jamies_shelves's reviews
518 reviews

Pop Star by Eden Finley

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This was cute!

I was annoyed as hell by Harley in Hat Trick, but also intrigued by his character and wanting to know what would happen for him.

I waited a good amount of time from finish Fake Boyfriends before reading this one (went with other books in Sadenverse first) but I'm glad I finally got to it.

I feel like Harley felt very different in this book than he did in Hat Trick. And this makes sense because we aren't seeing him from his ex's POV anymore, but I really did feel like it was basically a different person. He felt a lot like Jet actually lol. I liked him though.

I also liked Brix! He was sweet, and I really liked his relationship with his dad.

I was so sure I wouldn't read the Mike Bravo series because military type things are not for me. But damn if I'm into it now that I met Iris, Trav, and everyone else. I'm totally going to go in and read them.

I like that we saw Jet (Jay) and Soren!!! I feel like it was telling that Harley only ever referred to him as Jay and never Jet. I like that they were able to be in each others presence easier, especially Harley now that he has Brix.

I know Harley made the comment of not getting how anyone can be friends with an ex even if they've moved on, but I'm kind of hopeful they could be one day. They're both totally moved on, have no feelings left, and Harley has so few friends. That life can be so lonely.

I am kind of bummed we never saw Harley come out, but I also love that that wasn't the focus and get that it would be hard to have all of that in a short book. And I love that we did see Harley stand up to his record company, and decide he might not have a huge coming out, but he wasn't going to hide it as much anymore.

I'm excited for the rest of the books and getting to meet the rest of Eleven. And really hope they all decide to come back together for that album, because it sounds like an amazing idea!
Bromantic Puckboy by Saxon James, Eden Finley

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funny hopeful lighthearted fast-paced
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? Yes


Thank you for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!


I can't even explain how much I loved this book.


Miles is so fucking adorable!!!

He definitely reminds me a bit of Dex, but with a combo of Chad/Robbie from the Frat Wars series. A series you should definitely read before this (but you don't need to).

He was so sweet and just wants to be bros with everyone! The friendship bracelets and pet rocks killed me. I just want to give him the biggest hug alive and protect him.

I definitely liked him a bit in Frat Wars, but didn't think too much of him, so I'm so happy we got more of him because he is AMAZING.

Bilson is a gem.

I already loved him from when we saw him in Foolish Puckboy, and I'm so happy that we got to see his story and acceptance of himself.

He is such a sweet person, and I love how he was willing to take the rookie under his wing and accept all of his weirdness.


Bilson and Miles have such a beautiful relationship it makes me want to cry! I squealed so damn much reading this book! Their banter is so sweet, and them in bedroom was hot as fuck. Miles' kinks really did it for me lol!

I love how they value their friendship so much and it just so naturally grows into more.

They definitely remind me of Tripp and Dex.


Books you should read first:

The Fake Boyfriend series by Eden Finley
CU Hockey by Eden and Saxon
Frat Wars by Saxon James
Puckboys by Eden and Saxon (of course the rest of the series)

None of these you NEED to read, but it definitely makes moments sweeter.

Aleks was mentioned a bit, and we see him, Oskar, Tripp and Dex throughout the book. Then we also get ALL of the collective guys at the end including Asher and Foster (CU Hockey) and Ollie and Soren (Fake Boyfriends). AND we got a message from Chad and Robbie and an AMAZING phone convo with Robdog.

These moments had me screaming and so happy!


I loved this book so much, it's actually crazy. And especially the ending felt just so perfect!

I'm so excited we will get (at least) another book and i loved the setup for it!
Clueless Puckboy by Saxon James, Eden Finley

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This series never misses!!

I do think this is probably my least favorite in the series, but I still love it so much.

I really liked Quinn and loved how he could be so confident yet also so shy and awkward. He was such a cutie, and I'm happy we got to see his story!

Vance was sweet, but I feel like I didn't really know him that much.... He likes bridges and Quinn. That's it. I feel like that's all I know. I still liked him, but I didn't feel an attachment towards him that I did to the other Puckboy boyfriends.

I LOVE HOW MUCH ASHER WE GOT. ASHER BABY I LOVE YOU AND I MISSED YOU. And I love that we saw him acknowledge West and show he loves him. And so much Kole too! Honestly, they're not my favorite CU couple, but I still love them so much and I feel FED by how much content we got of them.

Not to mention we got a long and good cameo from Foster (and a smaller one from Zach), West, and all the Puckboys! Smaller cameos from Soren AND Jet (but being called Jay of course), a mention of Harley and Ollie!

I also love what we saw of Bilson (and the tiny mention of Miles and him being a frat bro *squeals*) and I can't wait for his story! Which I have an ARC of and will be immediately reading!
Up in Flames by Saxon James, Eden Finley

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I really enjoyed getting to learn more about Sanden and Remy! I was very into what their history was in Foolish Puckboy, so I'm glad they got a story!

I definitely feel bad for Remy, and can sadly see some friends in the way he lost himself in his horrible ex.

This book definitely reminded me more of Eden's Steele Brothers duology as it had heavier topics and dealt with an abusive ex.

I really loved how they both worked through their trauma and was willing to take a break to get mentally in a better place.

I loved the Aleks and Gabe cameos and the justice that the ex got in the end.

Overall, a fun, cute story that I had a good time reading.
Foolish Puckboy by Saxon James, Eden Finley

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funny lighthearted fast-paced


Another fun addition to the Puckboys world!

I loved Aleks in the last book, so I'm so happy we got his story!

I especially love how much the other Puckboys and CU Hockey guys (Foster/Zach, Asher/Kole) were in it!

The way that Aleks and Gabe met had me CACKLING! What an epic meet cute lolol!

I really liked that Gabe was always very understanding of Aleks and what he was going through, and never pushed him.

They were a super cute couple, and I love how just easy everything ended up being for them.

I also love that we got a mention of Harley and Jet (as Jay Jackson though) and his band Radioactive!

Now I really need to go and finally read the Famous series by Eden.

AND I have to go read the Accidental Love series by Saxon because it features all of Gabe's ex roommates!

And I've already started their stand alone spinoff they wrote about Sanden and Remy.

What I've learned is I am never leaving their worlds because everything is just connected. And I'm okay with it.
Shameless Puckboy by Saxon James, Eden Finley

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funny lighthearted fast-paced


I really loved this story so much! And I wasn't expecting to. I actually stopped reading this series originally at this point and went back and read some of Eden and Saxon's other books because I wasn't sure I'd like the dynamic between Lane and Oskar.

Boy was I wrong.

Not only were they so cute and fun, but they were hot! (Like honestly this book has me wondering if I have some type of exhibition kink I need to explore because damnnnn was I into it.)

I really liked getting to learn more about Oskar and where he's coming from. I am not someone who has ever experienced pretty privilege in my life, but I definitely have been judged just based on my looks (as any plus sized person has) so I definitely understand him feeling like he needs to change his personality sometimes to counteract that.

I love that Lane saw through the bullshit, and never made him feel bad for it.

I was also worried about the age gap when it made a point to say Lane's age, but thankfully besides the hilarious daddy jabs at the beginning, it really never came up or was noticeable again. (Unlike in West and Jasper's relationship imo.)

I love that they were both willing to sacrifice for each other and that everything was resolved quickly. I'll forever love Eden and Saxon for not putting unnecessary drama/break ups/miscommunication in their books. Love you ladies forever.

I am so happy that I paused this series to go back and read The Fake Boyfriend series, then reread CU Hockey and books one and two before this. BECAUSE THOSE CAMEOS WERE EVERYTHING!!!

We basically got almost everyone.

Fake Boyfriends:
Damon we had a ton! And mentions of Maddox even though nothing on page. Ollie and Lennon! Soren (never Jet though, but we did get a mention!)!

CU Hockey
We got a good amount of Foster this time and Zach! (Though he didn't speak lol!)
Beck and Jacobs! And such a great scene of the hall pass! I just wish Dex was there and Beck could ask him if he ever read his DM lol!
COHEN!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GOT COHEN!! Sadly no Seth, but it made me so happy! Though the calling him Richard threw me off.
Asher and Kole!
West and Jasper! (And Anton finally learning that Ezra slept with Asher, can't believe he never figured it out.) And the little hint that these years later Asher and West are laughing and on such good terms! I could cry.

And of course we got all of the other Puckboys.

I'm so excited to read Aleks story and see Lane make his money because he will DEFINITELY be falling for the first guy he dates.
The Boys of Winter: The Untold Story of a Coach, a Dream, and the 1980 U.S. Olympic Hockey Team by Wayne Coffey

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I was not alive during the 1980 Olympics, but Miracle is one of my all time favorite movies! And yes, I cried in the book when they won and said do you believe in miracles. Just like I cry every time I watch the movie, no matter how many times I've seen it. However, in the book I also cried when they won gold!

I loved the extra insight this book gave to the players on the team and their lives before and after the games.

I also really loved the glimpses we got about the Soviet players and how some of the US and USSR players were actually friends/became friends later in life.

I really enjoyed the way this book was divided into the periods of the game, though I wish it had a more distinct division about which player it was talking about. Though I did listen on audio, so it's possible the physical book did.
How Not to Date a Demon by Lana Kole

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 60%.
lighthearted fast-paced


Cute story and romance.

I liked the characters and couple, but don't feel a super strong connection to them.

I know this was a VERY short story, and just focused on the romance, but I wish we got more.

I want to know why Galen chose to fall from heaven and become a demon instead of an angel. I can't believe he told Maeve he was born as an angel and fell and she didn't immediately ask why. Insane.

I was hoping the epilogue would give us more, but instead it was just another sex scene (which don't get me I love, but not for an epilogue, it was pointless) and an excuse to introduce daddy kink. Honestly the amount of times she said daddy in that one chapter was way too much. Granted, I don't have a daddy kink, but I can normally read it fine. But this one actually annoyed me. It's also probably why I gave it 3.5 stars and not 4.
Not All Himbos Wear Capes by C. Rochelle

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funny lighthearted


Look, this was a fun book. I didn't expect anything more than that, and that's what I got. And it definitely was fun, and the spice was good!

But some things about this book were just distractingly.... not good... that it completely pulled me out of it at parts.

The dialogue reads like someone who went on tiktok and watched some Gen Z kids and thought, yep that's exactly how they talk all the time in real life. Even when they're adults in their twenties.

The amount of times the words 'bestie' and 'himbo' were actually spoken by the characters was so fucking cringe. Sorry, but it was.

Also the formatting of this ebook was like a fanfic, not like a published book which was slightly annoying to read. Not too much as I'm a huge fanfic girlie, but still definitely noticeable.

Also some instances of a random switch between tenses and 1st person to 3rd person. But this wasn't as often, or at least I didn't notice it as much.

I liked the couple. I liked the flirting and banter. And I'm normally not at all into the daddy kink, but I think it worked here! Though I was SO THROWN when Xander made a comment of Butch being 22 and remembering what he was like in his 20s. Like what?!? No other mention of age gap or age in general. I'm pretending it didn't exist and they're both in their 20s.

Overall, a fun read and exactly what I thought it would be.