
Zasvěcená by Cynthia Hand, Ivana Svobodová

halynah's review against another edition

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Exquisite and beautifully written book!!! I loved every page of it - the second installment is even better than the first one - the characters are more developed, mature, the events are more exciting and grave, there are new characters and there are many revealed secrets! There were many touching episodes, beautiful moments, heartbreaking events. I loved every appearance of Sam, though he is a negative character, I liked Clara's reflections and thoughts, I enjoyed Angela's valedictorian speech and I cried over the episode of charm bracelet. Amazing, emotionally rich, soulful read! Definitely a must-read!!!

miss_merna's review against another edition

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I still can’t say I’m big fan of the unearthly series after finishing the second book. It’s quite an average book in every level. It might have been a little pleasurable read. Though, I was still unable to present this book with 4 stars because that would mark the book’s rating evenly alongside of ‘Daughter of smoke and bone’. And ‘Daughter of smoke and bone’ is presently holding the position for favourite angel book for me. So, it was fairly impossible for the unearthly series to steal that spot.

If I were to rewind about five years into the past, when I first began reading, I would have presented this book with a glowing review. I would have said it was: incredible/ passionate/addictive. Now, five years on, my mind has expanded to what I truly consider is an astonishing - well written series. Maybe, I just don’t think that angels being sent a purpose which they have to fulfil is that…clever. It’s too simple. I suppose, the book is aiming at simplicity. Maybe, I like reading more of dense plotted books. Not always however, occasionally the book can just be amazingly enjoyable and it would earn 5 stars, instantly.

Hollowed was average. It didn’t offer anything new I haven’t seen in YA genre before. Such as: Jealouse boys fist-fighting each other, a girl confused with who she should choose, and a tragedy that’s meant to make our heart ache. (It didn’t.)

One vital problem I had with hollowed – Okay, it wasn’t a very serious problem was Tucker. I can’t clarify why but he annoyed me so badly, every time he appeared, I had to hold the urge to tear the pages apart.

And his name.

I just hate his name. It reminds me of Kentucky chicken. Not to stay Kentucky chicken isn’t yummy, but it just doesn’t evoke the same feeling of yumminess for a name. If you get me.

It’s my opinion, but Christina understands Clara much better. I know everyone is hating on Christian because he appears to be the regular YA love interest but read this.

(Reaction to the tragedy) – Spoiler ahead.

When I told Tucker he kept saying he was so sorry, over and over again, and I could tell he didn't know what else to say, how to react to news like this, so I told him I had to go and let him off the hook.

There’s movement outside my window. Christian. I can feel his worry radiating like a heat lamp. He wants to tell me that he understands. He lost his mother too. I’m not alone. But he’s making up his mind not to say those things to me, because he knows that ultimately words are meaningless at times like these. He just wants to sit with me, for hours, if that’s what I need.

Like come on!!

Okay, I shall go read the last instalment in the unearthly series, and I most likely will not be happy with who she ends up with. Nevertheless this book is primarily an entertaining read. Not very a smartly constructed book, but it passes the time for uneventful days.

alisonhori's review against another edition

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3.5, paranormal YA series. I like the characters a lot...not too lame and whiny. The relationships and characters are complex and not predictable...and the story has kept me drawn in for 2 books and I have already started the third.

mars_aria's review against another edition

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Unearthly wasn't as good as the first book, but it was still amazing. It started out a little slow for me, but eventually the story caught me in its crutches again like it did in the first book. Clara faces more hard times and tough decisions than she did before and on the way she loses someone she loves. With surprising twists, dangerous situations, and secrets revealed, Gardner crafts a continually fascinating story that I hope won't stop now.

klaragon73's review against another edition

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Until last week, I had not read Unearthly and I have to say I am saddened that I waited so long. I only read it so I wouldn't feel completely lost reading Hallowed but ended up falling for this series in a way I never imagined. When you hop around the blogosphere as much as I do, you find that certain books get more attention than others and that is a sad fact. Unearthly and Hallowed are two of the books I don't see tons of reviews for and it's a shame. I loved both these books but this review is for the second book in the Unearthly Series.

Hallowed begins shortly after we left Clara in Unearthly. Clara begins to have "dreams" involving deep sorrow and a cemetery. With the introduction to Black Wings she associates her visions to them but when she begins to note the things around her...she notices certain important people are missing from the gathering. Imagining the worst, Clara has to make a decision whether to tell these people they may possibly be dying or leave fate to take care of it. Knowing she isn't good at keeping secrets, she struggles more than some people would. And who knows...maybe there is a reason she can't keep secrets, some ingrained sense...or maybe not.

We learn more about the lore between the white wings and the dark wings in this installment. I loved knowing what made each "race" different. Seeing Clara's ability to deal with the Black Wing, Samjeeza, made me proud. Clara is a strong protagonist who shows her weaknesses from time to time. She has strong views on the way things should be, rebels against them, and then sometimes wishes she could redo things. Does anything say young adult better than the previous sentence? I didn't think so.

This time around...Clara faces an enormous loss. She will have to learn who they can trust and attempt to work things out with Jeremy, her brother. If there is anything worse than a teenage is only a stubborn teenage boy with a God-complex.

We get to see much more of Christian in action in Hallowed. He tries to be what Clara wants him to be with a great deal of difficulty. I enjoyed his role and his passion. I still love Tucker and I think he makes Clara happy in a teenage love sort of way. Christian is more like the rock she will always have to lean on...for now.

Ms. Hand throws a couple of zingers on the table this time around. I was shocked, saddened, and delightfully pleased. If you haven't added this to your TBR so now.

stephxsu's review against another edition

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By now most of you know how I feel about YA paranormal romances. We’ll just leave that at that. But there are a handful of YA paranormal books that I would be less skeptical of, less hesitant in considering reading, and Cynthia Hand’s interesting and well-written angel series is one of those few. Despite it unfortunately taking on a few more “YA paranormal cliché” characteristics, HALLOWED remains a well-written and even funny second book in the trilogy.

One of my favorite parts of Unearthly was Clara and her narration. Too many paranormal YA female protagonists have no personality, no sense of humor. Clara has both. I can’t get enough of the moments when she actually pokes fun at her own fictional genre, referencing the melodramaticness of YA paranormal romances, love triangles, and stalker paranormal love interests. I love when fictional characters are, metaphorically, self-aware: it happens so rarely that I’m inclined to laugh out loud and share with everyone around me when it happens.

Unfortunately—although in some ways I suppose it was inevitable—HALLOWED acquired a few more YA paranormal conventions as it continued Clara’s story. Despite its subtle jabs at Twilight, Twilight fans will like this series, and HALLOWED reminded me of that pervasive YA paranormal franchise more often than I would have liked. HALLOWED dilly-dallies: the story within probably could’ve been told in 150 pages instead of more than 400. It contains few surprises: a large portion of the book seemed to consist of Clara waffling between Tucker and Christian.

Sadly, the attractive and confident Tucker of Unearthly
Spoileris reduced to being stubborn and petty and just not all that appealing in HALLOWED. Methinks I spot a setup for the third book in here…?
And Clara finds out something shocking about herself, thereby changing her from “(relatively) ordinary girl we can empathize with” to “character whose struggles are legitimized by her newfound understanding of herself and her role.” If Hand had wanted to blow readers away with so-called shocking revelations and twists in HALLOWED, well, let’s just say that all I felt was a tickle of a breeze.

HALLOWED wasn’t as strong of a read as Unearthly was for me, but fans of Unearthly should still love this second installation in the series. Despite its at-times conventional plot development, HALLOWED is still a well-written and unique take on the angel concept—emphasis on “well-written.” A strong successor to both the deserved and not-quite-so-deserved financially successful YA paranormal series.

jessicajessica101's review against another edition

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Pas aussi bon que le premier, mais tout aussi prenant et addictif, j'aime toujours les personnages, la dynamique, j'ai aimé les mystères qui se creusent mais également les révélations faites. Et j'aime aussi énormément l'humanité et l'amour qui se dégage de ce livre, de quasi tous les personnages, même les plus mystérieux, même les moins bons, je trouve ça magnifique.

sweetrosegirl76's review against another edition

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I really like this book. I have no complaints. It's not the best book in the world but there's nothing to complain about. I enjoyed the story it was fast paced and everything was pretty good. I guess my only complaint is about Tucker. I mean I love him and I completely understand where she's coming from but I love him so much that I feel so bad about him and it kind of hurts me. Not a bad book but I still feel like there's some information missing, but I know that information will be covered in the third book. I recommend! I really do like the series

tcpurplec's review against another edition

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I so love this book!!! I thought nothing can be has good has unearthly but hallowed definitely reached those standards!!! I also loveeee tucker and I'm worried about the direction Clara and Christian are going but I think Clara will always end up with tucker in the end!!!!!

4saradouglas's review against another edition

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It was okay. Definitely quite a bit of problems due to people not telling people things they obviously should tell them (which is a pet peeve), but overall it was alright. I guess I'll finish out the trilogy.