valeriemadsen's reviews
200 reviews

Solo: My Adventures in the Air by Clyde Edgerton

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So far, this has given me new appreciation for the computer flight simulators that my father loves so much! Am excited to read the rest of this book.
The Highest Tide by Jim Lynch

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My sister LOVED this book! It didn't rock my world as significantly as it sounds like it rocked hers; but I'd read it again. I especially appreciated the setting (Olympia, WA) and how many of the characters reminded me of some of the people I knew in Olympia.
Ubuntu!: An Inspiring Story about an African Tradition of Teamwork and Collaboration by Stephen Lundin, Bob Nelson

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I saw this little book on a library table and thought, "How funny! A book titled 'Ubuntu' that has nothing to do with the operating system." How could I resist? I read it in about 90 minutes. For 89 of those minutes, I kept waiting for the book to get to its good part. Really, the best part of the book is a quote from Nelson Mandela on the back jacket (he's not talking about this book, though).

The book itself is pretentious and dumbed-down. The dialogue is written at a second-grade level. The authors are directing this wibbley bowl of porridge at people who are looking to trade money for formulaed words in the hopes of being a better manager. The better manager would spend their time doing anything BUT reading this book.