
Hot Rock by Annie Seaton

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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The premise of this one sounded interesting when I read the blurb. Even as I started reading, it was like Outlander but with a rock star flair. But as the story went on, it seemed to loose it's steam and left me wanting so much more for Megan and Davy's romance.

Megan has always had a love of 70's music, even taking is so far as to write her doctoral thesis on music festivals and how the culture has changed from the 70's. When she meets her neighbor during her stay in England, she's shocked to discover the arrogant man claims to be her crush, Davy Morgan's nephew. As their paths cross, David and Megan fight their attraction as David tries hiding his secret.

I liked Megan and Davy, even if we spent more time in their heads than them actually having a conversation with each other. Of course, that might have worked out for the best in Davy's case, since the things that came out of this mouth tended to make him come off like the biggest ass, rather than the rock star who was tired of all the press intrusions.

Even though I liked Megan, I didn't like how she refused to deal with her issue at school. I knew how important the festival was to Megan, but it felt like she was a bit of a teenager just throwing caution to the wind and worrying about what happens back at home when she gets there.

I didn't really like how the story ended. Sure Megan and Davy got their HEA, but it seemed rushed and their relationship didn't really get a chance to really build. It was cool her wrote her the song and she finally figured out it's meaning, but I would have like to seen them build on what they had just started to discover those 3 days or so they were together.

booksabrewin's review

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I received an e-copy of this book from the publishers on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have been in a reading rut the last few months and wasn't sure I was ever going to find my way out of it. I felt like I read the same thing over and over again just from different authors with different character names. It seemed all the physical books I had accumulated all ran together so in an attempt to break my exceedingly tedious span of "same old, same old" I turned to the vast amount of e-books I had gathered in my kindle cloud. This little gem was among them and it was purely through random selection that I decided to give it a gander. I am grateful that I did as my rut finally came to an end.

Megan has longed to visit the site of a music festival that has been going on since the early 70's. As a doctorate student focused on the cultural and societal differences of music festivals through the ages, it was fated that Megan finally get a chance to visit one of the most famous ones to date. However, issues at home start to plague Megan and cause her to question whether she should remain in England and live her dream or venture home and try to save her comfortable future. In the process of deciding she meets her gorgeous neighbor that seems to bear an unusual resemblance to one of her favorite 70s musicians.

David reveled in his solitude. The last thing he needed was an attractive woman coming around and threatening that. He needed to keep the vixen at arms length and if that meant acting the part of the stereotypical big-headed musician, he could do that. Well... he hoped he could do that. It seemed Megan was bound and determined to get under his skin and become a woman the likes of which he had never before met in either time he frequented. What future could the two have with David spending half his time in 2014 and the other half of his time rocking the stage in the 1970s?

Finally, a book that got me out of my rut. I have to admit, I didn't really have high hopes for the book. I had not read any books by Annie Seaton and was worried it'd be a bit to "indie-fied" for my liking. I was certainly wrong. The chemistry between David and Megan was palpable. Where the time travel angle could have caused confusion and disharmony within the storyline, it seemed to flow rather easily, a feat not easily achieved even by extremely skilled authors.

Although I did have one issue with the book. A relatively small one, but one none-the-less. There were some issues that the female protagonist experienced with the time traveling that I would have liked an explanation to. There was no real reasoning behind the physical symptoms she endured and I started to wonder why it was even included in the first place. But, that did not effect the overall appeal of the book so I can live without the whys of it.

This book is Diana Gabaldon meets rocker fiction. It's a fun mix that would appeal to those who like sexy rocker men who can also time travel. Groupies and time travel capabilities, talk about a man who has it all.

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renpuspita's review

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3,5 stars

Time travel met 70's rock music galore!!

Hot Rock not like any other rock books I'd read. I admit mix time travel with rocker theme work for Hot Rock. Because it make me know more about rock music in 70's. I don't know anything about rock music, to be honest. What I know just Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, Evanescence, Avenged Sevenfold,etc. Yeah, all that new era rock music. Because of Guitar Hero games, I know just a little of 70's rock music. Like "I Love Rock and Roll", and my favorite "More than a Feeling" by Boston.

Ms Seaton bring us to Glastonbury Festival, both on 2014 and 1971 , with the journey of Megan Miller and Davy Morgan to find love and redemption for each other. Even I'm a little bit struggle with the fact that Davy (or David) can travel through the time so easily and not affect the past and the future. But their story feel magical for me and I like the ending, with how Ms Seaton make David and Megan's relationship to work. Simply put, I'm satisfied.

If you want a rock story that different than you already read now, with a touch of time travel and 70's rock music, you will add Hot Rock on your TBR list

Thanks for Entangled for provide the e-ARC copy

moniqueeditrix's review

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4.5 Stars! Review to come on release day

Also reviewed on my blog All The Bookish Love

Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge from the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own

I love Annie Seaton’s work and when I managed to get my hands on an ARC copy of Hot Rock, I immediately cleared my schedule to read it the book. It was definitely one of my better decisions ever, because once again I managed to fall head over heels for one of Annie’s books.
Annie Seaton made me feel like I was living the story. Her words were so descriptive and not once did I get the feeling that I couldn’t imagine where I was. I felt like I was living the Glastonbury festivals, roaming around between all the hippies, groupies and rock stars. And boy, when she described Davy, well my imagination just went wild. Now that is a guy that could play his guitar at the loudest volume and I wouldn’t mind at all. As long as I am able to look at him all dreamy-like. He did start out as a bit of an ass, but hey, we all have our moments, right? Hen softened me up when he gave Megan some coffee and told her to keep the cup.
Megan, now she’s pretty feisty but also pretty awesome. I completely adored her as a character. I never really feel a lot toward female characters unless they come across as independent and strong, which is exactly what Megan is. She takes all the time-travelling in stride, after a bit of an internal freak out, but I know if I had to wake up and find out I was in 1971 instead of in 2014, then I would not just be freaking out on the inside, I would probably end up in a loony bin.
The chemistry between the two characters is explosive and intense. The love they feel for each other radiates off the page and you really just want to kick their teeth in until they can see that too. I highly recommend this for anyone, because really, if you don’t want to read about a rockstar with a hot bod and a smooth voice that can make you go weak at the knees just imagining it, then there really is something wrong with you.
Annie Seaton outdid herself with this one and she has definitely raised the expectations I have for all her future books. Here’s to one rocking writer!

booksandlifewithandrea's review

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I would like to thank Annie Seaton for the ARC in return for an honest review

What I wouldn't give to be born in the 70's, all that music not having a care in the world just living.

Megan is off to Glastonbury England, she is researching for her thesis on the sociological effect of music from the 1970's. This is exactly what she dreamed of going to the festival but while on the plane she gets some bad news from home, there is a problem at the university where she works this is not a good start to her trip. She finally gets into the village where the festival will be held and finds her cottage but not the keys so she lays on the porch to wait till morning.

Davy Morgan 70's rock idol has finished his practice with his band and is on his way home where he trips over Megan laying on his porch thinking she is a groupie he shows his inner jerk but they soon realize she is supposed to be next door. From there they get to slowly get to know one another but something feels off about Davy and Megan just can't put her finger on it.

Annie makes you feel like your right there with them, the music, the festival the small village you can imagine every detail and that's what brings the story alive. This is my first book iv'e read from Annie and she has gained a fan can't wait to read her other books if she writes like this.

5 Rocking Stars

achtungbebe's review

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I really really wanted to love this book, it would have been so much better if it had been longer. It could have been a really beautiful story, if there were more to it,@184 pages it's nothing but sex and rock n roll.......most of the time I am more than fine with that. BUT, this story was way too rushed, and the emotions fell flat or weren't there at all.

beckymmoe's review

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I was really intrigued by the premise of this book. A rock star who travels back and forth through time, spending most of his time hiding out in the future, returning to his actual time only to put on concerts, record albums, and go on tour? Using ley lines and ancient standing stones to time travel? A woman meeting and falling in love with the celebrity her teenaged self worshiped? So very promising!

In execution the novel doesn't quite live up to the promise--too many things are left unexplained. First of all, where is the actual 2014 Davy Morgan? We learn that one of the band members is dead--Davy sees his grave while in the present--but no mention is made about what happened to Davy. He's supposed to be living in the Caymans as a recluse, but we know it's actually Davy from the past who lives there. Can he exist twice in the same place? Or has he actually ceased to exist in the modern time? It's never explained, and left me confused on that point.

There's a huge drama at Megan's place of work when the story begins--her professional reputation might be in tatters, and she may never be able to work in her chosen profession again. It appears that there was a very elaborate plot put into place against her, perhaps executed by a past boyfriend. When she does return home to finally fix the situation, it's never explained how she managed to be framed in the first place--it seemed to be quite the accomplishment, and I really wanted to know how he did it!

Finally, I just didn't really feel the chemistry between the two characters. Sure, Megan loved Davy as a teen (which wasn't actually during the time that he was touring and producing music--he was actually more of a celebrity for her parents' generation than hers), but I had a hard time buying into their love in 2014. Megan was likable from the first, and easy to identify with--who can't relate to having a huge celebrity crush?--but in the end the romance was tough to buy into. It was all very quick, and didn't seem to have much of a foundation besides lust.

In a nutshell: promising, but doesn't quite make it. C rating/ 3 stars.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

elylibrarysec's review

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Rating: 4 1/2 stars

I received a copy of this book for review from Entangled Publishing and the author. I was not compensated nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Megan Miller is getting ready to experience the British music scene. If you have never heard the music from the seventies, this would be a great time to expand your horizons. This book is a great one to listen to some music as you read and who better than some UK artists from the time period shown in this tale. Since I grew up in that era, quite a few come to mind but I’ll let you make your own choices.

David “Davy” Morgan is a musician with a secret. He also makes quite the impression on Megan. The setting is a quaint village. If you love to travel and have any interest in going to visit England what a great book to take along with you. Local legends are also mentioned and that is just more incentive to take a trip. I found I was more interested in our couple’s experiences than the romance end of it. The romance is just the icing on the cake.

The author does a great job of making the reader feel as if they’ve also gone back in time. As if you are at the concert experiencing all the great stuff going on. It must have taken a lot of research time in order to be so accurate. If you’re a foodie, you may want to even experience some of the food from that part of the world.

Do you like reading books that you can get done in just a couple of hours? Then this is a perfect book for you – especially if you love time travel or paranormal mixed with some romance. Annie is an author that you will enjoy over and over again. If you’ve never read her work before than this is the perfect book to start with.

cheryls's review

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Sexy rock star, time traveler, Davy Morgan, plays in one year and lives in another. Megan Miller travels to England to experience the British music scene and discovers the nephew of her music idol living next door to the cottage she's staying in. He looks eerily like his uncle but he can't be. It's not possible, is it?

Megan's thesis/employment issues made the story a little too busy and could have been left out altogether. Other than that, the story rocked! It was the sexy rock star that really drew me in. It's a clever story line from an amazing author.