sonybacker's review against another edition

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The author repeats himself so many times but that wasn't reason I stopped reading. There were some good points but my last straw was when he went into explaining the broken record technique. That was a bit too much and that would go well with Karen's. Maybe in 70's it was fine but I wouldn't ever do that.

theremightbecats's review against another edition

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Patient *complaining about how the surgery went bad and I ended up leaving a scalpel inside his peritoneum*
Me, his surgeon: I understand why you feel that way, I must have been so dumb, what is it about leaving a scalpel inside your peritoneum that is bad?. [Negative Assertion + Negative Inquiery].

cwrose's review against another edition

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I grew up being a people-pleaser and letting people walk all over me, and while I still am to a certain extent, I definitely needed help with assertiveness and speaking up for myself, and standing my ground. Too often, I still let people wear me down and talk me out of things that I secretly wish I had said no or persisted on. Or I just didn't know how to respond to someone who was being pushy.

This book is great in explaining why we lack assertiveness, and the author gives plenty of real-life examples and dialogues in putting assertiveness into action. So many people have poor conflict resolution skills, and I love that this book teaches you how to stand your ground effectively.

Recommended for anyone who is looking to become more assertive in everyday life!

rlynnhawk's review against another edition

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Recommend read from my psychologist. At times, the writer is harsh. The book does contain very good coping techniques.

mariellais's review against another edition

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I found chapters 1-8 to be very helpful and informative. Reading this book has really helped me noticed how people can try to manipulate you into doing things you don't want to.

However, I found the rest of the book to be repetitive. I'd recommend familiarizing yourself with the assertive rights section and the chapters on methods you can use to assert yourself. The rest of the book is just filler.

And like many other reviewers have pointed out, the author is very misogynistic. If the book didn't have so much helpful information on it I'd never recommend it.

suncani's review against another edition

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Book read as part of a training course. While there were some interesting examples, because it was written in the 70's some of the language is a bit dated and it feels a bit forced because of the nature of the conversation. This book's strength is in highlighting the different techniques which can be used, and explaining how and why they work.

allisonmur's review against another edition

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While this book is slightly outdated and has some odd examples, I took a lot from it that has already helped my confidence and conversations with others. It's a book that teaches you to be assertive without always having to be mean and allows you to compromise with others. A big part of being assertive is confidence, so it helps with that as well. It's a self help book with actual actionable steps.

dragnipur's review against another edition

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Creo que leerse este libro sin un mínimo de inteligencia emocional y comprensión del conductismo como corriente que deja fuera otros factores a tener en cuenta a parte de la simple relación estímulo-respuesta (expuesta con diálogos difícilmente aplicables en situaciones reales) podría ser un poco peligroso. La parte de derechos asertivos y un par de técnicas son, en general, realmente útiles, pero el resto o bien es repetitivo o bien imposible de leer sin levantar una ceja en pleno 2020 (no era consciente de que fue publicado hace más de 40 años... and it shows). Aun así, me alegra haberlo leído.

ominousevent's review against another edition

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The assertiveness techniques in this book seem useful and the basic concept is interesting. The sexual politics … are awful. I hope other books/resources exist that can convey the worthwhile information without being quite so horrifyingly dated.

dostie1's review against another edition

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Excellent book to work with your assertiveness in a variety of areas. Full of dialog for examples on how to use assertiveness and explanations.