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maxarcreads's reviews
236 reviews
The Starlight Heir by Amalie Howard
this is a 3.75 for me. This was in a lot of ways a solid book, and it had a lot of elements I like but I just could not connect to the book. While I can't pinpoint exactly what I think the book needed I think it has a little to do with the writing and pacing. At the start there was a good breakdown and description of everything but then as the book went on, we got the bare bones of descriptions of the environments and the rooms. For example, one scene we would find out that they are in a red sandy desert and that's it. There just wasn't a lot for me to feel immersed and picture it in my head. It just all felt very straight forward like here is a red desert and now we are moving on. Which in turn made the pacing feel a smidge fast paced. Not so rushed that I felt like things on fast forward but just that it felt like there were missed opportunities to really delve into things and make the reader really invested in the characters and what was going on. I also found it weird at times that this is a romantasy and not like some modern day one but one that is less developed but at times there would be modern day phrases being used like toxic masculinity or terms I would see on booktok that just felt out of place with what I was reading.
But I think the idea for this book was a really good one, I liked the characters and the plot line and while I think this is overall a solid book that I am sure lots of other readers will enjoy I personally was left wanting more.
This book is about Suraya Saab who is a blacksmith whose family runs an inn. So, you can imagine her surprise when an invitation from court appears requesting her presence at court as a potential bride for the prince. While she has no aspirations to marry the prince and see's little chance, he will pick her as she has no qualifications to be a princess or future queen, she sees this as an opportunity to leave her home and go on an adventure to the capital. So off to the capital she goes and within moments of being there let's just say she doesn't make the best impression to members of the court or the royal family. But surprisingly they don't ship her back to her home and she is allowed to compete in what she finds out is a bridal trial that can have deadly consequences. While she tries not to stand out, she manages to capture the eye of the prince, and she comes to find out that the main objective wasn't to find a bride for the prince but rather the Starkeeper a myth of a girl who has the magic of the stars in her blood... and they think she is that girl and they have special plans in store for her. But before they can carry out these plans a rebel force who is displeased with the royal houses attacks the castle and she is able to escape with the help of none other than the prince's handsome illegitimate half-brother Roshan. And now they are both on the run from the Queen and her son the prince who will stop at nothing to get their hands on her the Starkeeper and the magic that she has no control over. All to summon a forgotten dark god who has his own plans for Suraya's magic and her world.
I received an ARC copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
But I think the idea for this book was a really good one, I liked the characters and the plot line and while I think this is overall a solid book that I am sure lots of other readers will enjoy I personally was left wanting more.
This book is about Suraya Saab who is a blacksmith whose family runs an inn. So, you can imagine her surprise when an invitation from court appears requesting her presence at court as a potential bride for the prince. While she has no aspirations to marry the prince and see's little chance, he will pick her as she has no qualifications to be a princess or future queen, she sees this as an opportunity to leave her home and go on an adventure to the capital. So off to the capital she goes and within moments of being there let's just say she doesn't make the best impression to members of the court or the royal family. But surprisingly they don't ship her back to her home and she is allowed to compete in what she finds out is a bridal trial that can have deadly consequences. While she tries not to stand out, she manages to capture the eye of the prince, and she comes to find out that the main objective wasn't to find a bride for the prince but rather the Starkeeper a myth of a girl who has the magic of the stars in her blood... and they think she is that girl and they have special plans in store for her. But before they can carry out these plans a rebel force who is displeased with the royal houses attacks the castle and she is able to escape with the help of none other than the prince's handsome illegitimate half-brother Roshan. And now they are both on the run from the Queen and her son the prince who will stop at nothing to get their hands on her the Starkeeper and the magic that she has no control over. All to summon a forgotten dark god who has his own plans for Suraya's magic and her world.
I received an ARC copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Crimson Hunter: A Red Riding Hood Reimagining by N.D. Jones
This was such a good book to read! I love ND Jones writing styles and the stories she creates. This is the 2nd book of hers that I have read, and I was not disappointed at all. Along with an amazing world and characters she built you could really see and understand the underlying message in the book which was about fear and what people do when they are scared. Everyone in this book was scared. Witches were scared of the men/werewolves but not just adults but their own sons even and the harm they could do to the witches because they crave the taste of a witch's blood & magic. Men/werewolves were scared of the harm they could do their mothers, wives and daughters if they were to ever lose control and how some to keep their families safe would be forced to leave ether for periods of time or permanently. And it is because of that fear that you see people clutch to these systems that are put in place to yes protect some of the population but at the same time to oppress another part and any attempt to progress is an attack and must be dealt with and for some characters that even meant treason. For other characters even though they were scared they saw how they benefited from these systems and that there just has to be a better way, and they have to change things so EVERYONE is safe and treated equally but how fast can they bring about that change and how slow can they go for some peoples comfort before it just means standing still and doing nothing. Unfortunately, this sentiment isn't new in the world and is still relevant in this day and age, but it was still an important point to drive home wrapped in an amazing story, world and characters.
This is set up in a flashback sort of setting which I don't always enjoy but it made sense for this book, and it only happened at the start where we get this big event and then the story starts years in the past and how we got to that point and then finishes out the story. It made sense and I enjoyed it and I shed a few tears at the end of the book with the ending.
Recommend this book 100%.
This book is about Oriana Matriarch of Steelcross and a Crimson Hunter. She lives in a society made up of witches, werewolves and humans. But there is a problem with her society following the War of Eternal Hunger witches were able to reclaim their freedom under the rule of the patriarch of werewolves. But time has passed a 1000 years and things have swayed in the other way in where not their have a society based on a Matriarch where witches are at the top and restrictions are placed on werewolves for the safety of all. Restrictions such as rage disrupter collars to help keep their anger in control because if a werewolf were to lose control the witches closest to him would be in danger as werewolves crave the taste of a witch's magic and blood. What are these two parts of society that need one another supposed to do when one side fights the temptation to hurt you, and another side has built cities and armed themselves with weapons targeting werewolves. Oriana is a young Matriarch however that wants to do something to make society equal for everyone and not just benefit some and with her mate Marrok is a Clan of the Black Moon werewolf at her side to help her they will look to the past as they try to bring about a more equitable future for all. But there are those who are plotting against them due to fear of what that future might hold for witches. Will the future look bright for all or are they naive in their hope?
This is set up in a flashback sort of setting which I don't always enjoy but it made sense for this book, and it only happened at the start where we get this big event and then the story starts years in the past and how we got to that point and then finishes out the story. It made sense and I enjoyed it and I shed a few tears at the end of the book with the ending.
Recommend this book 100%.
This book is about Oriana Matriarch of Steelcross and a Crimson Hunter. She lives in a society made up of witches, werewolves and humans. But there is a problem with her society following the War of Eternal Hunger witches were able to reclaim their freedom under the rule of the patriarch of werewolves. But time has passed a 1000 years and things have swayed in the other way in where not their have a society based on a Matriarch where witches are at the top and restrictions are placed on werewolves for the safety of all. Restrictions such as rage disrupter collars to help keep their anger in control because if a werewolf were to lose control the witches closest to him would be in danger as werewolves crave the taste of a witch's magic and blood. What are these two parts of society that need one another supposed to do when one side fights the temptation to hurt you, and another side has built cities and armed themselves with weapons targeting werewolves. Oriana is a young Matriarch however that wants to do something to make society equal for everyone and not just benefit some and with her mate Marrok is a Clan of the Black Moon werewolf at her side to help her they will look to the past as they try to bring about a more equitable future for all. But there are those who are plotting against them due to fear of what that future might hold for witches. Will the future look bright for all or are they naive in their hope?
Core Memories: The Chronicles of Bryce and Erin by Samantha Moran, Brian Scala, Brian Scala
Did not finish book. Stopped at 46%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 46%.
While I like spicy books I do need some kind of plot to keep me going and this book up to this point just jumped from one spicy scene to the next with very little plot as to why I was reading the book. And while I don’t want to be mean as I do know the author it is obvious this book was written by a man for the male gaze. I am sure there are female readers who would enjoy this but I am not one
Invoking the Blood by Kalista Neith
This was a really interesting book. I liked a lot of aspect of this book, and it is a start of a series, and I will definitely be checking out the next book.
I really enjoyed the concept as there was a strong focus on the women in this book as it seems to be a Matriarchy led courts at least some of them. This especially translated into a woman's sexual pleasure as the high-class men of the courts actually receive sexual training to make sure they can satisfy any woman they were with. I really enjoyed that along without FMC Faye who was a strong FMC who wouldn't settle for anything an equal partner but had to be cautious because technically in a magically world like hers that determines status and if a court will welcome you by the power you have, she as a powerless woman could at best hope to be a pet so someone powerful. Something she didn't want. This meant at times she would have to fake having a magical shard that is used to display magic and the strength of it or use her sister as cover. She was definitely a resourceful woman working within the system as it would allow her while at times breaking the rules and refusing to accept less than her worth. This became obvious with her relationship with Rune who let his bias against those without magic, courts or different species get in the way of having a true equal relationship with Faye. Along with his own preconceived notions of who his queen would be and because she didn't check each box then the mate connection between them is a trick orchestrated by Faye who doesn't have magic. Rune could definitely be frustrating at times but what helps to make up for it is a separate entity (Voshki) within him that is a manifestation of his bloodlust and is more primal so societal expectations and beliefs aren't clouding his mind. Really enjoyed whenever he came out to play.
I will say however as much as I enjoyed the plot and concept, I do think this book could do with more worldbuilding with more focus on the courts and their structures and the magic structures. While I enjoyed what I was reading I feel at times these certain matters were glossed over and at first, I would think I understood something but then later on I would be confused because what I thought I understood something to be differed later in the book. Like the matriarchy courts where there are queens at the helm, but the council has 2 kings or men who are in charge of their courts? I was also confused about how they invoke a person's magic as at first it sounds like someone has sexy time on an alter to bring about their magic, but Faye talks about how her ceremony didn't bring up her magic, but she was a virgin so if the ritual wasn't completed properly why would her magic have appeared and then later when she has the sexy time with rune it didn't fully work because it wasn't on an alter but in particular her particular alter. I don't know honestly; I was just left feeling confused about how someone invokes their magic which is really important in this society as without magic you can hope at best to be treated like someone's pet. People with magic view those without magic as little better than animals because of this so it's important for the ritual to go right.
There were a couple other moments of similar confusion, but this was the big one for me especially since it is so important to the characters and society.
Overall, I did enjoy the concept, characters and plot but I do wish there was a little more worldbuilding to better understand this new world/society. It does leave on a cliff hanger, and I will be reading the next book.
This book is about Faye who is a magicless being in a society based around magic. It determines everything including a welcome at a court which would better their lives. Their lives being her and her adoptive sister who does have magic but refuses to join any court where her sister would be treated no better than a pet. While her sister Sparrow is always getting them into wild situations, she knows that she always has her back. Which is why she lets Sparrow talk her into sneaking into Hunter's Moon ball on the night of a blood moon. A night that is both sacred but also a wild party for those who are vampires. But while at this party and hidden by her sister's magic she still manages to catch the eye or the nose of the Shadow Prince. One of the most powerful and feared creatures among the courts. Thankfully she is able to escape before he catches and reveals her to the court where she would not be welcomed. But since then, she has been having these amazing dreams of the shadow prince that leaving her feeling cherished and cared for. Eventually it ends up in the prince being able to use what appears to be a shared dream to track down the woman he believes to be his fated queen. That is until he realizes that she is an Anarian (someone without magic) and that means she is not immortal. So, it must be a trick because fate wouldn't pair him with someone without magic and whose death would result in his own death...right? So will Rune be able to work past his preconceived notions and see her for herself the woman he so cherished in their dreams.
I really enjoyed the concept as there was a strong focus on the women in this book as it seems to be a Matriarchy led courts at least some of them. This especially translated into a woman's sexual pleasure as the high-class men of the courts actually receive sexual training to make sure they can satisfy any woman they were with. I really enjoyed that along without FMC Faye who was a strong FMC who wouldn't settle for anything an equal partner but had to be cautious because technically in a magically world like hers that determines status and if a court will welcome you by the power you have, she as a powerless woman could at best hope to be a pet so someone powerful. Something she didn't want. This meant at times she would have to fake having a magical shard that is used to display magic and the strength of it or use her sister as cover. She was definitely a resourceful woman working within the system as it would allow her while at times breaking the rules and refusing to accept less than her worth. This became obvious with her relationship with Rune who let his bias against those without magic, courts or different species get in the way of having a true equal relationship with Faye. Along with his own preconceived notions of who his queen would be and because she didn't check each box then the mate connection between them is a trick orchestrated by Faye who doesn't have magic. Rune could definitely be frustrating at times but what helps to make up for it is a separate entity (Voshki) within him that is a manifestation of his bloodlust and is more primal so societal expectations and beliefs aren't clouding his mind. Really enjoyed whenever he came out to play.
I will say however as much as I enjoyed the plot and concept, I do think this book could do with more worldbuilding with more focus on the courts and their structures and the magic structures. While I enjoyed what I was reading I feel at times these certain matters were glossed over and at first, I would think I understood something but then later on I would be confused because what I thought I understood something to be differed later in the book. Like the matriarchy courts where there are queens at the helm, but the council has 2 kings or men who are in charge of their courts? I was also confused about how they invoke a person's magic as at first it sounds like someone has sexy time on an alter to bring about their magic, but Faye talks about how her ceremony didn't bring up her magic, but she was a virgin so if the ritual wasn't completed properly why would her magic have appeared and then later when she has the sexy time with rune it didn't fully work because it wasn't on an alter but in particular her particular alter. I don't know honestly; I was just left feeling confused about how someone invokes their magic which is really important in this society as without magic you can hope at best to be treated like someone's pet. People with magic view those without magic as little better than animals because of this so it's important for the ritual to go right.
There were a couple other moments of similar confusion, but this was the big one for me especially since it is so important to the characters and society.
Overall, I did enjoy the concept, characters and plot but I do wish there was a little more worldbuilding to better understand this new world/society. It does leave on a cliff hanger, and I will be reading the next book.
This book is about Faye who is a magicless being in a society based around magic. It determines everything including a welcome at a court which would better their lives. Their lives being her and her adoptive sister who does have magic but refuses to join any court where her sister would be treated no better than a pet. While her sister Sparrow is always getting them into wild situations, she knows that she always has her back. Which is why she lets Sparrow talk her into sneaking into Hunter's Moon ball on the night of a blood moon. A night that is both sacred but also a wild party for those who are vampires. But while at this party and hidden by her sister's magic she still manages to catch the eye or the nose of the Shadow Prince. One of the most powerful and feared creatures among the courts. Thankfully she is able to escape before he catches and reveals her to the court where she would not be welcomed. But since then, she has been having these amazing dreams of the shadow prince that leaving her feeling cherished and cared for. Eventually it ends up in the prince being able to use what appears to be a shared dream to track down the woman he believes to be his fated queen. That is until he realizes that she is an Anarian (someone without magic) and that means she is not immortal. So, it must be a trick because fate wouldn't pair him with someone without magic and whose death would result in his own death...right? So will Rune be able to work past his preconceived notions and see her for herself the woman he so cherished in their dreams.
Twisted Souls by Amanda Penn
This was a 4.25 for me.
This was a very tragic book in a way. You have the FMC Shayla who is being held captive by her stepmother and godfather who abuse and sell her for money. She has had so few moments in her life that bring her happiness most from her childhood with her mother and a sort of playdate with our MMC Hunter that she uses in her darkest moments to retreat to for a reprieve. My heart just broke for her, and I equally wanted to hug her and get revenge on all who did her wrong. I will say that she is very limited due to not only her situation but also with the weight of everything bearing down on her she is giving into despair so she is a softer kind of FMC and won't be the push back strong fmc some people might be looking for. I really liked Hunter who starts off on the wrong foot with Shayla when they are "reconnected" but once he realizes his mistake he grovels in a way and works on trying to get her the justice she deserves by haunting/torturing and then doing away with those who have harmed her. In the end he was a good guy who tried to do right by his sister and once he realized his mistake tried to do the same with Shayla who they eventually realize they are soul mates. Which brings on another level of tragedy with these soul mates still connected but unable to be together because one is alive and the other is not.
I think the plot was enjoyable as long as you like tragic stories that come with a side of justice. Now I believe this is a solo book and there will be no sequel, and I will say while I didn't think they would clean the town of evil by the end of the book as they were told this would be a lifetime commitment essentially, I did expect to read about her godfather at least getting what he deserved. So, I was a little disappointed I didn't get to read his demise because that is what I was really looking forward to after what he put her through. I think if that had been in the book I probably would have given this a 4.5. I will say there was one moment where I got chocked up towards the end, but I don't want to give it away with spoilers. But it was a moment I really enjoyed for Shayla.
This book is about Hunter who when going to get revenge against the man who harmed his sister ends up dying. Normally that would be where the story ends but as he is dying a reaper offers him a choice which will let him go back essentially as a ghost to get revenge and cleanse his town of evil as the man who hurt him, and his sister is only one part of the puzzle of the corruption in his town. But the reaper warns him that the bath to justice is a twisted one but still He agrees and starts with Shayla who as he was dying was mentioned as the one being responsible for all the misery his family is going through. But what he doesn't realize is Shayla really had nothing to do with his family's suffering and is in fact a victim herself who sacrificed herself for his sister. He doesn't know that Shayla has been abused and sold by her godfather and stepmother for years and by sacrificing herself she can never escape their grasp. But as Hunter haunts her for "justice" he starts to realize more and more the situation she is in and who is actually responsible for his family's suffering. With this information he starts to go after those truly responsible which means justice not just for his sister but for Shayla as well.
I received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.
This was a very tragic book in a way. You have the FMC Shayla who is being held captive by her stepmother and godfather who abuse and sell her for money. She has had so few moments in her life that bring her happiness most from her childhood with her mother and a sort of playdate with our MMC Hunter that she uses in her darkest moments to retreat to for a reprieve. My heart just broke for her, and I equally wanted to hug her and get revenge on all who did her wrong. I will say that she is very limited due to not only her situation but also with the weight of everything bearing down on her she is giving into despair so she is a softer kind of FMC and won't be the push back strong fmc some people might be looking for. I really liked Hunter who starts off on the wrong foot with Shayla when they are "reconnected" but once he realizes his mistake he grovels in a way and works on trying to get her the justice she deserves by haunting/torturing and then doing away with those who have harmed her. In the end he was a good guy who tried to do right by his sister and once he realized his mistake tried to do the same with Shayla who they eventually realize they are soul mates. Which brings on another level of tragedy with these soul mates still connected but unable to be together because one is alive and the other is not.
I think the plot was enjoyable as long as you like tragic stories that come with a side of justice. Now I believe this is a solo book and there will be no sequel, and I will say while I didn't think they would clean the town of evil by the end of the book as they were told this would be a lifetime commitment essentially, I did expect to read about her godfather at least getting what he deserved. So, I was a little disappointed I didn't get to read his demise because that is what I was really looking forward to after what he put her through. I think if that had been in the book I probably would have given this a 4.5. I will say there was one moment where I got chocked up towards the end, but I don't want to give it away with spoilers. But it was a moment I really enjoyed for Shayla.
This book is about Hunter who when going to get revenge against the man who harmed his sister ends up dying. Normally that would be where the story ends but as he is dying a reaper offers him a choice which will let him go back essentially as a ghost to get revenge and cleanse his town of evil as the man who hurt him, and his sister is only one part of the puzzle of the corruption in his town. But the reaper warns him that the bath to justice is a twisted one but still He agrees and starts with Shayla who as he was dying was mentioned as the one being responsible for all the misery his family is going through. But what he doesn't realize is Shayla really had nothing to do with his family's suffering and is in fact a victim herself who sacrificed herself for his sister. He doesn't know that Shayla has been abused and sold by her godfather and stepmother for years and by sacrificing herself she can never escape their grasp. But as Hunter haunts her for "justice" he starts to realize more and more the situation she is in and who is actually responsible for his family's suffering. With this information he starts to go after those truly responsible which means justice not just for his sister but for Shayla as well.
I received an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.
Against White Feminism: Notes on Disruption by Rafia Zakaria
This was an eye opener for me as I learned more about how white women center themselves usually taking over movements from women of color usually black women and usually end up leaving women of color behind or changing the movement to suit their needs as they are not willing to do the hard work. The hard work of not upholding patriarchy and white supremacy as they have not identified their internal misogyny and racism. It also showed how western ideals of civility when imposed on other cultures without understanding those cultures and their needs and even the reasons for why things are done do more harm than good and it is usually rooted not in progress for the women and their needs but instead in furthering colonial imperialism especially capitalism.
I think for many who are starting their journey in deconstructing all their internal issues are going to be made uncomfortable and I think that is a good thing. By staying comfortable and avoiding discomfort we are only maintaining the systems and we will never achieve real change in ourselves and our society as well. We also have to recognize that as White women we have to stop centering ourselves and listen to those whose experiences are different than ours and by listening and asking how they would like to see things changed do our best to bring about that change. Because by centering ourselves and doing things that make us comfortable those changes usually will only benefit us and other white women leaving women of color behind as usual.
I think for many who are starting their journey in deconstructing all their internal issues are going to be made uncomfortable and I think that is a good thing. By staying comfortable and avoiding discomfort we are only maintaining the systems and we will never achieve real change in ourselves and our society as well. We also have to recognize that as White women we have to stop centering ourselves and listen to those whose experiences are different than ours and by listening and asking how they would like to see things changed do our best to bring about that change. Because by centering ourselves and doing things that make us comfortable those changes usually will only benefit us and other white women leaving women of color behind as usual.
The Rules of Royalty by Cale Dietrich
This is a 4.5 for me. This was such a cute book, and I had such a good time reading it. I will even say there were stretches where I ignored my phone and tiktok!! This book is def a spin on the princess diaries which I love and all the things I loved about that book were incorporated into this book and the things I didn't enjoy weren't, so I just loved that.
This book had me smiling and was just the good time I needed right now. I loved all the characters main and sides except the one politician but for obvious reasons and the grandma I had mixed feelings about for obvious reasons.
The two MMCs were just so loveable. I think I liked Eric better of the two because I got him. He is a little stiff and cold but that is for a multitude of reasons with him growing up in a strict household as a prince as the spare and his family is not the warmest of people. They love each other but they are very much the prim and proper and the monarchy before all type of group. But I could relate a lot to Eric and everything he is going through. Now Jamie on the other hand had the luxury of growing up in a "normal" environment with warm and loving technically adopted parents. This is reflective in his personality as a little shy, nerdy and sweet guy who was just so loveable. I wouldn't say they Eric and Jamie are opposites, but they are definitely what the other person needed in their life.
Now I will say I don't usually enjoy a 3rd act breakup but this book it really fit especially with how Eric's family is and their expectations for him and who he is allowed to be with. While it's a little weird they want him to be perceived as stable and in a committed relationship at the age of 17 especially since it's not like he is some wild child but based on the story the 3rd act breakup made sense, and I didn't hate it.
I think what I really loved about this story was that loving and welcoming aspect of a lot of the characters. I really thought a hidden heir element would mean he would be ridiculed by his half-brother and stepmom but no they were as welcoming and loving and excited to meet Jamie and were protective of him even at times. They welcomed him and his American family with open arms and truly wanted them there. It was a great representation of a blended family and just gave me all the warm and fuzzys.
Overall, this was a fun and sweet read that I think loads of people who are looking for a lighthearted read will enjoy. It is a YA novel so no spice, but I didn't notice because I was just focused on Jamie and Eric and giggling at their story.
This book is about Jamie who finds out on his 17th birthday that his mother who passed away had her friend and Jamie's adopted mother hide something from him his whole life. Not only is his father alive but he is a King which makes Jamie a Prince! It's a little hard for Jamie to grasp as he has never been truly comfortable being the center of attention. He has always been happy on the sidelines watching others like his friend Max taking all the attention and now he finds out he is heir to a European throne of a country he has never been to. Thankfully when he gets to Mitanor to meet his father and family they are all loving and welcoming of him to the family and he is excited to spend the summer with them. To help him acclimate to his situation his father the king has arranged for a prince of a neighboring kingdom who is the same age to come teach him some of the finer points of being a prince. Prince Eric is happy to come and help this new prince acclimate as things are stressful at home with his brother's upcoming wedding. As they spend time together throughout the summer helping Jamie get comfortable with his new role, they start to get closer and closer, and a connection starts to form between them. But this connection could challenge the plans Eric's family has for him and his future so a choice will have to be made for either love or for country.
I received an ARC Copy in exchange for an honest review from netgalley.
This book had me smiling and was just the good time I needed right now. I loved all the characters main and sides except the one politician but for obvious reasons and the grandma I had mixed feelings about for obvious reasons.
The two MMCs were just so loveable. I think I liked Eric better of the two because I got him. He is a little stiff and cold but that is for a multitude of reasons with him growing up in a strict household as a prince as the spare and his family is not the warmest of people. They love each other but they are very much the prim and proper and the monarchy before all type of group. But I could relate a lot to Eric and everything he is going through. Now Jamie on the other hand had the luxury of growing up in a "normal" environment with warm and loving technically adopted parents. This is reflective in his personality as a little shy, nerdy and sweet guy who was just so loveable. I wouldn't say they Eric and Jamie are opposites, but they are definitely what the other person needed in their life.
Now I will say I don't usually enjoy a 3rd act breakup but this book it really fit especially with how Eric's family is and their expectations for him and who he is allowed to be with. While it's a little weird they want him to be perceived as stable and in a committed relationship at the age of 17 especially since it's not like he is some wild child but based on the story the 3rd act breakup made sense, and I didn't hate it.
I think what I really loved about this story was that loving and welcoming aspect of a lot of the characters. I really thought a hidden heir element would mean he would be ridiculed by his half-brother and stepmom but no they were as welcoming and loving and excited to meet Jamie and were protective of him even at times. They welcomed him and his American family with open arms and truly wanted them there. It was a great representation of a blended family and just gave me all the warm and fuzzys.
Overall, this was a fun and sweet read that I think loads of people who are looking for a lighthearted read will enjoy. It is a YA novel so no spice, but I didn't notice because I was just focused on Jamie and Eric and giggling at their story.
This book is about Jamie who finds out on his 17th birthday that his mother who passed away had her friend and Jamie's adopted mother hide something from him his whole life. Not only is his father alive but he is a King which makes Jamie a Prince! It's a little hard for Jamie to grasp as he has never been truly comfortable being the center of attention. He has always been happy on the sidelines watching others like his friend Max taking all the attention and now he finds out he is heir to a European throne of a country he has never been to. Thankfully when he gets to Mitanor to meet his father and family they are all loving and welcoming of him to the family and he is excited to spend the summer with them. To help him acclimate to his situation his father the king has arranged for a prince of a neighboring kingdom who is the same age to come teach him some of the finer points of being a prince. Prince Eric is happy to come and help this new prince acclimate as things are stressful at home with his brother's upcoming wedding. As they spend time together throughout the summer helping Jamie get comfortable with his new role, they start to get closer and closer, and a connection starts to form between them. But this connection could challenge the plans Eric's family has for him and his future so a choice will have to be made for either love or for country.
I received an ARC Copy in exchange for an honest review from netgalley.
Spirit Agents | Operation: Downfall by Chance Alexander, Chance Alexander
This is a 3.75 for me. I think this was an interesting concept because why wouldn't a spy thriller with female psychic agents stopping a plot that could destabilize the world not be interesting.
Now this is set in a world that is somewhat our world as it has Texas and California but the political and world around it is different with a monarchy, borders and zones and magical beings/creatures. So, I do wish there had been a little world building to explain the who and what of this world. For me if you're going to change that much of the world you can't rely on peoples current understanding of the world around them to get around world building.
Now I also get this book is about 150ish pages so you are limited in what you can do, and I think this book had a lot of great ideas but it just all felt a little rushed and what I love about thrillers is the buildup to these exciting events and the excitement of seeing them playout and come to fruition.
It also meant while I really liked the characters, I was not in love with them as there was little development on them so I just wasn't super invested in them, and I didn't really understand how they even came into their psychic abilities which I believe we find out might have been passed down through the family due to an angelic ancestor. But this is where world building and character development would have help create a more well-rounded character.
But overall, this was a really interesting concept and had a lot of interesting ideas that I think would have benefited with a little more development. I think the author's writing is well done and I just wanted more of it. It also definitely meets the action spy novel genre and would be appropriate for an older YA audience as the violence and blood is minimal but make sure to check the book to see if it is something you think your child would be comfortable with.
This book is about two spirit agents Haley and Amber who are partners who stumble on a plot to try and take down members of the royal family including the Queen in an effort to destabilize the world in a middle of the war efforts against malevolent spirits. As they uncover more and more of this plot, they start to realize that they can trust no one, not even those within their own organization as the traitors seem to have infiltrated not just the highest seats of power within their organization but within the queen's own family. It's a race against time so Haley and Amber must use their psychic powers to uncover these traitors while keeping the queen safe and thus the world.
Now this is set in a world that is somewhat our world as it has Texas and California but the political and world around it is different with a monarchy, borders and zones and magical beings/creatures. So, I do wish there had been a little world building to explain the who and what of this world. For me if you're going to change that much of the world you can't rely on peoples current understanding of the world around them to get around world building.
Now I also get this book is about 150ish pages so you are limited in what you can do, and I think this book had a lot of great ideas but it just all felt a little rushed and what I love about thrillers is the buildup to these exciting events and the excitement of seeing them playout and come to fruition.
It also meant while I really liked the characters, I was not in love with them as there was little development on them so I just wasn't super invested in them, and I didn't really understand how they even came into their psychic abilities which I believe we find out might have been passed down through the family due to an angelic ancestor. But this is where world building and character development would have help create a more well-rounded character.
But overall, this was a really interesting concept and had a lot of interesting ideas that I think would have benefited with a little more development. I think the author's writing is well done and I just wanted more of it. It also definitely meets the action spy novel genre and would be appropriate for an older YA audience as the violence and blood is minimal but make sure to check the book to see if it is something you think your child would be comfortable with.
This book is about two spirit agents Haley and Amber who are partners who stumble on a plot to try and take down members of the royal family including the Queen in an effort to destabilize the world in a middle of the war efforts against malevolent spirits. As they uncover more and more of this plot, they start to realize that they can trust no one, not even those within their own organization as the traitors seem to have infiltrated not just the highest seats of power within their organization but within the queen's own family. It's a race against time so Haley and Amber must use their psychic powers to uncover these traitors while keeping the queen safe and thus the world.
The Trials of the Elysian by Reese Sherron
I have a lot of mixed feelings about this book and had a hard time coming to a rating, but I landed on a 3.75 for this book. I will also say that there were times at the start of the book where I considered DNFing it, but I had glimpsed other reviews who said around chapters 15/16 is when the book turns around and I will agree.
It's not that the first part of the book is bad, but I think it needed to be fined tuned. There were a lot of great ideas, but I think there could have been more development around the storyline, the world and the characters. It just all felt a little rushed and that they were skimming over these really cool aspects because they had so much, they wanted to get to but in the end left me confused because I didn't fully understand this world and not connecting to the characters because they had little to no dept or personality. In fact, it made me like the FMC less because all she came off was super naive (which I get was a trope, but I didn't realize how naive) but also really indecisive and a little whiny. I just wish there had been more focus on developing the world more and proving that information to the reader to not just alleviate the confusion but to become invested in who and what was happening.
But the 2nd half of the book did become more engaging and the characters and what was going on seemed a little more developed. Like the trials they were a little more high energy and thus more entertaining to read. Previously they lasted what seemed like only a page or two while the later one was more involved with twists that I really enjoyed. The 2nd half of the book had a lot of twists actually that I enjoyed because some I didn't see coming.
I wish I could say I loved the characters, but the writing didn't start them out on the right foot for me to like. Like I said the FMC Faye was so naive, indecisive and whinny that I was just not a fan. Then you have one of the main MMCs Henri who just made so many weird choices like saying our lives depend on each other surviving these trials, but he doesn't tell her anything, doesn't help her prep and just disappears and only returns to yell at Faye for breaking rules or not taking things seriously but how can she when you're not doing ur job as a mentor. Then there is Kace the other main MMC for the most part who right off the bat had my major creep signals blaring so when the "twist" came about him it wasn't surprising to be honest i was like yup that tracks but it feels like the writing was trying to set up a love triangle between the three that really didn't take off.
Overall, I think the 2nd half of this book is worth reading but you have to really stick it out through a part of the book that I think needs more development in the story and characters. But even with the ending I don't think I will be reading the next in the series as this leaves on a cliff hanger.
This book is about Faye who lives in a world decimated by famine so severe most of the population died out. So, the City was created that changed the course of humanity with those left as long as they followed the commandments of the city which would allow them to live a prosperous life. Now is Faye's time to leave her village to go the mysterious City she has heard about her whole life but really knows very little about. The reason she hopes to be meet her predestined soulmate who will be revealed when matching symbols light up on her body. But what she didn't know is she must first survive the trials to prove her worth to the City. These trials where she is assigned a mentor who will help her with the trials but will have deadly consequences for the other if one fails. The trials will not only push her to her limits but also reveal the wickedness of the City that leads to her asking questions that have her drawing the eyes of those in charge who see these questions as rebellion against the City and all that it stands for. So now she must decide whether to fall in line and continue to prove her worth to the city in hopes for a better life and a soul mate or will she fight and continue to question things so that she can uncover the truth of what is really going on.
I received an ARC Copy in exchange for an honest review.
It's not that the first part of the book is bad, but I think it needed to be fined tuned. There were a lot of great ideas, but I think there could have been more development around the storyline, the world and the characters. It just all felt a little rushed and that they were skimming over these really cool aspects because they had so much, they wanted to get to but in the end left me confused because I didn't fully understand this world and not connecting to the characters because they had little to no dept or personality. In fact, it made me like the FMC less because all she came off was super naive (which I get was a trope, but I didn't realize how naive) but also really indecisive and a little whiny. I just wish there had been more focus on developing the world more and proving that information to the reader to not just alleviate the confusion but to become invested in who and what was happening.
But the 2nd half of the book did become more engaging and the characters and what was going on seemed a little more developed. Like the trials they were a little more high energy and thus more entertaining to read. Previously they lasted what seemed like only a page or two while the later one was more involved with twists that I really enjoyed. The 2nd half of the book had a lot of twists actually that I enjoyed because some I didn't see coming.
I wish I could say I loved the characters, but the writing didn't start them out on the right foot for me to like. Like I said the FMC Faye was so naive, indecisive and whinny that I was just not a fan. Then you have one of the main MMCs Henri who just made so many weird choices like saying our lives depend on each other surviving these trials, but he doesn't tell her anything, doesn't help her prep and just disappears and only returns to yell at Faye for breaking rules or not taking things seriously but how can she when you're not doing ur job as a mentor. Then there is Kace the other main MMC for the most part who right off the bat had my major creep signals blaring so when the "twist" came about him it wasn't surprising to be honest i was like yup that tracks but it feels like the writing was trying to set up a love triangle between the three that really didn't take off.
Overall, I think the 2nd half of this book is worth reading but you have to really stick it out through a part of the book that I think needs more development in the story and characters. But even with the ending I don't think I will be reading the next in the series as this leaves on a cliff hanger.
This book is about Faye who lives in a world decimated by famine so severe most of the population died out. So, the City was created that changed the course of humanity with those left as long as they followed the commandments of the city which would allow them to live a prosperous life. Now is Faye's time to leave her village to go the mysterious City she has heard about her whole life but really knows very little about. The reason she hopes to be meet her predestined soulmate who will be revealed when matching symbols light up on her body. But what she didn't know is she must first survive the trials to prove her worth to the City. These trials where she is assigned a mentor who will help her with the trials but will have deadly consequences for the other if one fails. The trials will not only push her to her limits but also reveal the wickedness of the City that leads to her asking questions that have her drawing the eyes of those in charge who see these questions as rebellion against the City and all that it stands for. So now she must decide whether to fall in line and continue to prove her worth to the city in hopes for a better life and a soul mate or will she fight and continue to question things so that she can uncover the truth of what is really going on.
I received an ARC Copy in exchange for an honest review.
The Pucking Girl Next Door : Power Play Off The Ice: Snowed in for the Hoildays by Nichole Ruschelle
I am giving this a 3.75. This is a small quick holiday novella that was a cute hockey read with childhood friends where the MMC is also the brother's best friend. Now this book is part of an interconnected series with each book being a standalone. I can attest this is a true standalone because while there were mentions of previous incidents, I didn't feel like I was missing out on the story.
As this is a novella the story is a little rushed, but it was cute when they first see each other as it's been forever since they saw each other, and they didn't recognize each other. But of course, when they realize who each other is they are immediately attracted to each other and old feelings at least for Annabele come back to the surface. It was a sweet straight forward story with a touch of the holidays to get you in the spirit.
I do wish there had been a scene however with a blow up at the boss quitting. Would have been a little cathartic and could have bumped it up to a 4 for me but otherwise it was a straightforward story with only really very minor easily solved bumps.
This book is about Smith who decides to stay at his best friend's family mountain home for some R&R and to escape his family around the holidays. He was supposed to be all alone, that is until he walks in on a woman he has never seen before or so he thought. Turns out it is Annabelle his best friend's younger sister who he uses to play with and who he hasn't seen for years. She unfortunately missed her plane for the family vacation due to her jerk of a boss, but she hopes to make it out on a later flight. That is until a snowstorm comes in shutting down the airport and snowing her in with her childhood crush. Seeing each other after all this time brings out new feelings in Smith and old feelings for Annabelle. Maybe the heat between these two will be enough to melt some snow?
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
As this is a novella the story is a little rushed, but it was cute when they first see each other as it's been forever since they saw each other, and they didn't recognize each other. But of course, when they realize who each other is they are immediately attracted to each other and old feelings at least for Annabele come back to the surface. It was a sweet straight forward story with a touch of the holidays to get you in the spirit.
I do wish there had been a scene however with a blow up at the boss quitting. Would have been a little cathartic and could have bumped it up to a 4 for me but otherwise it was a straightforward story with only really very minor easily solved bumps.
This book is about Smith who decides to stay at his best friend's family mountain home for some R&R and to escape his family around the holidays. He was supposed to be all alone, that is until he walks in on a woman he has never seen before or so he thought. Turns out it is Annabelle his best friend's younger sister who he uses to play with and who he hasn't seen for years. She unfortunately missed her plane for the family vacation due to her jerk of a boss, but she hopes to make it out on a later flight. That is until a snowstorm comes in shutting down the airport and snowing her in with her childhood crush. Seeing each other after all this time brings out new feelings in Smith and old feelings for Annabelle. Maybe the heat between these two will be enough to melt some snow?
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.