wynnz's reviews
213 reviews

Bob's Saucer Repair by Jerry Boyd

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First contact scenario. A bit simplistic, everything is great, everyone is great, no problems as such, all my friends are cool with everything. Disney should make it into a movie, except Bambi’s mother lives surprise! A feel good book.
Anomaly by Peter Cawdron

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First contact scenario, interesting story well written, not a lot of action but a page turner all the same. Good I enjoyed it.
Xenophobia by Peter Cawdron

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First contact scenario. Book 3 in the series, although they’re all stand alone books. Another good read, I enjoyed this one as well.
In Times To Come - Displaced by Scott B. Williams, Scott B. Williams

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I really don’t know what to say about this book, neither dull nor exciting, but it kept me with just the right amount of interest to keep going, which was clever of the author. I supposed I liked it but can’t really say why. The story was OK,the execution was OK, characters were OK, therefore it was…..OK
Harbinger by Olan Thorensen

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First contact scenario, interesting concept, but long winded. Good character building, unfortunately the building took a long time, not getting any action until 70% into the book. The action part was well written and thrilling, but not sure it was worth the wait. Story is all set up for book two, because the ending was a bit flat to say the least. 3 stars.
A Warship Named Sky: A Hero's Story by Saxon Andrew

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Ok let’s do this, imagine you’re signing up to a twitter account or facemeta or a mobile phone or to the internet, you have to sign a contract or sign off on the terms & conditions form, and that, is this book. If you enjoy reading the above literature then you’re really going to love this book.

For the first 50% of the book they talked about contracts, negotiations, terms & conditions, bargaining, haggling, doing a deal, counter offer, counter the counter offer, really reverting stuff. Then came the action gritty enthralling action. Nah only kidding, guess what more terms & conditions babel, and then the big reveal, the big conspiracy the big ta-rah moment, and I just didn’t care. The first half had just drained me, sucked me dry of any emotion. Then they went to play golf and then went out to dinner, where they discussed you got it! TERMS & CONDITIONS.

So in conclusion if you like T&C this book will definitely float your boat, otherwise it’s as interesting as a box of frogs or a bag of bricks! So my fellow readers I gave up, 59% I almost never not finish books, but this one brow beat me to within an inch of my sanity. DNF.
Hearts of Men by John Walker, John Walker

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I liked it, not a lot, but I liked it. Book two in the series. Kept me interested enough. Some good action sequences and banter. Probably read the next one.
Feedback by Peter Cawdron

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Well here’s my feedback. I enjoyed this book very much, not a lot of action, but a very compelling story all the same. Kept me interested and engaged, a page turner all the way through, with the two main threads converging at the end beautifully. I’ve read a few books by this author and they’ve all been excellent. Looking forward to reading some more.
Whammo Ranch by Jerry Boyd

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Well I don’t know what most of you read. What I read was, Bob going into town to pick up some parts, if not parts then paper work. If he wasn’t going into town to pick parts up, he was having them delivered, then out for lunch or supper, then take the dog out for it to do its business. Then some robots did all the work, he fixed up a car, well the robots did all the work. I did struggle through it, but only just. I thought something exciting would happen, but it never materialized. Then he went paint balling with all his friends, and that’s another thing, he attracts friends like shit attracts flies. Then he played with a Frisbee, and then I lost the will to live.
Little Green Men by Peter Cawdron

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Wow, brilliant thoroughly enjoyed every page, gripping, exciting, entertaining, a joy to read. The tension the author manages to create is palpable, at one point in the book I think I looked behind me, I had to put the light on. You read a lot of books, hoping to come across a good one but unfortunately most of them are mediocre at best, this novella is a diamond in the rough, truly shining above the rest. Excellent in all aspects story, characters and world building. I cannot praise this book enough, you should read it, read it now!