
One Tiny Lie by K.A. Tucker

aimeelio's review against another edition

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3 stars. This one was too short. The story was good it just ended before I got to know the characters.

amandas_good_books's review against another edition

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LOVED LOVED LOVED IT, it started a tad slow but oh did it warm up!
I've read the 3rd is best and I'm finding it difficult to see how the first two could be topped but I guess I will find out.

I can't wait for the 4th and i am so glad I started this book in Feb because the newest one comes out the this month.

nighteyes82's review against another edition

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I read Ten Teeny breaths over 2 years ago. I liked it but not that much.
Kacey was not my kind of girls but the writting was well done enough to get me to finish the book in one or 2 sittings if I remember correctly.

but the pitch for her sister story? yeah well I put the book in the maybe one day pile

and here I am again atfer 2 yeas reading a review about the author new series and I'm like hold your horses maybe I should check the book again and actually give it a proper try.

that was really interesting liked the twists and turn.
now i look forward to read book #3

borrowedlibrary_dreareads's review against another edition

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4⭐️. I can’t express how much I love KA Tucker books! I thought I loved the first book, didn’t know I would love this one even more. I shouldn’t have loved it as much as I did because it has SO many problematic elements that I am turning a blind eye to because I truly enjoyed this book. Without any spoilers, OK mild spoiler. I didn’t love the tidy ending. It didn’t feel true to the book and for an 18 year old… the fairy godfather feeling doesn’t really work for me. I need a Stayner in my life to fix all my problems. But there’s something about these emo romances that really strings me along in the best way. I may need therapy.

parryc's review against another edition

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This book was overall Fantastic, but I can only give it 4.5 starts due to the cheating I can never seem to get passed that even if it ends up being wrapped up in a neat little bow.
This book has a lot in it self discovery, Love, Freedom.

Perfect little Livie goes away to Princeton to continue on the path she believes she wants and would make her parents proud, a path she chose at the age of 9 but is that really what she is meant to do? While out her first night with Kacey and her new roommate. As the night goes on Livie discovers her weakness for JELLO shots and soon meets the hottie crew captain Ashton or JELLO thief. At first Ashton is a big mystery of confusion and sweet words but not so great actions. Ashton is very closed off and we soon see just how broken he is.

UGH then there is Connor now I didn't like him to much but maybe that was the intention so I didn't feel so bad about the cheating. ( I still did though) Connor was to perfect maybe all the "bad boy" book has ruined the sweet doting boyfriends for me but come on Senior in University and you're not even pushing for some hot and heavy make out sessions come on guy. That being said I still think he deserved better than being cheated on he was a great guy who was all to sweet and charming.

Many times this book pissed me off but then redeemed me with cute or funny moments and ya Ashton made me swoon, all in all it was a great read.

charlottenw1's review against another edition

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I loveeeeeeee anything this woman writes. That means I love torturing myself emotionally because that's what she keeps doing to me. The series just keeps getting better and the characters are growing through the whole book. I just love them.

miraphora's review against another edition

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La Newton & Compton mi dovrà pagare qualche seduta da un analista.
Erano un paio di mesi che non leggevo New Adult. Avevo provato a disintossicarmi, ad allontanarmi dal genere che più mi stava facendo ammattire. Ce l'avevo fatta. Ero arrivata addirittura al punto di non aver voglia di leggere un NA. Poi, naturalmente, hanno cominciato a piovere novità come se non ci fosse un domani e io sono ricaduta nel gorgo oscuro.
Dopo una pausa così lunga ci ho messo qualcosa come 2 pagine per trasformarmi nell'invasata da NA - una specie di Gollum con Converse e zainetto. Due pagine, e nemmeno tra le migliori che abbia letto tra i romanzi di questo genere. Eppure è bastato poco per farmi ricordare cos'ha di così accattivante il NA. Mi permette di rivivere e reinventare un periodo della vita che è tutto tranne che romantico, fantastico, indimenticabile, gustandomi questi drammoni frivoli - un controsenso che ha un senso - e tornando volontariamente nel tunnel della dipendenza.
Naturalmente un New Adult non vale l'altro. Ci vuole più di un ragazzotto a petto nudo e addominali super definiti. Ci vuole più del lato oscuro della vita, del trauma, delle difficoltà, degli amori contrastati. Ci vuole una trama ben scritta. E poi un'autrice deve avere un dono per scrivere NA, c'è poco da fare, e la Tucker quel dono ce l'ha.


auburntoast's review against another edition

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Debo decir que tenía mis prejuicios ya que es el 2do libro de una saga y no suelo confiar en las historias de amor -a mi punto de vista- forzosamente inventadas.
Pero me sorprendió, fue una historia bastante independiente, y a mi parecer no guardaba mucha similitud con los otros libros.
Yendo a la trama, he leído muchas parecidas, pero se me hizo refrescante. Amé la forma en que inició todo entre los protagonistas. Amé que le llamara irlandesa. Ame todo sobre ellos.
A diferencia de otros libros románticos, la protagonista no era tan estúpida. (Si, hay que decirlo) y poseía a una bella persona que actuaba como su conciencia. (Así que gracias, conciencia)
Y me mantuvo amarrada en todo momento. ¿Quién hubiera dicho que 266 páginas se iban a pasar tan rápido?
En este momento no puedo pensar en algo que no me haya gustado, pero cuando lo haga, lo agregaré aquí.

stumpfed's review against another edition

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Sooooooo much detail of every little thought and movement and then in the end...BANG...the climax happens and then we epilogue. Ugh. It was a good story though, great to see these characters again.

sk24's review against another edition

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This review and more: Sharing Inspired Kreations

I enjoyed this book about as much as Ten Tiny Breaths (the first in the series). It’s packed full with emotion, romance, and real-life elements.

In the first book, we got to see a bit of what Livie was like when she was younger – how she was her sister’s rock, a loving person with a good head on her shoulders, etc. Jump ahead a few years and we have Livie going off to college and figuring out her own life in this book. She goes through a lot of new experiences and learns along the way, growing as a character throughout.

Ashton, the love interest, is all kinds of messed up. He is the type of character that you will love and hate at the same time. He keeps his secrets to himself, so I won’t go and tell you them. I’ll let you read and find them out as Livie does.

Overall, I enjoyed this book. The characters are well-developed and the story is captivating. Like the first book, the romance bit had its messed up qualities. Like I said, you will hate the love interest at times and curse at Livie for doing things that she does. But it plays out well and I definitely wanted to keep reading to discover more.

So why only 4 stars? Well, I mean the uniqueness is a bit lacking and nothing is done superbly. It’s just a good, enjoyable book.