sassandcellulite's reviews
168 reviews

Daughter of No Worlds by Carissa Broadbent

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4.5. This book was really strong! Fans of SJM will absolutely love it. Really interesting and unique magic system. Quick to the action in book one while still building the world well enough. Very intrigued to see where the story is headed.
The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave

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This book. “It stopped me.”

If I hear that phrase one more time I will scream. I would’ve thrown this book if it wasn’t on audio. This was an absolute waste of time.
Yours Truly by Abby Jimenez

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This was my first Abby Jimenez book (and I may go back and read Part of Your World cause I didn't realize they were connected.)

I appreciated the mental health representation of this book, I liked the character's banter - what I didn't love is that this miscommunication trope lasted THE WHOLE BOOK. I love a fake dating, but to spend the whole book thinking, "no this cant possibly be real," when it so clearly is, just gets so frustrating. Too slow of a burn, and not enough of a pay off.

However I did enjoy her writing, and for that I may give her another chance.
Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica

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I really enjoyed this one! This is the first thriller I've read that actually 1) kept my attention the whole time and 2) I was surprised by the ending. 

The reason it's not a 5 star is because I had to suspend a little bit of belief about the dumb choices our main character was making, and felt like some of the plot points could've been explored more (ex: copycat criminals.)

For a full length discussion of this book, listen to our podcast Bookkish With Two K's (wherever you get your podcasts)
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab

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Mmm I'm torn on this one. I loved the writing and I loved the premise/concept. You have to go into this book expecting to just appreciate a story, not an action-packed fantasy.

The message of "what mark will you leave on the world?" is lovely to explore, I love the art history references - what I wanted more of was for Addie to explore way more parts and moments of history in her 300+ years of life. I loved the snippets we get of famous artists and historical figures, but I was begging for more of that.

I also was left realllly unfulfilled by the ending. Henry writing Addie's story was super predictable and a little cheesy, and truthfully I was hoping they would kill Henry and we would get to explore grief with Addie. I don't understand the hype around Luc and Addie's relationship - I didn't feel the chemistry or tension there at all, which is why the ending was a little underwhelming.

I have so many more thoughts, so if you want to listen to our full discussion, check out Bookkish with Two K's - wherever you get your podcasts :)
The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams

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I wanted to love this book so bad. The concept? Men reading smutty books to help them in their relationships? Amazing. What I didn't love is that we spend majority of the book with the main guy trying to win his wife back, and I honestly found it kind of annoying. Great potential, but mostly fell flat for me.
A Long Time Coming by Meghan Quinn

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I managed to finish a Meghan Quinn book. (My third try.) I just don't think her characters are for me. They come across sooo pick me, wanna-be quirky and it's just not my cup of tea.
Yellowface by R.F. Kuang

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THIS BOOK. Oof what an experience. I really really enjoyed this, it was super thought provoking. Kuang manages to create a character that consistently makes poor choices and yet we can't look away. This is a book that will stay with me for a long time. Excellent book club book too - lots to discuss.
Make a Scene by Mimi Grace

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The only reason I finished this book is cause its only like 250 pages. It's not bad, it's just not good.
Mother of Death and Dawn by Carissa Broadbent

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I wish I'd stopped at book 1. Book 1 was SO GOOD, but books 2 and 3 were sooo exhausting to get through. Well-written, amazing characters, and interesting plot - just sooo dense.