
Come Away with Me by Kristen Proby

emmamarie97's review

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The best way to describe this book is confused. I love romance, but I feel like falling in love within two weeks of meeting (somebody who verbally assaults you, no less) is far fetched. Love at first sight is dreamy and a nice ideal, but I like to read stories which centre more in reality, which, personally, this book just does not do.
On another note, the characters do not appear very realistic for me. They have dramatic personalities which at some parts of the book left me very very frustrated.
However, as a light, quick read, this book did just about ease my inner need for absolute romance.

readwithrach's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. In some ways it was your typical contemporary romance, and I was okay with that. I enjoyed watching Natalie and Luke's relationship unfold. I thought this was a solid start to a series and it made me want to read the rest of the books!

scvallese1's review against another edition

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This is where my love of all things Kristen Proby began! I loved this book- and Natalie and Luke! They are the epitome of the perfect couple!

kristinafh's review against another edition

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2.5 stars. I really really wanted to love this book however in the audible version of it, it just did not meet my expectations. The female narrator sounded childlike and that definitely took away from the storyline. Two other-non narrator issues - The male lead was extremely immature for someone who is 28 years old. The author could not seem to think of any other phrase to use for male ejaculation and so it's like she copied the same phrase over for every intimate scene between the two characters.

jamiesbookaddiction's review

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This book was ok for the most part. At first I enjoyed Luke and Natalie. I liked how their relationship was growing. Then they had sex and it was great at first until it wasn't. This was definitely insta-love. Well I think insta-lust would be more appropriate actually. The sex in this book was way over the top. I literally started rolling my eyes at one point. There was so much it seemed like it was used as a filler. I almost can't believe I'm about to say this but, I wish she would've focused less on sex and more on substance in their relationship.

The other issue I had with this book was how overused specific words were used. For example, the word beautiful was used 184 times. Baby was used...205 times. It just starts to be offputting when it's used over and over and over.

I'm a little nervous to move forward with this series. But I will because I realize this was the first in the series and maybe was the first book written by the author. So I'm going to hope the writing gets better and some of these issues disappear in future books. I'm crossing my fingers...

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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3.5 Stars

I really enjoyed the whirlwind romance between Natalie and Luke . They burned up the screen of my iPad as I read each of their scorching loves scenes. My only wish was for a little bit more in the story department. Each of them had such fears and phobias about relationships and commitment that I would have enjoyed a bit more dialogue regarding that aspect of their story. Maybe even a bit more drama than what we had. Sex is a very good thing, but it was almost like everything started and ended with sex for these two.

One thing that did bug me was Natalie body image. She always had to remark on her curvier figure, even if it was just a thought during sex about Luke grabbing her butt. I got that she wasn't a stick figure and that Luke was attracted to it. That should have been enough said. I applaud the author for making her more real and that a "normal" woman snagged herself a superstar. But I didn't need the constant reminder.

Overall, this was a solid read by an author who is new to me. I'l most definitely be looking to read more book in the "With Me in Seattle" series.

strandedinbooks's review

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Any book that can make me cry, even the tiniest bit, deserve five stars!

mochalattie's review

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I like to read the one star reviews on books to see if the things people didn't like can be something I can tolerate. The one review I remember was the person saying how many times "beautiful' was used in the book. 184 times.......184!!!! Every page something was beautiful:

-Mr. Beautiful blue eyes
-beautiful stranger
-she's beyond smart and beautiful
-beautiful photo-
-sit there and be beautiful
-you are quite beautiful

and it contiunes on and on and on and on and on.......

this book had potential to be good. But there was no character development so I didn't feel any connection to either one of them. I felt like this was a continuation of another story and I just didn't read it. And everything moved so fast:

the first page they met, the next page they were in love, then they break up, she's pregnant and the get married. the End.

She discloses she was raped very nonchalant...."hey i was raped, you want to go to chipotle?" that's not what happened but it's the gist of it.

It was all very blah. the reason I gave it one star was because of the epilogue and the vows. That was the best part of this whole book, other than that....meh

katmorrisey's review

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So this book is a 3.5 for me, possibly just shy of 4, and because GR doesn't have half stars I have to round up. I keep going back and forth in trying to decide an exact rating. This book has been in my head the last couple days as I try to sort out how I feel about it. So that, in and of itself, is a good thing. I think any book that keeps you thinking about is worth reading. But that being said, there were a few issues I had with the book. While the writing was very well done and the voice and tone were top notch, I didn't always connect with the characters.

You can check out my more detailed review here: