
Born of Legend: The League Nemesis Rising by Sherrilyn Kenyon

nellesnightstand's review against another edition

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So I got the audible and the ebook because the audio was 30 hours long. I had meant to listen to it on the drive tomorrow but...oops I couldn't put the book down. I was reading it during the commercial breaks from Big Brother! That was one long ass book!

SK really knows how to turn a perceived bad guy into a hero. From the first of this series Julian has been the evil twin to Nik. Who'd of thought he'd have the heart of a poet. Ushara made Keira look like a wimp! All those characters we know and love were shown to be as shores and have massive faults.

I fell for Julian immediately. Hands down a self admitted "contentious asshole", his sarcastic wit was entertaining.

I think this proved why SK is one of my favorite authors. I think I prefer this series to her Dark Hunter one though. It's not AS confusing, yet.

jazzrizz's review

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Wow ... what a book. I've been listening to earlier books, so I had a refresher on previous views of Julien's actions from those books. In true Kenyon fashion, we're shown Julien's side of things, and his past will break your heart.

SO much is happening in this book. Julien's back story takes up a pretty big chunk of the book. I was a bit disappointed that things really felt a bit rushed by the time the story catches up to the ending of [b: Born of Betrayal|23848002|Born of Betrayal (The League #8)|Sherrilyn Kenyon||41132851] though.

Ushara is totally badass. Their relationship may be one of my very favorites, as she's one of the few females who doesn't betray her beloved before they "work" things out.

I loved seeing more behind the Tavali curtain. Chayden and Jory's relationship with Jullien are some of my favorite moments in the book. Thraix and Trajen are pretty awesome too. I've always been a Nero fan ... and I can't wait to see where things go with them.

I can hardly wait for Bastien's book!!

jazzrizz's review against another edition

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Listening to this one again.

Sigh ... it's definitely better the 2nd time around. The first time, I was still holding on to the animosity carried over by preconceived notions of what you think Julien is. This time around, oh my ... he may be my favorite tortured hero from Kenyon ... at least in the League series. Which is saying something, because I really love Syn.

I absolutely love Ushara. She is amazing in all of the roles she has. Warrior, Mother, Sister, Daughter, Friend, and Julien's Darling. She is so strong AND loyal. It was awesome when she lays it all on the table with Julien's parents.

I really like the more in depth view of the Tavali too. Chayden has long been a favorite of mine, and Jupiter is quickly becoming a favorite also.

I really hope the bridges between Nyk and Julien can be healed over time. I can't wait to see where things go from here.

dragon_lion64's review against another edition

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Born of Legend
By Sherrilyn Kenyon
The League #9

Everyone just thought of Jullien eton Anatole as a fat spoiled royal jerk but there is always another story behind what people think they know and see. Anyone who reads this series runs into Jullien throughout the series. He is always high and quite the asshole but in a previous book, we know he saved the families of most of the heroes of the series from being bombed. It was a total shocker and it let us know that there was much more to Jullien than we knew.

This book spans over many years and we see events that coincide with other events in the previous books of the series. The series isn’t always written in chronological order because the events occur over many years and a lot of the events happen concurrently. It gets really confusing and I found myself wishing I had re-read the series before I started this book because I had forgotten so much yet kept remembering events as they transpired but since I saw them from another angle and from another character’s viewpoint from a previous book, it gave me a whole other perspective. Wow! That was a really long run-on sentence and I’m not sure I got my point across exactly as I wanted to but it’ll do.

I absolutely fell in love with Jullien, not because of his tortured childhood and past…or maybe because of it but because of his dark and sarcastic humor, his perseverance and his soft heart towards children. He was shown no love when he was a child yet he was patient and loving toward children. It’s how the book began. He was in a seedy bar on some planet, dying from a poisonous stab wound, when he saw slavers trying to buy a teenage Andarian boy who had spunk and was fighting them all the way. While the other patrons just ignored it, he couldn’t let the slavers take the kid so he decided to use his last strength to free him. The teenager’s mom, Ushara, showed up with her pirate crew and kicked butt and saved Jullien too.

Jullien had a rough life….no that is too soft of a word for it but I can’t think of a word that encompasses the horror that was his life that made me want to cry, vomit and commit murder. His grandmother was an evil power-hungry bitch who made his life miserable but she wasn’t the only one. His own mother wouldn’t even suckle him because she thought he was some reincarnation of her brother come back to haunt her yet she doted on his fraternal twin. A maid found him almost dead in his crib from starvation. After all, he was just the second born twin…a spare part to be ignored or used however anyone wanted for political gain.

After his brother was killed when they were just five or six, he became a target for his grandmother’s rage, ignored by his mother, and used by his cousins. He was teased and berated relentlessly because he was half human and half Andarian. His father’s family despised him because he was Andarian and had fangs while his Andarian family criticized him because of his human side. His grandmother, the ruler of Andaria, told him she killed his brother and she’d kill him if he said anything or angered her in any way. I mean, who tells a child that? Well, I guess someone who would kill a child would say that. Because his Aunt Parisa was involved in the murder of his twin, she and her sons became paranoid that Jullien would say something so they started drugging him. He turned to food for comfort and became overweight which just made him more of a target for everyone’s cruelty, including the media.

Those are some of the milder things that happened to him. His grandmother had a secret prison under the prison where she liked to toss him when she thought he embarrassed her or was becoming unruly. The other prisoners did not take too kindly to a noble being there and you can just guess at the other horrors that happen to a young boy in prison.

It’s a wonder he turned out sane at all or not become a psycho. Jullien did do some awful things himself because of his drugged out state and because he was treated so horribly but he felt guilty from those actions believed he was not worthy of anyone’s love. When he met Ushara, he learned he could be loved but that brought along its own troubles. Now, he had a million enemies and something to lose.

This was an extremely long book and, at times, I thought it was getting tedious with too much emphasis on things that I thought weren’t really relevant to the storyline but I know I should trust Sherrilyn Kenyon because she always has a reason for what she includes in her writing. It may not be significant in this book but it will definitely be relevant to a future book. There was a lot in this book about Trajen Thaumarturgus, Thraix Sparda, Bastien Cabarro, Jupiter Hinto and Chayden Aniwaya so any of these hotties might get their own book. I can’t wait to find out.

yeriwithaj_'s review against another edition

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This is one of Ms. Kenyon's best books by far! Jullien left me, basically, in love. This is a MUST READ.

lunasoleil's review against another edition

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Another great Sherrilyn Kenyon read. More and more I'm finding that I like the League series more than the Dark Hunter series now.

jenlynnll's review against another edition

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Absolutely incredible book!

kirkw1972's review against another edition

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In an earlier review on my blog (Styxx/Acheron) I complained that too many of her Dark Hunter books were throwaway short novellas and it was a nice change of pace to have some longer stories. For the League series I feel the complete opposite. The majority of the series books are just beasts! Legend is 720 pages long. So big as a hardback I've not been able to take it anywhere and have had to just read it at bedtime. Which for me is hard as I like to take a book everywhere and read a few pages whenever I can sneak them in. It made the story for me a drag a bit.

Both the League and Dark Hunter books follow the same pattern - guy (sometimes girl) has had terrible upbringing full of pain and violence and been betrayed by someone close to them (often taken from Kenyons own life story). They meet a potential new life partner, struggle not to fall in love as they feel their not worth it, finally give in, stuff happens to move the plot on and everyone lays their demons to rest and they all live happily ever after. Phew!

And Legend is no different. Don't get me wrong I gave the book 4/5 stars on Goodreads and she's still up there on my top 10 of authors but I think I'm over saturated with her books now. I need a break. I've maybe a handful of stories that I haven't been able to get from the library so before buying them I'm going to take a breather and read some other books. Maybe then I won't feel like everything's too predictable.

mina_reads_30's review against another edition

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When I read who was the "hero" in this book, I though "here goes another Styxx". But man was I wrong! This books was just incredible, I love how we see this whole new side of the story! I love the fact that Jules just let go of the past and accepted his new family and made peace with his past. I can't wait for the next book on these series. I also remember all of the children in Devyn's book and now I understand who they came to be Tavali!

Another great book by another great writer.

gloria_l's review against another edition

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I'm giving this book a reluctant 4 stars. So here's the thing: I really enjoy this series. So much! Up until this book, the series has just plowed along. Each main character is well tied to the others and it's pretty clear the political issues between the League, the Sentella, Andaria, Triosan, and so on.

And then comes Jules eton Anatole's story. Cheese and rice, Sherrilyn! This story went on and on and on! I appreciate the need to redeem him from the spoiled entitled a-hole he was presented as prior to this book. But holy-psychological analysis, Batman! It was chapter after chapter of how brutalized and abused he was by his family. I think that could have been tidied a bit.

I really enjoyed all the characters and the story in general. My only negative is that it could have been edited quite a bit. I don't think it needed 700+ pages to tell Jules' story. Could have gotten the job done in about 500.