
Diplomatka by Ann Aguirre

skateanddonate's review against another edition

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Love the characters. Love the world. But this book just seemed really uneven. My least favorite of the series so far. Although it did pick up toward the end...maybe I was just bored with the political stuff?

veronica87's review against another edition

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I didn't like this installment as much as the first two books. Jax is still a great protagonist and the secondary characters are still varied and interesting so there's no problem there. We finally see Jax arrive at Ithis-Torr to make a stab at forging an alliance between that world and the Conglomerate. This is where the story drags for me as I was just not very interested in the diplomatic shenanigans going on. Jax attending one diplomatic function after another just doesn't hold the same level of attraction for me as a good old fashioned firefight, but that's just a matter of personal preference.

What I did really enjoy was reading about March's battles with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and how that impacts heavily upon his relationship with Jax. Having worked with combat soldiers with PTSD, I found that March's presentation was very true to life. Once again I am very pleased to see that Jax and March are navigating very honest problems in their attempts to be together. I would have preferred to see the PTSD plot thread stretched out over the next book but I will say that the manner in which Jax helps March is inspired. The last third or so of the book yields an unexpected betrayal and a daring rescue so that grabbed my attention again. This is still definitely a series to keep reading.

errantdreams's review against another edition

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The plot with March having gone cold and hard since the war on Lachion is hard to read, because Jax loves him so much that his distance is painful. It’s worth sticking with the plot, however. She figures out a very novel approach to trying to help him, and it’s fascinating. One worry Jax has is that March always loved her inability to lie to him since he’s a psi and used to feeling people’s deception; but in the name of politics she’s learning to dissemble, and she’s afraid she won’t appeal to him as much that way. It should be noted that things are set up such that there’s a lot riding on Jax’s ability to form an alliance: enough to keep her staying there and working hard no matter how bad things get. The Morgut, the Syndicate, Farwan loyalists, and raiders are wreaking havoc, and having such a strong race for allies–particularly since the Ithtorians are pretty much the only race the Morgut respect as hunters rather than prey–would be invaluable.

There are plenty of sub-plots to make everyone else’s lives interesting too. Dina and Hit seem to be getting closer. Jael seems to waver oddly between being super-intense about bodyguarding Jax, yet going off on his own whenever he gets bored or wants to gamble. Doc is trying to find a way to help the poisoned Ithtorian. Constance is being invaluable as an assistant, but when she disappears no one knows if she’s off researching or what. Jax gets to learn a lot more about Vel now that she’s seeing him in his native surrounds. And there’s plenty of action and adventure to keep things exciting.

There was one thread where I just wanted to shake Jax for not noticing a repeated clue, and not finally putting two and two together when given additional clues.

We really go through the emotional wringer in this installment of the series. Content note for a brief and not-too-detailed sex scene. I’m looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

Original review posted on my blog:

meghan_t's review against another edition

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This book centred on Jax and Vel, the Bug bounty hunter.

And despite how much I liked March in books 1 and 2, I shipped VEL and JAX so much!! He’s so intelligent and courteous and helpful. His backstory is tragic—exiled from his planet for being different. And he’s had human lovers?!?!

I know we’re supposed to see that Jax can’t live without March, but I honestly I think the author herself was torn. This whole book seems to be an argument as to why Jax should be with Vel. There’s no doubt in my mind he loves her and would do anything for her.

I guess his personality lacks the passion and thrill-seeking that Jax craves. Sigh. But Vel is a bounty hunter and with the war starting, I’m sure she’ll get lots of near death experiences in the fourth book.

I hope there’s more of the rest of the crew in book 4. They were rather incidental in this book.

Also I suspect Jax will keep the tattoo Vel made for her. She respects him too much to get rid of it.

March is not going to like that lol.

mcummings's review against another edition

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I did not enjoy this as much as the last two, because there was less action, but there were aspects that I did enjoy. I liked learning about Vel's race, and thought the world building was very unique. I was a little taken aback by what seemed to me to be an abrupt shift in Jael's character from the way he was presented in the previous book. I know it fit the plot of this story, but it was almost like the author didn't remember how she'd presented him previously, which annoyed me!

jkh107's review against another edition

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I love this series! As ambassador to the planet of bug-like Ithtorians, Sirantha Jax must forge an alliance with this skeptical and ruthless race of aliens while humanity lives under threat of war both within and from the cannibal Morgut aliens. Also she must solve a mystery and attempt to heal her war-damaged lover March. Lots of adventure here, and an interesting alien world and engaging characters also.

vegancleopatra's review against another edition

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The sci-fi world Aguirre has created is getting more vivid and thorough as the series progresses. Despite there being depth to the series, I believe it is character-driven all the way, at least for me. This installment centers around Jax having to be a very important ambassador, a role one would never peg Jax for. In order to help diminish the likelihood of war and countless deaths, Jax is attempting to get the Ithtorians to agree to an alliance. However, the Ithtorians think oh so very little of humans (can't say as I blame them).

Jax matured greatly into the role of ambassador and while I admire her ability to do so, I rather miss the old Jax. The Jax that would say what was on her mind and do what she felt was right for her, I loved that Jax. Instead this Jax has to continually have an inner battle for doing what is better for the "many" and ends up kissing ass more than I can generally tolerate reading (and don't even think I could actually do it). Despite this, the Jax I prefer still lurks within and that makes me hopeful that the "ambassador" Jax may be done away with when enough is enough.

Vel, oh Vel. What a great character! He is strong but vulnerable, living with a duality--the culture/race he was born into (Ithtorians) and the world he feels more a part of (which is in conflict with said culture). He is a great friend to Jax and more than any other character I think she needs Vel. March may be her lover but Vel is there like no one else. I believe I'd be somewhat braced for March's death but I think Vel's would hit harder.

March is now essentially a killing machine after the events in book two and is cold emotionally and any little trigger could send him over the edge. He was like this once before (prior to Jax) and "fixed" by somone no longer living with abilities Jax does not possess. How can she "fix" him? This aspect of the story really takes an emotional toll on the characters and readers. Will March rebound?

I rather liked the character of Jael and was disappointed that he was the bad guy in this one. It was very disappointing that he would sell out for money despite what seemed like genuine care for Jax and her safety. Despite what he did and the danger it would cause, I secretly hope he somehow escapes from the mines. Of course I view this from a perspective that he will amend his ways and not kill anyone important. So I guess he is probably stuck there!

There was a lot of politics in the book, which I have never been a fan of. However, I did enjoy the extra level of meaning of the Syndicate (aka private corprorations doing things for the government) and their part in Jax's world. The events, corruptions, deaths etc. that take place in Jax's world are not foreign to ours.

I look forward to the next books in the series and know it will be a dramatic wild ride from here on out.

vkemp's review against another edition

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Sirantha Jax is a crackerjack navigator of grimspace, the place where spaceships travel to get from one place to another without taking years of light speed. But she has been recruited to travel to a far planet as an ambassador to negotiate an alliance with an alien race in order to protect the known universe from a very alien threat, the Morgut. Arriving on Ithissi-Tor, she works with a member of the alien "bug" race, who has been exiled from his home world because of his wanderlust. Jax is hindered by several obstacles, the most important of which is her lover's withdrawal due to his PTSD. Jax has to figure out a way to get March back into the game. Then she has to figure out who the traitor is on her team. Lots of action and enjoyable romance. Jax is a great character.

chessakat's review against another edition

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Jax takes on a new role as Ambassador to Ithis-Tor, where her pal Velith is from. This has a lot of first-contact themes to it, which I enjoy. The March drama is a little overdone, but I guess you have to have romantic tension. I enjoy this series, can't wait for the next one.

sarah42783's review against another edition

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BR with my fellow junkies Shelly & Jaime. Because we're Jax addicts. There's no hope for us at this point.

Holy Fragging Mary of Anabolic Grace.

This book. This series.

Rejoice and get the maracas out of storage because this will be a short review. Yes it will. No empty promises this time. Cross my heart, hope to die and all that.

This review will be short because:

This book is too A.W.E.S.O.M.E. for words.

I'd rather be reading Killbox than writing this review.

There's no point in trying to explain what this book is about. I mean, I didn't try and summarize books 1 & 2 for you so I'm not about to do it for this one. And even if I did want to ♥ out of the goodness of my heart ♥ there would be little I could say. Because spoilers. So there. You want to know what Doubleblind is about? READ IT. How many times will I have to say this? You need this series in your life. YES YOU DO.

Doubleblind is phenomenal-amazing-oh my God this will be the death of me-fantastic-exhausting-nerve racking-brilliant-exasperating-awesome-oh no you don't-maddening-astonishing-please do something I can't take it anymore-heart stopping-sensational-stressful-oh my God I think I might cry any minute now-thrilling-sad-argh-exciting-you bastard I knew it-phenomenal because:

Intergalactic politics Life will never be the same.

Ithiss-Tor. Because bugs and mandibles have never been so cool Life will never be the same.

Dina & Hit are cool, very cool. And the rest is no comment. Because reasons. I'm hurt.

Jael is no comment. Because REASONS Too bad.

Vel is the coolest mantis in the known universe. I think I'm in love with his mandibles. Wait. That sounds pretty bad doesn’t it? It's really not what you think you know. Oh well. My reputation was ruined a long time ago anyway. Just add mandibles to the list of my many deviances.

March. Come on people, do I really have to explain why? March is. That is why. I'm in love. No matter what. And there is a lot of what here. But I'm still in love. And the rest is no comment. Because reasons. Lots of them.

Jax. Because until now I wanted to be Kate Daniels when I grew up. Now I want to be Jax OMG I did not just write that did I? OMG I think I did. OMG I think I'm hyperventilating.

Why Jax? I can’t believe you’re actually asking this question. But you’re my dear vulture friends so I’ll comply just this once. Why Jax? Because she's too awesome for words. Because she's tough. Because she's weak. Because she speaks mandible fluently. Because she's smart. Because she's no 20-year-old virgin. Because she's falling apart. Because she kicks ass. Because she's the coolest ambassador in the known universe. Because March is her drug of choice. Because Constance. Because she never gives up. Because she navigates the most unexpected seas. Because the bug Gestapo doesn't scare her. And because she shines.
“Together, to this kid, we must seem like the stuff from nightmares and legends.”

That is all.
Killbox awaits.
Bye now.

Book 1: Grimspace ★★★★★
Book 2: Wanderlust ★★★★★
Book 4:Killbox ★★★★★
Book 5: Aftermath
Book 6: Endgame ★ (DNF at 20%)