A cute spicy romance, loved the fact that Bee and Nolan were both fans of each other before meeting and it wasn’t weird and one-sided. While I’d prefer it without, I felt the classic “third act breakup” was well thought out and made sense as there were other things riding on it, rather didn’t totally relying on miscommunication.
Jesus christ, I could not wait for this book to be over. I don’t think I could care less about Beat or Melody. Melody is the worst kind of “quirky awkward female lead” and Beat’s whole issue is that he has an edging kink. 🤨 And not an edging kink because he’s into it, but because he’s sooooo fortunate in other parts of his life that he doesn’t deserve sexual pleasure. WHAT?! I read It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey and enjoyed it (spicy scenes were 10/10) but these scenes always had *at least* one line part way through that felt so out of pocket I had to walk away for a second. I wish there was more focus on Steel Birds, I found both Trina and Octavia far more interesting and likable than their children, even though you’re obviously supposed to dislike them for the majority of the book. I could obviously go on and on complaining about this book, but I’ll leave it at that…
Okay one more thought… ENGAGED?!? You’re getting engaged when you’ve known each other for real for like a month?? It’s one of my biggest pet peeves when the only happy ending an author can come up with is a ring. 🙄
Such a beautiful and heartbreaking story. For every terrible character there were so many more that I fell in love with. I really enjoyed Backman’s writing style/this translation. The ending tied everything together perfectly.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Three books in and I fear this series just isn’t for me. I still want to continue, since they’re such quick reads and I don’t dislike them, I just feel like I am past the point of being the intended audience for these books. In this book specifically, there were a couple of times that I cringed at the “quirky high schooler” talk of keyboard smashing and one too many “why are we like this.” Still a sweet series, I’m excited to watch the show once I’m done since I’ve heard really good things.
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
I said in my review of Volume 1 that I hoped my ratings would go up as I got further into the series and knew the characters a bit more, and I think that will be the case! A sweet book, nothing too deep (other than some homophobia). Nick’s coming out to his mom made me tear up, very similar to my own experience. Overall a cute addition to the series, excited to read on!
Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated
Wanted to pick up this series to see what all the hype was about, and I’m hoping it goes up from here… It wasn’t a bad book by any means, but as someone who doesn’t typically read graphic novels, there wasn’t as much character building/backstory as I’m used to. It was such a quick read, I am still planning on picking up the rest of the series, and hoping my ratings go up as I get to know more about Nick and Charlie!