thisstoryaintover's reviews
211 reviews

Somewhere Only We Know by Maurene Goo

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This was SO CUTE. Loved Lucky's character and her chemistry with Jack and their overall dynamic of pushing each other to be better. Wished the plot had been a little less convenient but loved the setting and vibe of this book and the very authentic portrayal of the kpop industry and being Korean American and trying to figure out your dreams.
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo

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excuse me while i cry over this beautiful book. Elizabeth Acevedo astounds once again. if you aren't reading her books then you robbing yourself of true heart and beauty. highly recommend the audiobook to hear the poetry aloud.
Allegedly by Tiffany D. Jackson

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HOLYYYY. THAT ENDING. Tiffany D. Jackson is hands down becoming a fave for me because damnnnn can she write a mystery while also weaving in really important topics like the inadequacy of the justice system, group homes, juvenile detention, mental illness, abuse, and so much more. This was a psychological masterpiece if I ever read one, and she had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. If you haven't picked up one of her book's yet then you are sorely missing out!
Grown by Tiffany D. Jackson

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HOLY. this book was intense and so very needed. both a mystery-thriller page-turner but also a very contemporary story of one young girl's loss of innocence as she is preyed upon by someone with power and fameā€”this book hit hard notes and is definitely unforgettable. Tiffany D. Jackson is quickly becoming a favourite author and I can't wait to go back and read more of her backlist.
The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson

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love this series and Stevie a sh*t ton <3
The Tiger at Midnight by Swati Teerdhala

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Absolutely loved this. This was a total sleeper hit for me. I had interviewed the author earlier in 2019 and was super excited about reading her book but never got the chance to until now. This was the ancient India/Hindu mythology-inspired, soldier vs rebel, cat-and-mouse fantasy that I never knew I needed. Loved the main characters, Esha and Kunal, both as characters and as a ship. Although I wish we could have spent more time with other characters and the scope of the world as a whole, I do feel like there's a TON of potential for the future books so I cannot wait to read those! Overall, this was a wonderful first novel read of the year and I'm so happy I finally picked this up!
Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare

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I really enjoyed this (definitely more than the dark artifices)! love all of the characters in this series and reading this book just brings my mood up so grateful for that!
Helium by Rudy Francisco

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My first read of the year! I have had this collection recommended to me time and time again and it did not disappoint! The collection is split into four sections, each with a decidedly different tone but all incredibly thought-provoking and beautifully written. Rudy Francisco covers a range of topics and emotions from race to love, from sexism to imposter syndrome, and everything in-between. I loved every moment of the journey and this has definitely become one of my favourite poetry collections.