
Finn's Fantasy by K.C. Wells

nnof's review against another edition

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3.5 stars rounded up.

This was a pretty solid story that had some issues but nothing glaring.

I didn’t enjoy the scenes with the group of friends to setup the future books. It was just too many people and not enough time to get their personalities to shine. Starting off with the wedding scene was like throwing us into the deep end. The one on one visits with Levi and Seb were much better.

There was almost too much pining going on here. The slow burn for the MCs to get together was enjoyable to a point. I liked how once both MCs realized the other was gay, they didn’t immediately jump into bed and assume both were interested in each other. However, it got to a point where neither MC made a move until one of them was hit over the head with it.

I would have preferred less angst with Joel’s kids. I realize there needs to be some tension, I just don’t think this was done particularly well.

I think the MCs relationship was done pretty well and liked that we got plenty of morning after scenes. There were a lot of sexy times, but the steam was just okay.

katereads2much's review against another edition

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Three and a Half Stars

"Finn's Fantasy" by K. C. Wells is a lovely novel about family of all kinds and how sometimes real life can be better than you ever dreamed it could.

Finn longs for love, but he can't work up to speaking to the man he's been daydreaming about. Joel is finally finding the courage to come out of the closet, if slowly, in hopes that he can live authenticity out in the open and maybe, just maybe, find love.

The two spend a lot of time longing from afar and then longing in person once they become acquainted, and Joel hires Finn to build a new deck. Both these men are kind, gentle souls. Both of these men are shy and uncertain about how the other is feeling. Both of these men have people around them telling them to go for it. And I think that's really nice. There is an age gap here, but "Finn's Fantasy" isn't an Age Gap Romance. It's more a romance novel about two men who happen to be a bit over a decade apart, finding each other and connecting. They each have insecurities and worries, and it takes them a while to get past them (in a believable way).

The plot is mainly connected to Joel and Finn finding their way, including Joel's struggle to tell his children that he and their mom divorced even though they are best friends because he's gay. Joel's son is struggling hard with the divorce, and it makes Joel feel as though he can't add the truth of his sexuality to the fray of emotion.

"Finn's Fantasy" takes its time. There is a good bit of build-up, and not only is the novel working to tell the story of Finn and Joel, but it's also introducing you to a new cast of characters who will, in time, be getting their own romantic tales. Finn has a large group of friends, most of whom are looking for love. There are a group of eight people to lightly introduce and set up along with Finn, Joel, and Joel's whole family. The introduction of such a broad group is a little clunky, and, at least for me, it was sometimes hard to keep everyone straight (well... not Straight, lol). I also struggled to understand some of Joel's history and family, but those things were small detractors from an overall lovely book.

All in all, "Finn's Fantasy" is a charming novel that I enjoyed reading, and I'll be looking out for the next in the series--which I believe is coming soon!

Thanks to the crew at Gay Romance Readers for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

doseofromance's review

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Overall a very nice and light read. Finn and Joel fit together in a way that felt like an old couple. They just complemented each other so well and their personalities fit. They (mostly) talked out issues as soon as they arose and I'm happy to say they didn't have the "classic" romance novel issue of never communicating.
However I felt like the book stayed somewhat on the surface with everything even though it lightly touched on heavy subject (see what I did there?). To me it just felt like there was... A gloss over everything. Everyone was so overly polite and sometimes the conversations felt a bit stilted. The way Finn's friends were introduced and the interaction between all of them made me feel like the whole book was just a set up for the following series. Don't get me wrong, that doesn't have to be a bad thing but this is a full length first novel, not a prequel. I think they would have deserved having the center of attention on them a bit more.

roguesmith's review

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This is another new author to me, and the start of a new series. This is Joel and Finn's story, with an age gap and a man (Joel) finally living as an out gay man after being married for 20 years.

First things - I'm a sucker for good world building, I like to see and imagine the world the characters live in and this was superb. I've never been to Maine yet I could see the town they lived in, I could see Joel's house, the beach and even the hotel Finn was working on. Add in the cutest dog on the planet and I was sold almost right away.

Both main characters are very likeable, I loved Finn's relationship with his friends, and how close they all still were. I also liked that Finn was a carpenter (joiner as he'd be over here in the UK ;) ) as that's not a profession you often see in books. Joel, too I liked. I can't even begin to imagine hiding your true self for all that time because you felt you had to, and I loved his relationship with his ex-wife, and how they were best friends and both moving on with their lives.

The reason it's not a full 5 stars for me is because I love a good slow burn, and while this had that at the beginning, once the relationship fuse was lit it was all caution to the wind, and all that nice build went by the wayside. Insta-love is my pet hate, and while this wasn't really that, it was close enough to knock off a little bit of a star. All said though, a good start to a series and good enough that I'd like to carry on and read the rest of the stories. And hopefully see how Joel and Finn progress.

notguilty's review

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I ended up jumping into this series with the last two books, so this is me finally making my way back to the beginning to catch up on all the great guys I’ve missed.

Finn and Joel live in the same neighbourhood and have been ogling each other from afar, wanting to talk but too shy to make a move. But thanks to a really cute doggo they are given the nudge they need. Once the dam is broken, they can’t seem to stay away.

Joel is a 42-year-old recently divorced dad of two teenagers, who is slowly trying to make his way out of the closet. Finally happy, but also a little scared.

Finn is a sweet 25-year-old carpenter looking for a home with someone. Especially a certain sexy older man who is a little useless with a tool but has an adorable dog and makes a mean lasagna. Very specific I know. LOL

I loved how real these two felt, their feelings, and their problems. They’re wonderfully supportive of one other, but also ridiculously afraid of asking the tough questions (as shy guys often are). Not to worry though, they finally find their footing and make their way to a sweet happy ending. Along the way, you also get to meet the incredible group of Finn’s friends, a tantalizing taste of the books to come.

KC is becoming one of my one-click authors, I really enjoy her writing and the characters she creates. Also, I would be remiss to not give a shout out to John Solo who does an impeccable job (as usual) as the narrator on the audiobook.

itssarahc's review

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Finn's Fantasy was beautiful. That is the first thing that you need to know when looking at this book. It tells a beautiful story about beautiful relationships. I'm not just talking about the relationship between Finn and Joel. While that relationship is the cornerstone of this book, it isn't the relationship that I found myself caring the most about.

That relationship was Joel and Carrie, his ex-wife. The easy chemistry between these two - purely platonic chemistry, the chemistry of two people who are soulmates and who love one another, even if it is not in the way a husband and wife should, is evident every time they interact. They are supportive of one another. They communicate. They are best friends who happened to be married for twenty years and happened to get divorced when Joel came out. It is a refreshing thing to see in any genre of book, even more so when dealing with this genre. Wells didn't use this as an opportunity for cliche drama between Joel and Finn. The only time it served even remotely as a hurdle was in the beginning when Finn saw them together with their children and thought that meant Joel was straight.

The entire relationship between Joel and his kids also had my heart, particularly that of Joel and his son Nate. Joel's struggle to come out to his children was one of the biggest parts of the book and I felt very satisfied in its conclusion.

But of course you're not reading a romance book for the relationships that these men have with the side characters or their families. You're wanting to know about the relationship between Joel and Finn. Its beautiful. The way these two men take the time to get to know one another, the instant attraction, the will-they-won't-they of it all? Its amazingly written. Wells takes their time in letting us get to know these characters, letting them get to know one another, and letting the tension between them build so when it finally boils over? You're happy with the results.

This book is very low angst. It has great chemistry, better side characters, sympathetic main characters, and a love story that you find yourself rooting for. I struggled to put this book down the entire time that I was reading it. Highly recommend if you want a low angst story about a man who came into himself and out to the world later in life.

Also, this is the first book of the Maine Men series and with the glimpses we got of the other men who will be in this story? I cannot wait to read more.


xanthe87's review

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Finn's Fantasy is a really sweet slow burn romance with an age gap, a bit of family drama and a gorgeous dog.
Joel is recently divorced and moved to the area to start fresh now that he can live openly as a gay man. He's still got some things to work out with his kids but his ex-wife, Carrie, is a wonderful woman, so supportive. Finn in the first man he really has any contact with that he's attracted to and ends up needing his help with some work on his home.
There's a strong attraction on both sides but it's with wary steps that anything moves forward as Finn has a tendancy to fall too hard and fast and Joel hasn't done anything like this in over twenty years. Both men are so sweet and have things of their own to work through, each worried of not being enough for the other. Finn has a brilliant group of friends that we meet in the first chapter, all of whom we will be hearing more from in future books in this series. They offer fun, friendship and unwavering support that is always found in a person's chosen family. Joel has his ex wife who is also his best friend and a much complained about sister, with both there for him through everything that he has been going through since his marriage broke up.
I enjoyed how time was taken for the MC's to ease into each others company and then anything that they both wanted going forward. The main stressor was for Joel regarding coming out to his children.
I enjoyed this first book of the series from KC Wells. She is a wonderful writer when it comes to characters and developing relationships, both light and fluffy or deep and emotional. I loved getting to know the characters and exploring what they could share together. Another good series from the author that I'm looking forward to reading.
I received an ARC and am happily giving a review.

nnof's review

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3.5 stars rounded up.

This was a pretty solid story that had some issues but nothing glaring.

I didn’t enjoy the scenes with the group of friends to setup the future books. It was just too many people and not enough time to get their personalities to shine. Starting off with the wedding scene was like throwing us into the deep end. The one on one visits with Levi and Seb were much better.

There was almost too much pining going on here. The slow burn for the MCs to get together was enjoyable to a point. I liked how once both MCs realized the other was gay, they didn’t immediately jump into bed and assume both were interested in each other. However, it got to a point where neither MC made a move until one of them was hit over the head with it.

I would have preferred less angst with Joel’s kids. I realize there needs to be some tension, I just don’t think this was done particularly well.

I think the MCs relationship was done pretty well and liked that we got plenty of morning after scenes. There were a lot of sexy times, but the steam was just okay.

aligroen's review

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I enjoyed Finn and Joel's story. Finn’s friend group is entertaining and while I can see the series will be around them the story is completely focused on this couple with just a few visits with friends. I hurt seeing Joel struggle with how to handle telling his kids about his sexuality and unfortunately it didn't go smoothly but I think in the end him being completely open after Nate barges in allows them to become close again. Finn is such a sweetheart and he always falls fast and hard but this time he finds a good one. I think they built a pretty solid friendship before they got more involved and it gave them both the chance to get pretty comfortable with their own feelings, though talking about them to each other is the hard part.

I received a copy of this book and am giving an honest review

vicki_williams's review

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Great start to new series.

This is a very enjoyable slow burn age gap romance with two wonderful main characters, Finn and Joel.
Joel is recently divorced and finally living his authentic life as an out gay man. Finn is a builder who crushes on Joel every time he sees him walking his dog.
Circumstances bring them together and their slow burn romance begins. The chemistry between them takes its time to ignite but once it does the heat levels certainly rise.
This is minimal angst, engaging read which left me smiling when Finn and Joel navigated their way to an HEA.
There’s plenty of interesting side characters in the “Maine Men” and I look forward to the friends getting their stories told.