’s bad because I have gotten through 5+ ELLE KENNEDY books but I couldn’t get through this… I think I’m going to live in my fantasy of The Right Move and I hate to say it but this a hard dnf for me 😬
Also this book had the whole “I’m going away in X months” trope… LITERALLY WHO ARE WE TRYING TO FOOL I KNOW YOU’LL END UP IN THE END!! So if you dislike that trope as much as me PLEASE save yourself the time and effort 🥰
Scarred by Emily McIntire

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was this supposed to be sexy? (I’m looking at you candle scene 😄🕯️👀) I was cringing and trying so hard not to laugh and MAYBE it’s my fault for listening to it on audiobook but I TRIED SO HARD to read the book and I couldn’t get past chapter 2. I had to try something else just to see if it was me or the book… it was the book. I will say that the British accent ate though 😳👀
Only For The Week by Natasha Bishop

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Did not finish book.
I wanted to love it but I didn’t. 
Magnolia Parks: Into the Dark by Jessa Hastings

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“I’ve loved this face all my life. It’s the sun I pray to, and if what we have is a temple, I built it with my bare hands—I nearly died trying to build this fucking thing. Built it til my hands were raw and bloodied. And I’ll die on the altar of loving her, happily too. That’s not a waste to me.” So yeah… it’s safe to say I loved it. 

Wow this book was everything! How did I go from loving it, to being somewhat tired of it, to being so anxious and enthralled I lost sleep to finish it in one sitting? Who knows? Jessa is just like that… speaking of her we need to bring up that editor of hers who clearly doesnt give a damn because the pacing in this book was questionable. The grammatical errors had me wondering if I was losing my mind (or maybe it was the fact that I stayed up reading it till 5 AM…). The genuine confusion for the ages REALLY made me feel like I was losing my mind so much so that I don’t even want to talk about it SO moving on- this book was not perfect by any means but it was perfect to me and I love these characters so much and I NEED the next book right now it’s genuinely painful! 

P.S. I cried writing this review so y’all really know how bad this book broke me! 😆

The Duke Gets Desperate by Diana Quincy

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The duke gets desperate or I got desperate? Def me! Not bad but the pacing could’ve been a bit better… (coming from the girl in a reading slump) BUTTTTT THERES A PALESTINIAN FMC LIKE YES!