
Chosen Ones (Lost Souls, Book One) by Tiffany Truitt

mournfulbliss's review

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This was actually an interesting premise, with a nice follow through.

dashichka's review

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This book kind of blew me away. In truth, at the beginning I didn't expect anything special. The book started a little slow, but it quickly picked up.

The heroine of this dystopian series is Tess, who has had so much stripped from her life that she's turned herself into an emotional shell to help herself cope. That is until she meets someone she shouldn't be associating with. A chosen one, but one that's different. Eventually she is forced to question everything. Her relationships with everyone around her: her older sister, her younger sister, her father, her old best friend Henry, and most importantly, her new friend, the chosen one James.

What initially won me over what the writing style. This book is so emotional. The author really captures every thought, every feeling that goes through Tess in such a beautifully gut-wrenching way. The set up of the world, of the powerlessness of the people, the cruelty of the council, were written so beautifully. This book portrayed each side showing you that nothing is as simple as black and white. You could see the background of every thought; put yourself into so many sets of shoes.

The book is written to show you a twist of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, letting you decide what is really a monster. If you were put into the situation, would you blindly follow as you were told, or would you stand up for what you believed to be right? But I couldn't read this book without thinking Hunger Games like thoughts through the whole of the book. I hate comparing books to other popular "trend" books, but this one was hard to deny. The cold, closed off heroine. The best friend/possible love interest. The evil government twisting the people's beliefs to what they want them to see. The possible resistance movements, and the need for a person to be the people's symbol of hope. But unlike Hunger Games, I loved this heroine so much more. She was so much more relatable, among many other differences. Basically, I saw similarities, but I would still consider this book a fully original work of art.

Lastly, I want to say how much I adored James. He was different, and he knew it. He was questioning everything, but he never seemed weak. He was just kind and gentle, even though he was created to be violent and self caring. The boy totally won me over. The dark curls, mismatched eyes, and perfect face didn't hurt either.


Overall, I really loved this book and will be looking forward to the next one.

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jaymeshaw's review

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Do you ever read a book that is just not that good but you still feel this innate desire to find out if it gets any better or what happens at the end? This was that book for me. It was pretty blah, but I just couldn't quit it. ;)

skundrik87's review

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not that interesting. Characters and setting were bland.

lostinagoodread's review

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This and other reviews can be found at Cozy Up With A Good Read

I was really happy to be a part of the cover reveal for this book when it came out, so when I got the chance to review I had to jump at it. The cover looks absolutely gorgeous and I loved the synopsis of this one. I wasn't absolutely sure what to expect, the cover makes the book seem a little creepy, and to be honest the opening chapter definitely depicts a creepy book.

As I read this book I have to say it reminded me a tiny bit of DELIRIUM by Lauren Oliver. Though this one love wasn't so much outlawed as the people, or 'naturals' were scared to enter into relationships because of the idea that women could no longer bring forth life. It was really interesting where Tiffany took this story.

What made this book really interesting to me was how Tiffany relied a lot on the story of Frankenstein. It was fun to see how she connected it to a lot of the characters in different ways. I found that in a way this story was like Frankenstein, having doctors create their own life forms. This book was definitely as creepy as Frankenstein was back in it's time. Tiffany adds in a few other books as well and incorporates the plot into her own. I really enjoyed as Tess goes through some of the books, she relates what is happening to the characters to her own life and of those around her. Being a booklover, I love seeing characters do that with books themselves as well (because let's be honest I do that all the time).

The characters were really well written. I loved Tess the most of all. She is a strong character, that really knows how to keep her emotions in check for the most part. Tess was always strong for her family, and always knew how to hide her real feelings. The character that I really loved was Tess's father, Tiffany does a great job of having the readers connect with him through his letters to Tess. I thought it was an interesting add on to the story.

Tiffany sets up this series well, and I enjoyed how she explained what happened to put the world in the situation that they currently find themselves in. I also really enjoyed that there was some intense moments throughout this book. I found that when I was hoping for something to heat up in the book, it's like Tiffany knows the reader is wanting that and then it's there. She also does a great job at describing the fight scenes that happen, making them seem very real, describing every little movement.

I definitely say check out this book. I'm excited to see what happens next after that ending. Definitely left me on the edge of my seat wanting more.

kate2440's review

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When I first came across this book I thought it sounded and looked good so I knew I had to read it. So a big thanks goes out to Entangled Publishing for giving me the opportunity to review this book as I really enjoyed reading it

I actually started out not liking this book and thinking not another Dystopian book that just doesn't work for me. It was so confusing to start with and I just didn't know what was going on which did take a while for things to actually to sink in and get what was happening. Also it was a little slow paced but by the time I got to the end I start to realize things was happening from the beginning I just didn't realize.

Once I did get into the book it was a completely different story for me as I was so enthralled that I just wanted to read the next chapter before putting it down. Even when it was put down I would still be thinking about it, thinking what is going to happen now?, How will they get out of this predicament. I even dreamt about the world that Tiffany Truitt created! That's just how well Truitt has written this book that I can actually visualize this world.

To start with I wasn't that keen on Tess's character as she seemed too selfish however, by the end of the book I was rooting for her which I think is down to the fact we learn more about her character with each chapter and it made me understand the way she was. I loved James he was different to the other Chosen Ones he was sweet and gentle and would do anything for Tess. He was also a strong fighter and would try and protect anyone he could. I just hope he stays that way through out the series. I did feel sorry for him at times especially when Tess was mean to him. The chemistry between them both was sizzling it really did pop out of the book.

Overall a slow and confusing start but a strong and powerful ending I can't wait to find out what is going to happen next.

lpcoolgirl's review

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Such a great book, really loved it, can't wait for Naturals to come out!!

kayleigh_kbooks's review

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Chosen Ones Review on K-Books

"Emotional entanglements only led to physical tresspasses. We, humans, were weak. We couldn't be trusted with our emotions."

Chosen Ones completely blew me away. The debut novel from Tiffany Truitt just made me fall in love with this new dystopian society and I could not stop reading. When I saw the cover to this book I instantly fell in love and couldn't wait to read it. Who wouldn't looking at that cover? It's beautiful. When I read the blurb and found out it was a dystopian novel I just got even more excited and couldn't wait to delve into this book. So you can imagine my excitement when I got a review copy from Entangled. I was not disappointed, this book is incredible and without a doubt one of the best debut's I have ever read.

Tess lives in a world where emotions are a weakness. You shouldn't care about anything or anyone. It will only get your killed. Humans can no longer carry their offspring and pregnancy leads to death. In order to survive the Chosen Ones were created. Like humans but stronger and better, they are there to take orders and protect. They do not have feelings. But then Tess meets James, a Chosen unlike any other she has met, he is kind, has feelings and loves all of the things she does. But can she really trust a Chosen One? And what happens when she starts to realise that this society may not be only there to protect? Will her growing feelings endanger her life? Tess is about to find out in a journey that will leave you breathless and our heart pounding for more.

I cannot praise this book enough. It was just incredible and amazing. I've been looking forward to reading it ever since I received it for review a few months ago and once I started I couldn't put it down. Tiffany's incredible narrative drew me in from the first page and I was drawn into this dystopian society where feelings are a weakness. Chosen Ones is unlike any other dystopian I have read and I loved how original it was. No matter what I needed to do I couldn't put the book down and read over half of it in one sitting.

Tess is such an amazing character and I love her. She is strong and will do whatever it takes to protect herself and her family. She refuses to feel anything and look weak and she is good at hiding what is really going on inside. I really admired her and I felt like she went on such a huge journey throughout the book and she really grew as a character. I loved seeing the world from Tess' eyes and it really makes you see just how barbaric this supposed 'protected' community can be. Everything that happens to Tess makes you see things differently and it's like you are living this story with her. I really felt like she discovered a lot about herself throughout the book and I completely loved that.

Now for James. Every girl reading this book will love James. I sure did. He is such a fantastic character and although you don't see his feelings much with the story being told from Tess' point of view I felt like you really see his character grow and see him going through his own journey of discovery throughout the book. He is a 'Chosen One' he's supposed to be stoic with no feelings but he's unlike the other Chosen Ones. Especially when he meets Tess, he can't explain his feelings and you really see all his conflicting emotions as he tries to make sense of them. I loved that about him and I loved how similar he and Tess are even though they are technically different 'species'.

This book just completely blew me away. I knew from the first chapter I would adore this book and I was right. I got this feeling when I started it that I would love it and that the story would be an emotional rollercoaster that would stay with me for a long time. I have only had that feeling with one other series which is The Hunger Games, my favourite books so this ranks right up there with those. I was blown away and left breathless and hungry for more with this book. It's an incredible heart-wrenching series that will blow you away. You feel like you are living through every moment with Tess and you feel her confusion and her reluctance growing into her acceptance that everything is not as it seems in this world.

I will definitely be buying the paperback of this series when it comes out and I am just left hanging waiting for the next book in this series. It's incredible and breath-taking and in my opinion one of the best, most unique dystopian novels out there. This is a must-read for any fan of dystopian and I would recommend it to everyone. A definite re-read quality book.

It was Phenomenal, breath-taking, heart-pounding and Epic! The storyline will leave you speechless and the romance will leave you breathless! Amazing!

"He had saved my life twice, and beyond that, he's made me realise that I had a heart and soul that still lived inside me. He showed me that love existed in a world full of darkness, something I long thought was impossible."

pauh94's review

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Oh boy, I had such high expectations for this book... the blurb seemed so awesome... and then- BOOM! We get a crappy main character, that is like so many heroines nowadays that follow the Bella-trend, the oh-please-save-me-I-am-useless kind of vibe that is so sad...

ALSO, that love interest? HE SUCKED. Having a love interest that hands you off to a vile, horrible person because they fear being found out? HE IS AWFUL AND SO NOT WORTH IT! I hate when heroines forgive anything and everything their love interest does simply because it was love at first sight.

I honestly couldn't make myself finish it, though I got to a good 3/4 of the book before I quit...

I hope someone else likes it and finds traits in the heroine worth looking up to, maybe traits I failed to see...

caramnix's review

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I was unimpressed with this book. I usually eat up all dystopian novels with a passion. Within the first few chapters I has no clue what was going on. I feel as though the author left gaps to fill but expected the readers to fill the gaps the same way they had, which left me perplexed.

Alright the love triangle, it was weak. She never showed interest in Henry as an adult so why in the world would she be jealous if him and Julia. Also, at the time she had James!

Speaking of James his character infuriated me, he seemed like he was unaware of the outside world and only cared about himself, and Tess though he was having trouble showing it. I would say poor thing but really you are obviously not a monster and we only got to see his "dark side" once and it was way into the book.

I did though like the way the society was formatted and crafted. Though once again there were major gaps. How did the Council gain power using Chosen Ones if the majority of the society did not agree with what they were doing.

Overall I do not think I will read the rest of the series. Obviously she and James will get together in the end and I have a feeling her little sister will die an she will blame Robert an everything in her life will come crashing down add some reckless behavior and poof! You now have the 2nd book.

To those who enjoyed the book: Keep reading! And do not let my review discourage you from enjoying the series (: