krissiebentley's reviews
70 reviews

Yoga & Psyche: Integrating the Paths of Yoga and Psychology for Healing, Transformation, and Joy by Mariana Caplan

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As a counselor and a yoga teacher, I really enjoyed this book. It gave me lots to chew on as I consider joining these two into some sort of a career. The information about the brain and nervous system was clear and only included necessary medical terms. The toolbox chapter explained techniques well. Only downside: I killed my favorite green highlighter in this book.
Overcoming Trauma Through Yoga: Reclaiming Your Body by Elizabeth Hopper, David Emerson

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Required reading for Yoga and Trauma workshop. Loved how it broke down ways to utilize information as a therapist, a yoga teacher, and as a student. Well-rounded and timely.
Refuge Recovery: A Buddhist Path to Recovering from Addiction by Noah Levine

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Recommended reading for Yoga and Trauma training. Outlined a course of recovery outside of the 12-Step/AA path. Presented both the process and stories of people who are working through the process.
Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma: The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences by Peter A. Levine

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This book was suggested reading for Yoga and Trauma training. I feel like he gave me all this information about how and why Trauma gets stuck in the body, but then gave me no direction with what to do about it. How do we go about renegotiating Trauma? I think it is a good place to start dipping your toes into somatic psychology, but expect more questions than answer.
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Bessel van der Kolk

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This book was suggested reading for Yoga and Trauma training. It felt like it took me forever to make it through this book. Very informative. Brain information was fascinating. It gave me lots of places to do additional reading. But i wouldn’t suggest reading on a deadline. It felt very dense and I was ready to be done with it when I finished.
Teaching People Not Poses: 12 Principles for Teaching Yoga with Integrity by Jay Fields

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Concise. Insightful. Nice, quick read that made me consider why I teach the way I teach. I will keep this as a resource to revisit when I feel stale or discouraged.
Theme Weaver: Connect the Power of Inspiration to Teaching Yoga by Michelle Berman Marchildon

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So I’m a little torn. I really enjoyed the material in this book. But I was inspired to read the book based on a podcast (Yogaland). The podcast was basically just a summary of the podcast so I didn’t feel like I learned anything new. I also didn’t find the examples helpful because they are not my style at all.
Yoga Beyond the Mat: How to Make Yoga Your Spiritual Practice by Alanna Kaivalya

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Introduced a lot of yoga philosophy with *just enough* Sanskrit. Excited to go back through and take notes on what pieces I want to start applying to my personal introspective practices.
Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System by Anodea Judith

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Dense read, so it took a while. Thorough and thought-provoking. Interesting the similarities between the chakras and psychological theories.