wastedwings's reviews
69 reviews

Hamilton: The Revolution by Jeremy McCarter, Lin-Manuel Miranda

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I cried multiple times while reading this book. It's so AMAZING that I finished it in about 24 hours (including the LMM afterwards). It's just as inspiring as the musical and I loved learning all of the ins and outs of the construction of the music as well as the how the musical came together.
The Invisible Orientation: An Introduction to Asexuality by Julie Sondra Decker

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Really great, informational book! This should be the go-to book for those looking for a more analytical, text-book style understanding on all aspects of asexuality and the nuances of it. Even being asexual, I learned a lot from reading this book.
Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me by Ron Miscavige

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There's a lot of repetition in this book. Feels like Ron is rambling a bit. He's also incredibly not relatable the way he describes his life. It's an interesting book and I'd still recommend it, but it's definitely not my first choice for a compelling book to talk about Scientology and the cult's abuses. He actually glorifies a lot of Scientology before Hubbard's death. It's not really until the last couple of chapters after he's left that he gets into abuse. A lot of details about his life and very little about abuse.
The Daily Show (The Audiobook): An Oral History as Told by Jon Stewart, the Correspondents, Staff and Guests by Chris Smith

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I know it's a huge ask considering how many voices are in this book, but I wish that the actual people writing their thoughts were able to voice the audio book. It felt weird to listen to different voices that were tropes of people at times. It threw me off quite a bit until I fell into the flow of the book and how it was being presented. I found the content fascinating and it was interesting to hear from the people working on the show in the background. Peering behind the curtain.
Where We Go from Here by Bernie Sanders

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Listened to this on audiobook. It's basically a long form platform speech of everything Bernie believes in and a chronological listing of his actions and events surrounding him broken down to make you want to vote for Bernie (or wish he would have been voted for president).

I didn't really learn anything I already didn't know since I'm an avid Young Turks watcher. I think this would be a good book for people who don't obsess over the news and want to learn about Bernie Sanders or the progressive movement. It would also be good to hear things from a non-corporate media perspective straight from Bernie's mouth.

I really like that he read his own book. It's fun listening to him talk.
The Fibro Fix: Get to the Root of Your Fibromyalgia and Start Reversing Your Chronic Pain and Fatigue in 21 Days by David M. Brady

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Mixed review. Knowledge and a sales pitch for supplements and protein powder. Good information on treating fibro and understanding wether or not it is fibro (even gave my doctor an idea for another test to run and something for me to test that my insurance won't pay for which is adrenal fatigue). The big thing is that the fix DEFINITELY feels like an extreme plan that's also a sales pitch. Instead I'm choosing to change my diet in a similar fashion but with less of the routine extreme initial 21 days. There are autoimmune and anti-inflammatory diets and this lead me down that path of researching that and vegan keto. I consider this book more good than bad.
Vegan Keto by Liz MacDowell

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Simple recipes with easy to find ingredients that are used among many recipes- so it's less money to spend. To be honest I haven't tried the recipes in this book, but from being a former and now returning vegan, these recipes sound (and look) amazing. I'm very excited to start in on a vegan keto journey.

I also found the introductory chapters and final chapters extremely helpful for setting up an initial diet. This seems like a sensible and safe way to go keto.
The Marginalized Majority: Claiming Our Power in a Post-Truth America by Onnesha Roychoudhuri

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I think this is a really good book to give to your friends who struggle with racism and white fragility. Maybe it will change people's minds? I feel like you could also gift this to those who are afraid to have to have conversations about marginalization and micro aggressions! Let's have conversations so progress can be made.