
Champion of the Rose: Darest Book 1 by Andrea K. Host

sashapasha's review

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4.5 stars.

In Champion, Höst effortlessly creates a non-heteronormative world with complex, multifaceted characters. Not my favorite of hers (I’m not going to be obsessively rereading it like I do the Touchstone trilogy+epilogue), but written with her usual thoughtfulness.

yuzujam's review

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I was not really prepared for how intricate it was (at least it was for me). Usually, I am bad with political/ruling stories because it is difficult for me to be interested and patient enough to follow. However, for some reason, this story was written so it was relatively easy to follow and intriguing enough for me to. Perhaps just enough characters and memorable names so that it doesn't get too mind-boggling. Perhaps a clear flow of events.

Admittedly, I wish there had been more explanation of the world before the onslaught of occurrences rather than a slow, unfolding explanation as the events occurred. Such as what was the norm in coupling, families, etc. It was probably just me, but figuring out what were standard relationships made it confusing at the beginning. I feel as if I had been just placed into the story, assumed to have always been part of the world. Then again, there are stories that are intended to be like that.

I thought it was good. I don't think that I will go out to purchase my own copy, but there may be a time in the future when I think, oh I want to try rereading it. I might also want to read the sequel.

being_b's review

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Thoughtful and interesting.

nelsonseye's review against another edition

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Although slow to start, and confusing at times, [book:Champion of the Rose|9832204], turned out to be a very good read. I liked Soren, and Strake and Aristride both grew on me. The palace intrigues were interesting, but not overwhelming and the scenes with the Fae and their Court, although frustrating, were well done. I do wish that there had been more of a resolution, but overall the story ended well and there is room for more in this series.

celandine's review

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A world of magic and fae, with a half-crazed guardian rose, is filled with political twists and plots of magic. Excellently written, the plot rushes along breathlessly and you almost wish it would last longer.

storytimed's review

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Sexual assault that was never really acknowledged. Hated the main couple.

veryreaderie's review

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Enjoyable read! Soren is a bit introspective at times (her difficulty making decisions & believing in decisions is part of her character/journey) but the world is vivid and enjoyable and—most importantly—magical! Don't you love fantasy that actually feels like fantasy?

Since this is book 1 of 2 I'm mostly waiting and seeing, but I absolutely love the background details about relationships/sexuality. All characters in the world seem to be a solid 3 on the Kinsey scale, which is never remarked upon, and monogamy isn't the standard for relationships (just one possible way to have a relationship). Again: I really love it when people take the premise of "not-Earth" to actually have fun with a world instead of making it as close to our society as possible. Onwards to Bones of the Fair!

thecanary's review

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It took me a day or so to put into words what so bothered me about this book.

Here's the thing. Soren, our main character and narrative point of view, served only as a focal point for Strake's development and turmoil. Strake goes through a lot of change, from an angry princeling to dealing with trauma, to being forced to manage his own temper and violent outbursts to, eventually, finding the strength to overcome his emotions and do what's right for the kingdom by forgoing vengeance.

Soren, on the other hand, is an empathic sort who finds courage in the first few scenes when she decided to rise to the challenge of being Champion, and pretty much stays that way throughout. Soren is subsumed by Strake's drama. If that were all, though, I would have probably just shrugged and move on.

But even beyond that, it bothered me how abusive and uneven their relationship was.

Soren spends the entirety of the book catering to Strake, walking on eggshells, censoring her words and opinions, falling for him as she watches him sleep, struggling to manage his angry outbursts, delighting in the rare moments when Strake forgets to lash out at her. Though both of them are traumatized by the magic that
Spoilertakes over their minds and forces them to have sex
Soren is able to move past
Spoilerthe rape
and focus on her mission within a chapter or so. Strake does not. In fact, he spends the majority of the book hating and lashing out at her, a fellow victim, without ever really meaningfully acknowledging her emotional needs or suffering.

(Aside: I did appreciate the book's decision to show the aftermath of this trauma for Strake. But not the execution of it.)

On an intellectual level, Strake sees Soren as inadequate for her job, useful only for her ability to carry a child, and both tells her that and treats her as such. When she does come through and offer valuable political insight, it's met with surprise and amusement, as if a pet dog had just performed a particularly clever trick.

More troublesome still, Soren caters to Strake's outbursts because he's king and because she's sorta feels for him (an emotion that may or may not have been born of the magic binding). When Strake manhandles her and is seconds away from
Spoilerraping her,
chillingly, she considers fighting back (she has the power to stop him), but decides not to, though she certainly is unwilling and terrified. If she hadn't been able to find the right words to deflect him at the last moment, what would have happened?

I spent the entire novel hoping that Soren would acknowledge her emotional connection with Strake and then,
Spoilerwhen finally free of the Rose
move on - perhaps to be on her own, perhaps to someone else as a romantic partner. Heaven knows, even Aristide treated her with more respect than Strake and Aspen seemed more than willing.

I would have enjoyed the relationship if it had been two characters struggling with their mutual revulsion, trauma, attraction, and so forth. Instead, Strake struggled and Soren was his target and whipping boy until one day, on his own time, he decided he was ready to move on and be nicer.

Perhaps if the book had acknowledged that this wasn't romantic, that it wasn't true love, that it was two people making the best of a realpolitik situation, maybe I could have stomached it. But it's an abusive dynamic, and it's uncomfortable as hell to read when it's presented as romance.

The ending: A Harlequin-style happily ever after, in which the woman has fully redeemed the selfish, beastly man through her gentleness, sacrifice and forbearance.

codexmendoza's review

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This is a book that takes all the pieces of a very traditional high fantasy novel (an ailing land, magical fae, the return of a king) and twists them. Soren is part of a long line of retainers magically selected to be the King’s Champion, but there hasn’t been a true king in years so she spends her time as a glorified librarian. However, when a king from the old line does suddenly appear, she realizes that the enchantment protecting the land has been twisted in pretty horrifying ways—ones that make her basically a walking puppet. Plus there's a killer and the existing rulers of Darset aren't particularly interested in giving up power.

I quite liked the fact that this book is about the political aspects of a fantasy court and the resulting bitter (or just not perfectly satisfying) compromises. I think this is definitely one of Host's darker novels, although she always has tendency of welding wonderous fantasy lands with harder realities.

Also, if you liked the parts of *Ancillary Justice* where Breq remembers being the Justice of Toren, you will enjoy the parts of of this novel where Soren is a castle.

lacunaboo's review

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Yet another Host novel that reeled me in, kept me hooked, and spat me back out after finishing it only 2 days later with a total book hangover. She writes fantasy while creating truly unique worlds with captivating histories. And her characters, their motives and feelings and relationships, are so incredibly compelling!

Champion of the Rose did not disappoint. Soren is bound by an old enchantment for reasons that fail to satisfy, but performs her duties admirably even as she struggles to make her fate mean something more. Strake similarly rails against being a puppet, but still manages to put his country's well-being first. I liked them both.

However, I was utterly enchanted with Lord Aristide, the Diamond Courveur, and hope to see more of him in the sequel. Someone needs to melt through that polished exterior of his and find what lays at the heart of the man! I look forward to getting to know how he feels about his world.

There is one last character who plays a pivotal role in this book, but circumstances don't allow us to get to know at all beyond his actions and the things that have been done to him. His part in the story is nothing short of fascinating, and I would very much like to see where things go for him now that he has control of his own life, even if only mentioned in passing.

On to the next!