Reading Wrap-Up

a_robin_reads finished reading 134 books, across 35,899 pages and 319.6 hours!

a_robin_reads's 2023 StoryGraph

A mood map of a_robin_reads's reading

Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down


a_robin_reads set off on thrilling quests, traversed landscapes of the heart, and indulged in cheerful amusements.

The narratives flowed at a comfortable, engaging tempo.

Books, pages, and minutes per month in 2023

Line chart showing books, pages read, and minutes listened to each month in 2023. The data for books read per month are as follows: January - 13 books, February - 10 books, March - 9 books, April - 15 books, May - 18 books, June - 10 books, July - 15 books, August - 11 books, September - 8 books, October - 7 books, November - 8 books, December - 10 books. The data for pages read per month are as follows: January - 2215 pages, February - 2419 pages, March - 2832 pages, April - 3870 pages, May - 1739 pages, June - 2748 pages, July - 4001 pages, August - 3224 pages, September - 2154 pages, October - 1992 pages, November - 1477 pages, December - 3147 pages. The data for minutes listened per month are as follows: January - 2576 minutes, February - 1831 minutes, March - 1108 minutes, April - 2739 minutes, May - 4882 minutes, June - 1146 minutes, July - 2141 minutes, August - 1775 minutes, September - 653 minutes, October - 3165 minutes, November - 3023 minutes, December - 0 minutes.

🥳 🥳 🥳

a_robin_reads met their reading goal!


👏 👏 👏

a_robin_reads met their pages goal!


👏 👏 👏

a_robin_reads met their hours goal!


The genres a_robin_reads spent the most time with in 2023

Longest book
1216 pages

The average length of the books a_robin_reads read was 338 pages and it took them around 8 days to finish each book!

Most time spent
49 days

The authors a_robin_reads spent the most time with in 2023


2023's average rating was...


Looks like they know how to pick them!

2023 5reads

a_robin_reads's 2023 ratings


Some months were better than others...

Highest average rating

Turns out September wasn't a_robin_reads's favorite month, with an average rating of 4.06.

Most pages read
4321 pages

Other StoryGraph users and a_robin_reads's 2023 reads

Most shelved
247,397 users
a_robin_reads's rating: 5.0
Highest rated
a_robin_reads's rating: 5.0

a_robin_reads explored the works of 63 new authors, including Annika Vleuten (is pseud.), Dean Nicholson, and Jon Ronson!

74 of the books a_robin_reads read were part of a series.

a_robin_reads revisited a total of 30 books this year.

a_robin_reads decided not to finish 36 of the books they picked up this year.

a_robin_reads read 22 books from their own shelves this year!

🎉a_robin_reads successfully completed 6 reading challenges!🎉


Compared to 2022...

Number of books

Decreased by 37%

Number of pages

Decreased by 28%

Number of hours

Decreased by 52%

a_robin_reads's mood map compared to their friends...

Lighter books push the line up and darker books pull the line down


a_robin_reads's personal 2023 reading experience

Charts generated from a_robin_reads's reviews



Components of a_robin_reads's highest-rated reads

Moods: relaxing, emotional, sad

Pace: slow

Book type: fiction

Genres: Autobiography, Feminism, Music

Story style: character-driven

Characters: loveable, diverse, well-developed

2023 at a glance

Explore a_robin_reads's 2023 stats!