
Mort by Larissa Ione

fishgirl182's review against another edition

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Larissa Ione is back with the third book in her Lords of Deliverance series. While I am a huge fan of Larissa’s, I didn’t love Immortal Rider, the previous book in the series. I had my doubts as to whether or not Lethal Rider would get it back on track for me and I am happy to say that it did not disappoint.

Lethal Rider picks up about 8 months after the events of Immortal Rider. Than’s been kept in a state of mental consciousness but physical immobility by his siblings as they await the birth of his son (of which he has not knowledge of). Baby mama Regan is hiding out in Aegis headquarters, waiting to give birth, while trying to deal with her feelings of guilt over her “seduction” of Than and the resulting pregnancy. When Than breaks out and finds Regan, she has some heavy explaining to do. Pestilence is still doing his evil best to bring about the Apocalypse and the body count rises.

The events of the last couple of books really come to a culmination in Lethal Rider. Pestilence, nice guy turned douchebag extraordinaire, soars to new heights of dickdom in this one. It’s clear that Ione isn’t afraid of killing characters and I was surprised by how bloody this one was. There are appearances by the usual Demonica crew as well as Reaver and Harvester. I am not really sure what’s going on between those two but I hear a rumor that Reaver might be getting his own book and I hope it’s true. There is plenty of action to go with the romance in this book and, unlike Immortal Rider, the other plotlines in the book did not overwhelm the romance and I felt like there was a good balance between the two.

Speaking of romance, I loved Regan and Thanatos together! I wasn’t sure how Ione was going to make the relationship work given how things ended in the last book. But she tackles it head on, showing us the guilt that Regan feels about happened and her struggle to come to terms with it. I really felt that she explained and handled it in a way that, while not necessarily making it right, does make it more understandable and makes me believe that Than and Regan could move past this bad beginning into a new future together.

Than just might be my favorite Horseman. Yes, he’s capable of mass destruction but he is kind and protective and extremely loyal. Believing all his life that having sex will break his seal, he’s never been able to have a real relationship and has been pretty isolated except for his family. When Regan comes into his life, he has a chance for a family he’s always wanted and he’s not letting Regan and his son go. His bouts of rage were tempered with really tender moments and I just wanted to give him a big hug.

I ended up liking Regan a lot more than I thought I was going to. After Immortal Rider she wasn’t my favorite person. But she shows a lot of remorse for what she did to Than and she won me over. She’s tough as nails and pretty badass for someone who is almost nine months pregnant. She and Than have crazy chemistry and the sex is super hot! I never thought I would say that about pregnancy sex but Larissa Ione can make almost anything sexy.

Yay for Lethal Rider! This is definitely my favorite book of the series so far. Lots of action, demon bad guys, demon good guys, crazy angels, and super sexy times. Well paced and easy to follow, the storyline nicely wrapped up a lot of loose ends while setting up Reseph’s story. And I have no idea what’s going to happen in Reseph’s book. All I know is that I want to read it NOW. Fans of this series will not be disappointed. If you haven’t read this series yet, what are you waiting for? Get on it!

*I received this book free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This, in no way, affected my opinion or review of this book.

nickcarravay's review against another edition

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This was OK. As a third in what may be a quartet. Some info was dragged out so it can be revisited in the next one. Some storylines where very stunted.

Also I am entirely unopposed to a book worshiping pregnant women, but it got a little creepy. She was no longer a woman, just a vessel for the babe. Kinda creepy.

Overall, this one read like a placeholder for the last one.

Here's hoping it pans out.

bookloverchelle's review against another edition

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Larissa Ione is an extremely talented author who has created such an original world for her paranormal romances. She introduced her world with the Demonica series and has carried that on to her Lords of Deliverance books and it is all amazing. You can’t start with this book, the story line is carried through so you really should go back and start with Demonica #1, Pleasure Unbound. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Trust me, they are so worth it! Now that you’re all caught up, let’s get back to this book, Lethal Rider. I loved it! Thanatos has always (in my mind) been a secretive, tortured hero who just wants to save the world, but more importantly his brother. Regan is a demon-slayer who is carrying Than’s child. With both of them trying to save the world in their own ways, will they be able to save each other in the process? This book left some of my favorites hanging but provided some great plot development and growth in the overall story line. These just keep getting better and better and I can’t wait for what comes next!

ameretet's review against another edition

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themarishale's review against another edition

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LETHAL RIDER by Larissa Ione can be summed up in one word: wow.

Yes. Wow.

I had very high expectations for this installment of Ione's LORDS OF DELIVERANCE series, and I was not disappointed. Having read IMMORTAL RIDER, I knew Than and Regan were in for a bumpy ride on their way to their HEA, but what I did not expect was how much I enjoyed taking the ride with them.

Yes, there is gut wrenching pain inflicted upon our hero and heroine. Yes, they go through Hell (literally? Maybe, but you'll have to read for yourself to be sure.) to earn their HEA. Yes, they have MAJOR issues that must be resolved. However, Ms. Ione handles all of this, and more, expertly.

Gone is the lengthy world building required in ETERNAL RIDER, so LETHAL RIDER kicks off with action and, thankfully for the reader, never lets up. Though this makes things difficult for the characters, the constant action and danger is tempered with wonderful humor ("So you're kind of my . . . grandfather." LOL.), and fantastic sex scenes that are more about intimacy (mostly) than the physical act. Which, of course, is perfectly written for two characters who have always had to keep their distance from people.

Expect to find a love story that is fraught with missteps and mistrust and danger from all sides, but know that it is all well done and worth reading. Basically, Wraith may be my favorite from the DEMONICA series, but after reading this book, Than is now my favorite Horseman. :)

Additionally, the partial resolution of the situation with Reseph is perfect, and I am eager for the release of ROGUE RIDER. I am also eager to know if Reaver will ever have his own book. A bibliophile can dream, right? ;)

LETHAL RIDER is a brilliant addition to the LORDS OF DELIVERANCE series, and if you haven't read it yet, find the time to do so. You won't regret it.

winterreader40's review against another edition

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This is a bit of a different story as it is built on the assault at the end of the last book. Thanatos(5000 years old, also known as Death) was a virgin until Regan raped him(they were both drugged) and this shows us what happens next and how they move on with their lives and with the baby that came from that night 8.5 months ago.
Regan plans to give the baby away because she doesn't feel she will be a good mother or able to keep him safe, she's never had a stable home or family. Once Thanatos learns about the baby he wants nothing more than to keep him, he has always wanted a family/child but never expected he'd be able to have the chance.
It was actually refreshing to read a story where neither character has a lot of experience in the sex department. Watching them heal together was very sweet, now I can't wait to find out how this part of the story all ends in the next book.

oliviasfantasyreads's review against another edition

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I never write reviews… but for the stress this book put me through I’m giving up my review cherry… willingly… not in some ploy to steal my child.

Here we go…

Honestly could have done without the whole first half of the book.
It just pissed me off how they treated the main guy.

Poor dude has been deprived sex for thousands of years because he doesn’t want to be the reason the apocalypse starts…
His virginity is the seal that if broken turns him evil and kicks off dooms day!

So virgin boy is doing a banging (or not) job of keeping his horse dick at bay…
Only to lose his virginity by getting violated by some chick who works for this ass hat agency….
An agency who is all aware that he’s a 4 horse man… death to be specific… and has some crazy abilities…
but I guess they found a scroll that said get his baby and save the world…
So send in the girl no one likes to get knocked up!

This was all last book FYI. Now for this book.

So buddy who kept his dick in check for a billion years for mankind gets kind of pissed that his first time sucked.

I feel that.

So being a 4 horseman he does some magical wave of death on accident and kills a lot of people.

Completely justified in my eyes.
I’d be pissed too.

So what do his loving horse siblings do…
put him into a freaky paralysis where he was still awake…
just chilling in his mind unable to move or talk
(AWAKE movie vibes).

So basically now we’re torturing a guy who has had sex once in 5 million years and it wasn’t even good.

Then he comes out of that paralysis and finds out he’s going to be a daddy!

Yay, something good!

But wait baby mama is giving the kid away because she doesn’t think she’d be a good mama.

But you intentionally got pregnant!!!! Whatever.

Then buddy finds out his unborn child is now his seal that could start the apocalypse…

Dude could have been having sex the whole 80 Million years he held out because that wasn’t even his freakin agamortis!!!!

And damn horse man got her knocked up on the first try! (I know some Shady magic was used)

So everyone, including his siblings, STILL thinks giving the child away is a good idea.
Because main dude is a danger…

Well maybe if everyone stopped torturing buddy he’d calm the f down.
Just sayin.

So newly popped cherry boy is like f that, I’m keeping my child!

So buddy kidnaps prego baby mama.
Which probably the only time ever I’m okay with this.
Yes sir go get your baby.

Turns out baby mama works for some ass hats who treat her like shit… but she’s all “they’re family!”
It’s so annoying.
She still is all up their asses even when they kidnap her and tell her they’re going to sacrifice the pony baby she’s carrying.

“Oh they must be possessed or something. The mean people who always treat me like crap would never do anything like that”

Well they did.

Then to top off all this shit,
Buddy’s vampire family has some traitors in it and they all end up dead.

Damn, there was so much angst I was forcing my way through. Atleast 5 times I was going to DNF this mess.

Well good news is the second half was much better and less infuriating. Not enough to forgive the first half completely, but I’ll still read the next one.

Anyways hope y’all enjoyed.

erika_is_reading's review against another edition

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Meh. Time to find a new writer for my cheap thrills.

hollydoesstuff's review against another edition

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I couldn't put this one down.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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I wasn't sure how Larissa Ione was going to redeem Regan after her actions in Immortal Rider, but after we got her back story she was definitely redeemed in my opinion.

Thanatos has spent the past eight months being held captive by his brother and sister via hellhound saliva. The reason: Regan Cooper, Aegis elder, stole Thanatos' virginity. To say that Thanatos is a little mad over that loss is putting it mildly. He has spent the months trapped in his own body thinking of all the ways he's going to seek revenge against Regan once he's free.

Regan has been holed up in the Aegis headquarters waiting until her baby is born. Once born, the baby they believe is going to end the Apocalypse, will go and live with Kynan and Gem. Believing she doesn't have an ounce of maternal instinct, she thinks giving the baby will be for the best. Given what she does and the fact that Thanatos will be looking to seek revenge, it would be better for the baby to be as far away from her as possible...even though you can tell she love the Little Pony.

But what neither of them realize is that this child represents everything they have wanted for themselves: a family. And while the fight with each other about who was right and who did what to whom, they seem to lose that fact. Sure this isn't the best time to bring a child into the world, but their reasons for either keeping or giving away the baby all boils down to whether or not they'll be good parents and can they overcome being used to try and stop the end of the world.

But the drama between Thanatos and Regan isn't the only thing that is happening in Lethal Rider. The Aegis is splitting at the seems with dissension amongst the elders. The old school elders don't like aligning themselves with the Horseman or the Demons while those on Kynan's side feel these alliances are the only way the organization is going to survive.

Then there's the drama between the angels. Reaver discovers that someone who's supposed to be helping the Horseman isn't playing so nice and one that shouldn't be involved is.

And finally there's Pestilence...aka Reseph. He has truly turned the corner to become an unspeakable bastard, so much so that his only siblings who have been trying to save him have now lost hope.

I'll hold my thoughts on Reseph, since I don't won't to give away a major point in Lethal Rider, but I'm wondering how he will possibly be redeemed giving everything that has happened. I have my faith that Larissa Ione will get us there (after all I ended up liking Regan when I was quite pissed at her in Immortal Rider). Now the wait begins...I can truthfully say I can't wait to see what she has in store for us.