
Pup by SJD Peterson

hypnoticx's review

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I have very mixed feelings on this book, in many ways it worked for me and I enjoyed it. The bdsm elements and exploration of lifestyle was amazing, there is plenty of steamy and fun scenes here.

The first half I loved a lot, the mischief from Micah and breaking down Tacketts walls. All of the teasing and their getting to know each other was a lot of fun, I enjoyed the side characters too and how they supported the relationship.

Sadly the moment they actually get together it kind of went downhill from there for me, mainly for one key aspect which is Micahs adhd/add. I feel like didn't really explore or look into properly, while I enjoyed the look into coping mechanisms as I felt those were rather truthful. Also I could see the bdsm being a perfect support to Micah and handling it, however it's not a cure in any way, shape or form.

A large part of adhd is the inability to stay focused, fidgeting and struggle with self control. So I really wasn't down for Micah being blamed for something which he literally cannot control, yes he has stuff that helps him cope and work past it but it's not a constant. He is going to lose focus at times and the fact it was treated like his fault, really annoyed me at a certain point in the story.

So yeah I didn't enjoy Tackett so much at times, although I can understand why Micah found him so interesting and it seemed to work for him. Neither of them are perfect and make mistakes, as trying to figure out their relationship. Both tried really hard to provide for the other what they needed. The ending I actually loved, as I adore Micahs persistence so that was super sweet.

Overall I thought this book had a lot of potential and while it did amazing in lots of the bdsm elements/lifestyle. The romance fell rather flat for me and as said before some parts just didn't work for me, but if can suspend disbelief I'm sure it's great!

Although I did enjoy the authors writing so will try another of their books some time.

cadiva's review

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Didn't work for me

I just didn't get any real sense of connection between the two MCs I'm afraid, no matter how much it was written that Micah needed Tackett.

The age gap also didn't really seem to make much difference either as I don't think either character represented someone of their age. Micah's ADHD seemed to be used lot make him act like a toddler and Tackett talked like he was nearly at deaths door, not in his mid 40s.

The BDSM scenes were okay, but again they were bitty and didn't seem to follow any logical progression. So overall, this just wasn't for me.

christin22's review

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Hier ist der Mann auf dem Cover zwar nett anzuschauen, aber irgendwie finde ich es unpassend zu diesem Buch. Ist aber nur meine persönliche Meinung.
Inhaltlich haben wir hier wieder eine BDSM Geschichte vorliegen, die sich um Micah und Tackett dreht. Beide sind bereits mit BDSM vertraut, auch trennt sie ein relativ großer Altersunterschied. Micah leidet an Konzentrationsschwäche und braucht einen Dom der ihn hart führt. Dies meint er in Tackett zu sehen, aber er muss diesen noch überzeugen, dass Sie füreinander geschaffen sind.
Hier mochte ich die BDSM Beziehung der beiden sehr gerne – es wurde geredet und Grenzen festgelegt und auch wenn erst Sex und dann die Gefühle kamen, passte es zu unserem Pärchen sehr gut. Ich fand es sehr lustig zu erfahren, dass im Englischen der Originaltitel „Pup“ heißt, was einen kleinen Welpen beschreibt. Danach konnte ich mit Micah nur noch als Welpen vorstellen…
Ich gebe 4 von 5 Punkten.

ld2's review

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I really wanted to like this book. The blurb has all the elements that I look for in my reads: kink, BDSM, hurt/comfort, and romance – with a delicious looking book cover. However, once I started reading, I was disappointed. Phrases like “real Doms” or “real subs” are a huge turn off for me. BDSM is such a personal experience that looks differently for each person and relationship. To imply that there’s a “one, true way” is not healthy and sounds pretty ignorant. The fact that both Tacket, the Dom, and Micah, the sub, spoke in this manner, made them sound like internet newbie role players rather than seasoned BDSM club members.

Another issue I had was with how Micah was treated. Tackett was pretty frustrated with Micah’s “flighty” attention span. However, from how the author characterized Micah, it sounded like had a bad case of ADHD which is definitely not the same as being “flighty.” I couldn’t understand Tackett’s methods and tactics in controlling Micah’s ADHD, and it all felt a bit emotionally abusive.

Overall, this book left me feeling confused over what I read, and was definitely not to my taste.

mearias's review

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3.5 stars

poisonivy70's review

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The Good, The Bad and Everything In Between

-free through ARebooks, also available on Scribd
-M/m with heavy BDSM theme
-SEx is good
-Not a big fan of the older hero and his manipulation
-sex is star attraction
-not sure I’d continue with series.

The Bottom Line
It was ok.

calila's review

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I did not connect with these characters at all. Also I don't think I like the way ADD was treated throughout this story. It had it's good moments. I didn't hate it but it was just flat to me I guess.
There really didn't seem to be any real romance or feeling beyond lust between the two MCs.