thefinalgirl's reviews
135 reviews

A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

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This is a reread of book 1!

I’m not one for steamy things unless I’m in the right mood for it but, I loved the world building and the plot! Sometimes, it can be daunting to start a fantady series because it is such a big commitment to learn the world, but this book is so easy to follow and it’s not too hard to keep up with!

I had to dnf the series last year because I’m just not a sexy time person, but i’m giving it another try this year!
Night of the Mannequins by Stephen Graham Jones

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It was a short read!

I listened to it while I worked today… Unfortunately, it was just okay.

I wish it was in someone else’s pov!! The twist at the end wasn’t very good because it’s so out of left field. Never were there any clue that lead to [redacted] actually being alive at the end.

Having the book told in the killer’s pov is not great and the ending was very bad
Ararat by Christopher Golden

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This book was a dumpster fire to be quite honest.

It had so much potential at the beginning and really had me hooked for a while. However, after I got a little over halfway through, I realized I was still waiting to actually like these characters and their story. And as I am wondering when that happens… the stupidest things start happening that just COMPLETELY turned me off from this book. it was like pulling teeth to finish this book for me.

No offense, but as an archaeologist I can definitely tell he knows nothing about archaeology. Which, okay fine!! I know not everyone goes to school to be an archaeologist, or a paleopathologist, or any other su field of anthropology… however google is too free to embarrass yourself like this. Would it have killed Golden to do a little more research other than Indian Jones?

Those are the main reasons this book is 2 stars for me. I can understand not everyone being all-knowing when writing a thrilling novel… but it’s very easy to figure out the job of an archaeologist :) I read this book bc I am a big fan of Horror movies and books and this book sounded like such a great premise that I almost wish it was a movie… Now I wish it stayed in the google doc lol
The House by Raelyn Drake

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What a cute read!

I had a few errands to run this morning and was scrolling down my libby app and say that this was a short audiobook so I decided to give it a go and I’m really glad I did!

Obviously one meant for a younger audience, however I really enjoyed it. A younger version of me would have eaten this up! And now, the older version of me read it fondly.. it made my inner child so happy!
The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix

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(2.5 stars)

This will, unfortunately, be my final Grady Hendrix book. I wanted to love this book… but oh my god were the characters insufferable. My favorite parts of this book were the little asides at the end of every chapter where you learn more about the movie franchises and the other final girls’ backstories.

I hate to compare this to Riley Sager’s Final Girls, but I kinda have to because these are the only popular, two books like this out there right now. I hate the way Sager writes women because it honestly sucks, but other than that, the book was good. There wasn’t a huge cast of characters and most of them were tolerable.

Hendrix knows his stuff and I applaud him for it, but that’s not enough. He writes annoying characters and it takes me metaphorical years to get through his books because of it. All of them suck.. not a single character did I like (and that’s a sentence that stands true over the 3 books of his I have read).

Sorry Hendrix! I wanted to love your books so bad!
City of Ghosts by V.E. Schwab

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This was a very fun and cute read! A great way to lean into spooky stories as a kid. It wasn’t too scary but still felt like it COULD get scary.

I’m a very big fan of Victoria Schwab. I have read all of her adult books and YA books, so naturally I wanted to pick up her middle grade books!

I loved the friendship that’s shown in this book as well as the family. It’s very wholesome and something that would have meant so much to me had I read this when I was younger.

I wasn’t IN LOVE with the story and that’s okay. I am really glad I picked this book up! I probably won’t be continuing the series, however.
Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

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No stars

The only reason I will accept the existence of this is to show how absolutely horrid it is to even think for a second a relationship with a 14 year old as a grown man would ever work.

It’s uncomfortable and nauseating to read the entire time. Not only for a few scene or chapters… the ENTIRE novel was hard to get through.

This novel shows you how much of a child she is. Her tantrums are such a center point in almost every scene. And If it’s not an outburst it’s her asking what something is or making a crude, childish joke.

Because that’s what she is: a child

It shows you how awful their life was on the run. H.H. Was terrified of being caught and Lo thought it was hilarious because she’s a kid and everything is hilarious.

This isn’t a book to idolize and it’s not something to read and hope happens to you. It’s not a book that you should take a run with, because if you think it’s romantic… you greatly misunderstood it.
We Need to Do Something by Max Booth III

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A short read… which thank GOD.

This book was terrible. I hated Bobby and Robert and the mom for letting everyone be so fucking annoying!!!!!

The horror was subpar and the dialog was so cringe I was gagging.
The Marsh King's Daughter by Karen Dionne

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(3.5 stars)

What an intense story! It was both hard to put down and hard to pick up.

I enjoyed and hated this story. When I was reading, I could NOT put it down. I had to know what came next. However, when I did end up putting it down, I had to beg myself to pick it back up to finish it.

The way Helena told an anecdote for EVERY LITTLE THING made me very irritated. I get it, we need to know what it was like as a kid growing up in the marsh to know how she is tracking her dad, but come on… do we really need a 5 page explanation for why you know how to shoot a gun? This alone made me want to DNF.

This book was 10% her tracking her dad and 90% back story that came up sometimes twice in the same chapter.
The Grownup by Gillian Flynn

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Very fun and spooky read!

Beginning: sassy and fun
Middle: spooky and scary
End: … anyways