terhangus's reviews
140 reviews

The Hero Poems by Wendy Xu

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...This poem begins
when you see it. When you reach up into it.

i'm gone. i think the ink i was using to journal this chapbook is enough substitute for the tears i shed because it's so good?
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

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3.5, and the .5 was for the good plot and worldbuilding (my breath totally got caught on my throat when the line
SpoilerAnd then we all died.

most of the times i just wanted to shake wade & halliday (god especially halliday) so that they could view the women they were in love/infatuated with were actually, you know, real breathing humans instead of referring them as the 'female sex' and deliberately dehumanizing them. their attitude was kinda better than most geeks irl but it wasn't enough!!! i still felt so icky reading it!!!

the only reference i got was totally just voltron. and it just reminded me how i should probably watch the blade runner soon

it was good! but the whole dudebro vibes i was getting could probs be fixed
Dalam Lipatan Kain by Esha Tegar Putra

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3.5! / i really liked all of the poems especially the ones that were in the rumah di atas gelombang and kota dalam retakan tempurung sections because they were thick in local padang references and you felt completely saturated with it, but i feel as if the romance poems were kinda cliche. overall though, i loved that his poems have concepts that always relate back to the sea, it's such an overarching theme that i love.

favorites include: angin dari arah pauh; anakku mata puisi (!!!); berkelakar sendiri, terbenam sendiri; kelam pada jalan, karam di lautan; di pagaruyung; tentang anggun nan tongga; tentang mangkuto; tiga jam telah lewat; selembar daun kesambi; ia melagukan sesuatu yang tak ada; pagi dengan angin meninggi.

Di hamparan samudera inilah
maut belajar mencabut pisau dari punggung cakrawala.

(from 'ia melagukan sesuatu yang tak ada')
Mister Monday by Garth Nix

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rereading the whole series just because, it enamored me in 5th grade
Fragmen: Sajak-Sajak Baru by Goenawan Mohamad

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Sebuah sajak adalah ibarat gema: ia saksi bahwa kita tak berada di ruang hampa, kita tak hanya punya satu sisi, dan di sana ada yang memperbanyak suara kita ke arah lain. Ketika gema terdengar, kita tahu bahwa ada "arti" atau makna yang lebih luas ketimbang "pengertian".

idk menurut aku koleksi ini gak terlalu... pack a punch gitu. like some parts of it were beautiful, but overall a bit underwhelming. beberapa yang paling aku suka itu: epilog, di prosenium, rite of spring, marco polo, di hari kematian baradita katoppo, tentang orang datang, & perisai akhiles (obviously), though i did like the whole essay about words as always fragments instead of telling the whole truth.
The Anagram by Laksmi Pamuntjak

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"This time,
the water did not relent. Came to
our shoulders as if to say, I'd
drown you if I could, for it
would have been better."

wonderful wonderful collection. it really is such a wonder to read a writer from your own country because you already know all the nuances. there are so many lines in these that i love, though when liking a whole piece i liked the second half of the collection more.
Buku Tentang Ruang: Kumpulan Puisi by Avianti Armand

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3.5, love poems were meh but the rest was a+
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood

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Is, I say. Is, is, only two letters, you stupid shit, can't you manage to remember it, even a short word like that?


IT'S SO GOOD. so good. again i am awed by atwood's amazing prose and concepts, espc. that part where offred talked to the reader/listener about "this story". i will your existence. the part where i realized the
Spoiler handmaiden's names were just "of [commander's name] i was SHOOK.
the characters were so believable and flawed, so so very flawed. i'm glad i read it, to be honest.